KPA is toast (not more)

  • I deleted some rigs and tried to restore my old rigs - then I got an error - and can't use the KPA anymore.

    I get this error screen each time I reboot - regardless if normal, rig or system pressed :(

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    Edited 2 times, last by Armin (January 18, 2012 at 11:56 PM).

  • No, I tried it with the USB key now - all the same.

    When I boot it runs fine for the first 70-80% then the screen changes color and the error message will be displayed.

    Is there no way to delete all profiles during the startup?
    I could easily restore all single profiles in case I could start up this thing clean.

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  • I can't understand how such things could happen.

    If there is something wrong with the profiles/rigs or whatever then I see no reason to crash the system.

    btw. I did not edit anything with a hexeditor or whatever.

    I am a software developer myself and also did a lot of beta testing for music equipment and the first rule for such a thing is - it's not allowed to crash - there are easy ways to handle exceptions.

    Even in case someone would load a picture instead of a profile - it's not ok to crash!

    It's fine that the KPA reports that there is a problem - but then the next step should be to ask if its ok to erase the faulty profile/rig - and if it still not works after a reboot it should ask if it's ok to delete all profiles/rigs and use only the factory ones.

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  • Armin

    Have you tried a reboot holding both SYSTEM and QUICK buttons together whilst turning ON?

    I tried to hold system before - no help.

    System and quick does not help neither - is there a difference between system only and system and quick?

    Are there other keys to press or/and hold to delete all the profiles?

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    Edited once, last by Armin (January 18, 2012 at 9:28 PM).

  • Works again - I found a hidden key combination to activate a maintenance mode - unfortunately this mode was not working in the latest firmware.
    But then I found another key combination to load a firmware file from USB stick (during bootup).
    So I loaded an older firmware and was able to format and init the flash (where the corrupted profiles, rigs or whatever were stored).
    After some more time...
    Everything works again - beside some lost system settings - but thats ok.

    In case I install my old backup it crashed again - so I did it all again - and then restored my profiles/rigs from my exports.

    IT'S VERY importaint to make exports of all rigs - since the backup/restore seams to cause a lot of problems in the latest firmware.
    The same is true for the 'restore factory rigs' - it simply does not work - and I even think this may be the root of the problem.

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  • Yes, but it's not this easy - you could kill the KPA in case you don't know what you do - but in my case - it was unusable already ;)

    I played with a lot of different key combinations - there is a 'Maintenance Mode' hidden in the KPA - but it seams not to work with the latest beta anymore ...

    But I found a way to load an old firmware version - with the Maintenance mode included.

    I created a small website with some of my findings:

    Here is what helped with the old firmware:
    01.) Switch off the KPA
    02.) Put old Firmware (6911) in root (!) directory of USB stick
    03.) Hold (both) < Page > and turn KPA on to tuner
    04.) Booting and burning from USB device - KPA starts several times - wait
    05.) The same error message appears since there is junk in the profiles/rig storage
    06.) Switch KPA off
    07.) Hold the left/top soft-key above the LCD - turn KPA on to tuner
    08.) Maintenance Module will be started
    09.) In the 'Test' menu a lot can be tested (buttons, knobs, led, memory, ...)
    10.) In the 'Maintenance' menu there is 'Memory' and 'Rig' available - I use Memory FormatFlash and InitFlash
    11.) Normal restart (without the USB stick)
    12.) It started normal - tuner works fine - but NO rigs in the KPA - all empty
    13.) Put my USB Stick inside - loaded my old backup and ... all the same errors - so for whatever reason the backup is corrupted
    14.) Did all again but not reloading my backup (Skip step 13)
    15.) Imported all my single rigs (it's a good idea to export all rigs from time to time - in addition to backup)
    16.) It takes some time ....
    17.) KPA reports 'successfully imported 424 files')
    18.) press ok - KPA reboots
    19.) Everything works fine - stock and my own profiles/rigs
    20.) I lost my input settings (for all my guitars) and the system settings (like KPA Name...) but that's ok

    Again - read all here carefully and don't complain in case it does not work - do not play with any of these settings 'just for fun' in case your KPA works fine.

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    Edited 2 times, last by Armin (January 31, 2012 at 9:44 PM).

  • Yes, I figured it out myself - it was not very complicated - wasted just 4 hours of my live ;)

    This KPA would need professional beta testing - but they seam not to want it.

    I wrote to support yesterday but no answer (beside an automatic one) until now.

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  • Dear all,

    Armin wrote:

    ... This KPA would need professional beta testing - but they seam not to want it. ...

    I understand Armin's frustration; I had a state of shock myself with the KPA when it took half an hour to recover from a crash. So the firmware should be definitely improved.

    On the other hand there was an immense pressure on the Kemper team. Everybody in forums said "why don't these guys put out the product now, I cannot wait any longer and can definitely live with an imperfect firmware, they can fix that later". They had promised it at NAMM for summer 2011, so something had to happen.

    I can live with the imperfections and still think that it's a gorgeous product.

    Best regards

  • Yes, I've used all available modelers - and I could tell which one is the best modeler...

    But for me is the Kemper not a modeler - it's an amp - it sounds killer - much better than all the other stuff.

    I'm sure they fix the bugs soon.

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