Laney IRT-X active cab anyone?

  • Has anyone here tested the Laney IRT-X active cab already? :/:/:/

    I´m looking for a nice little active cab...
    I´m using the Dynacord AXM 12a for monitoring, it sounds great, :love:
    but I am looking for a little cab just for the Kemper signal... to have the guitar signal separately :thumbup:
    (acoustic and electric guitars go into the Kemper!!! --> so it has to be a frfr solution!).

    We´re playing really low levelled, very quiet wedding band, so it is not necessary to be most powerful... it should sound good at lower settings... :saint:

    So: anybody tested it? Would be a really nice and small cab, if the sound is cool enough...

    Best regards,

  • This might be a little late but I have a laney irt-x as my frfr cab. It works very well with the kemper and I think it will suit you well for a low level active cab. It also has an effect loop and takes 1/4 inch, xlr, speaker load, and even aux. the eq controls work well too and should be used because it's a little bassy with the eq at zero. I also use mine to make direct profiles since it attenuates the signal from the speaker out of an amp. I'm going to buy a second one soon to get a stereo sound.

  • Thanks for your answer,
    great to hear that!
    I´ve actually ordered the Remote footswitch today and wait to see, where the journey will go to....

    But today is not the best day:
    Someone stole our bikes today, just right out of our backyard!
    One hour at the police station... not funny.
    And: now the budget for the box is quite not that high as a day ago...

    Best regards, Mario

  • Hi Getzzn,

    I used to play my power Kemperhead through the speaker of my Marshall JVM 215c . I switched over to a more frfr Laney IRT x - Sometimes when I want a wall off sound on low volume I connect both - this gives an ideal 4x12 experience !

    Mostly I play only with the Laney connected and this with low volume. No regreds here !! Very nice sounds :thumbup: and don't forget the option to use the switch on the Laney for a 1x12 or 4x12 or frfr - whatever sounds best for a particular profile.

    If you can A/B with other frfr cabs in a store always do that first and buy which sounds best to YOUR ears !!! I took the plunge bought one and am Happy ever since :thumbup:

  • Hi,

    I use a Laney IRT x at home - I have no band experience , so I can't answer your question .... - Soundwise it is almost as good as my JBL 305 monitor speakers ( these being just a little more clear/detailed)

    Now I use them together Wedge on the floor and JBL's on the desk. ( I can even plug my Guitar cab in the Kemper and use them all together -Talking wall of sound here :thumbup:

  • I have the Laney, and for my use, it is perfect. Mind you, I do not use any high gain sounds, and I think (but not sure) it would not be suited for high gain use. It is an 8" speaker and would be very stressed with those types of sounds IMHO. I use it in conjunction with my studio monitors, or with the stage monitors. I can boost my guitar volume and get a very comfortable mix, either recording or playing live. It has a bit of a mid bump compared to studio monitors. It shines with the types of amps I normally use, single speaker designs like Champs, Princetons, Deluxe, VOX and other brands of similar ilk. I play Tele 75% of the time (various designs, single coil, P90, and humbuckers) and Les Pauls or 335 type guitars the other 25%. I like that is has bass and treble EQ for on the fly adjustments to the room. It does controlled feed back very well (very handy when tracking with studio monitors) and feels good to play. It hangs fine with a controlled volume band. If you play with a slamming drummer, maybe not. The size is perfect, very light and easy to move.
    Also ( I have not used this yet), it you can run and tube amp into to, and turn a small Champ into a louder stage amp, with an effects loop and DI to front of house. I suppose you could also use the DI to make direct profiles (has a defeat able cab emulation). I will have to try it sometime, just busy with other projects right now.
    I am sure the higher priced options sound even better, but this was priced and sized right for me. If you can try one out, I highly recommend it as a more affordable, smaller solution.

  • I think (but not sure) it would not be suited for high gain use. It is an 8" speaker and would be very stressed with those types of sounds IMHO.

    Just out of interest: Why do you think would that be?
    Users of the DXR8 for example haven't reported about difficulties with higher gain sounds IIRC.
    Of course an 8" speaker wouldn't be bass exaggerated and more lean in the bass territory for sure.

  • Just out of interest: Why do you think would that be?

    Users of the DXR8 for example haven't reported about difficulties with higher gain sounds IIRC.
    Of course an 8" speaker wouldn't be bass exaggerated and more lean in the bass territory for sure.

    Agreed. To my ears, and granted I have never used those types of sounds with real amps or the Kemper, I think both the missing low end and volume (Laney claims 200 watts) would be unsatisfactory. I am talking about full on metal-agro style profiles. Most likely, the rest of the band would be a higher volume as well. If a player needed a loud cab on stage, the Laney would not keep up. Personally, if I was playing in a situation that was louder, I would use the house monitors, keep the stage volume to a minimum, then use my Laney for just a little boost to round out my personal comfort zone. I do use some crunchy Marshall and Hi Watt type profiles, and those work really well for me.

  • Hey guys I just saw the replies and I want to say that they will work well in a band practice if the band isn't loud and uses distortion. I tried using it in a metal band and I just couldn't get it loud enough without clipping. I mainly use it for at home practice and as a monitor for our drummer in tricky live situations