Kemper Metal Clip: melodic and breakdowns of doom :) . What do You think?

  • Hi guys!

    Here' s a clip recorded with my Kemper and my Schecter Damien Elite 7; drums are SSD4 and Superior Drummer for cymbals.

    Guitars are totally raw. I' ve mixed it on my wife's earbuds but it sounds decent on my end.

    I hope You like it! :)


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    [/SC] :wacko:

  • I'm not into this style of metal, but the tone is good.

    Thanks a lot for listening and commenting!

    Sounds good to me. The guitars seem low in the mix though, especially the 2nd - there's a melody line there I can't really hear properly.

    Thank You very much: I'll try to bring the guitars up.

    Guitars are just 2 tracks hard panned L/R, the melody line is a synth and I found it a bit difficult to mix: the synth tone is very fat but if I mix it a bit louder it overpowers the guitars; if I mix it lower it results in what You said about can't hear it properly. I've also tried with eq carving and boosting here and there but I guess I have to work some more. :)

    Thanks again for your comment!

  • Great mix. @Lolly75. Would you mind sharing some tips with me on how you get everything to sound so huge? It would be great to know what plugins you are using for mixing and mastering and more importantly how you are using them.

    I'm really struggling with getting my mixes to reach volumes like yours in particular. Any help you could provide would be most appreciated.


  • Great mix. @Lolly75. Would you mind sharing some tips with me on how you get everything to sound so huge? It would be great to know what plugins you are using for mixing and mastering and more importantly how you are using them.

    I'm really struggling with getting my mixes to reach volumes like yours in particular. Any help you could provide would be most appreciated.



    That's the real secret.

  • Thanks for the tips, @Dean_R. I have Neutron, but haven't really messed with masking. Will be sure to dive into that today.

  • Great mix. @Lolly75. Would you mind sharing some tips with me on how you get everything to sound so huge? It would be great to know what plugins you are using for mixing and mastering and more importantly how you are using them.

    I'm really struggling with getting my mixes to reach volumes like yours in particular. Any help you could provide would be most appreciated.


    Thanks a lot for listening and commenting! @nightlight

    I didn't do much stuff on this clip: guitars are totally raw (not even LP/HP), double tracked and panned hard L/R.

    Drums have just a bit of eq and parallel compression (CLA-76 black all buttons in compressing very hard) on the shells.

    The bass tone is a mix of two bass tracks. I usually copy my bass track to have 2 identicals tracks: one track is low passed pretty hard to have just the low end and is compressed to hell and back to be as firm as possible;

    the other track is hipassed to have just mids and highs then it gets distorted with an OD (TSE 808).

    Both tracks are summed to a bus where they get some compression to glue them together (CLA-2A)

    In some productions I've also used three bass tracks : one for lows ,one for mids and one for highs and processed each one differently but I find it a bit overkill.

    To get the volume/loudness I just used a limiter on the 2bus (FabFIlter ProL)

    I hope this makes sense :)

    Sorry for my bad english :thumbup: