USB future

  • The obvious answer to that question is that at a certain point we will get usb audio capacity (probably after an editor/librarian), IMHO. No official statement has been by Kemper to date

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • without a proper USB-connection (particularly for recording, reamping) KPA even with its promising technology is not state-of-the-art. Hope the future firmware will solve the issue asap & without any hardware modifications.

  • without a proper USB-connection (particularly for recording, reamping) KPA even with its promising technology is not state-of-the-art. Hope the future firmware will solve the issue asap & without any hardware modifications.

    You don't need USB to use the Monitor Out.

    What studio uses USB for recording?

  • You don't need USB to use the Monitor Out.

    What studio uses USB for recording?

    I'm willing to bet that the majority of KPA owners will be guitarists, not studio owners.

    I have a digital setup, as much as I love analog for it's mojo I'm not going to be singing it's praises on the outputs of a digital unit, especially when it comes time to re-amp from my DAW and I want convenience and control. The point of the KPA is after all to replace an analog component completely, so I think it's only reasonable to expect to be able to (eventually) record directly out of the unit with something slightly more modern, controllable and convenient than barely working SPDIF.

  • I agree, but I will settle for high quality working spdif connectivity (both ways). What studio wants to add more ad / da conversion then necessary? There must be a reason for that USB port inclusion, I would be surprised if its only for connection to pc or Mac for librarian / editor usage, but you never know. I would hate to see only the Kemper II adding USB audio.

  • I use the SPDIF for reamping and i am totally happy with that. But i agree that many users would want to use the USB function for reamping. The problem however is, that as soon as you make the KPA an audio interface, you will receive other problems. Your monitoring routing of your DAW will screw up in most cases, since from my experience, you cannot simpy use one USB Device for Recording, an another one for monitoring. So you would need to use the KPA for monitoring all signals of your DAW.

    I would prefer to use the Ethernet Port of the KPA to make some low latency connection (not TCP/IP) over a dedicated NIC in your DAW. By using a specialized Layer2 audio protocol like in those AVIOM monitoring systems you could get audio signals to the KPA without any noticable latency and without changing your DAW audio setup. Just let your DAW communicate with the KPA over a plugin when needed.

  • I would prefer to use the Ethernet Port of the KPA to make some low latency connection (not TCP/IP) over a dedicated NIC in your DAW. By using a specialized Layer2 audio protocol like in those AVIOM monitoring systems you could get audio signals to the KPA without any noticable latency and without changing your DAW audio setup. Just let your DAW communicate with the KPA over a plugin when needed.

    But you're limited at 16bit IIRC...kinda low resolution for recording...

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • I use the SPDIF for reamping and i am totally happy with that. But i agree that many users would want to use the USB function for reamping. The problem however is, that as soon as you make the KPA an audio interface, you will receive other problems. Your monitoring routing of your DAW will screw up in most cases, since from my experience, you cannot simpy use one USB Device for Recording, an another one for monitoring. So you would need to use the KPA for monitoring all signals of your DAW.

    I would prefer to use the Ethernet Port of the KPA to make some low latency connection (not TCP/IP) over a dedicated NIC in your DAW. By using a specialized Layer2 audio protocol like in those AVIOM monitoring systems you could get audio signals to the KPA without any noticable latency and without changing your DAW audio setup. Just let your DAW communicate with the KPA over a plugin when needed.

    Can you talk a little more about your workflow for reamping using the SPDIF? I am trying to visualize the whole process in my head (don't have a KPA yet, US guy). what is everything cabled, routed, monitor out settings, etc...?
    I need to make sure I buy the right audio interface that includes the right connections to be able to reamp with the least amount of recabiling required. Someone mentioned using the "montor out" for the DRY signal, but I thought the monitor out is what you would use if you were connecting to a traditional power amp + cab. So wouldn't that actually be profiled AMP minus profiled CAB (and what about post FX)?
    With reamping you want to be able to monitor (and possibly even record on another track(s) the full signal path while ALSO recording completely dry guitar.