Update 19.07.2012: TillS Cabinets - 1960 V30/T75 / Mesa Recto 4 x 12 / mixed / G12H30 cabs

  • Thanks a lot Tyler. The Recto cabs are awesome. I like these ones a lot (much more than the 1960 ones). I am getting huge sounds with these ones for rhythm and lead. Just one question. I noticed that the numbers on the cabs skip some numbers. Is it because you noticed there were similar to other ones? If that it is the case would you mind sharing those ones as well?

  • Thanks a lot Tyler. The Recto cabs are awesome. I like these ones a lot (much more than the 1960 ones). I am getting huge sounds with these ones for rhythm and lead. Just one question. I noticed that the numbers on the cabs skip some numbers. Is it because you noticed there were similar to other ones? If that it is the case would you mind sharing those ones as well?

    You´re right, i took over 70 profiles of the Mesa cab alone. Since moving the mics just a few milimeters can really make dramatic changes, my adjustement changes were small and the tonal differences sometimes are not as clear as with other profiles. Sometimes the changes only were on the submixer, rolling of the treble more or less or changing the levels of the two mics.

    When starting profiling, my goal was to break it down to like 20 profiles or something. I always think that too many choices only distract you. So i already removed many profiles which had way too much hi end or low end and few ones where i simply could not hear a clear difference. With a little more experience in how good the different cabs do their job in dense mixes, i will remove more cabs from the list which i simply dont need for my productions, which is metal mainly.

    If there really are some harcore tweakers though who want all the files, i might of course put them online. But as said for normal use i would prefer having a smaller list of "best of" cabs.

  • You´re right, i took over 70 profiles of the Mesa cab alone. Since moving the mics just a few milimeters can really make dramatic changes, my adjustement changes were small and the tonal differences sometimes are not as clear as with other profiles. Sometimes the changes only were on the submixer, rolling of the treble more or less or changing the levels of the two mics.

    When starting profiling, my goal was to break it down to like 20 profiles or something. I always think that too many choices only distract you. So i already removed many profiles which had way too much hi end or low end and few ones where i simply could not hear a clear difference. With a little more experience in how good the different cabs do their job in dense mixes, i will remove more cabs from the list which i simply dont need for my productions, which is metal mainly.

    If there really are some harcore tweakers though who want all the files, i might of course put them online. But as said for normal use i would prefer having a smaller list of "best of" cabs.

    Cool!! I am one of those hardcore tweakers :D so If you don't mind please share them all. I usually play around with the cabs first since I find it is better to shape your tone that way. To me it is more important than the EQ on the amp so the more options the better.

  • Cool!! I am one of those hardcore tweakers :D so If you don't mind please share them all. I usually play around with the cabs first since I find it is better to shape your tone that way. To me it is more important than the EQ on the amp so the more options the better.

    Ok. You got a private message. i will not share this openly cause there are many rather useless files in there. Btw, i have same method of finding my sound. When selecting a profile, i first set the amp eq to neutral and then find a cab that gets me the sound i want.

  • Ok. You got a private message. i will not share this openly cause there are many rather useless files in there. Btw, i have same method of finding my sound. When selecting a profile, i first set the amp eq to neutral and then find a cab that gets me the sound i want.

    Thanks a lot Tyler. That's exactly how I do it as well.

  • I'm about to load the updated version of the Tills cabs. I have a couple of Q's though: if I delete the old version of the cabs, what will happen to the profiles that I saved with the old cabs? I also can't find cab 004 in the new package? are the numbers the same in the new vs the old package? if so, where's number 004?

  • I'm about to load the updated version of the Tills cabs. I have a couple of Q's though: if I delete the old version of the cabs, what will happen to the profiles that I saved with the old cabs? I also can't find cab 004 in the new package? are the numbers the same in the new vs the old package? if so, where's number 004?

    Your saved Rigs wont change since the cab part is saved within the Rig File. I tried to retain the 1960 numbers in the new files. Maybe i dumped number 4 because i found it too dull. Of course you can still keep the old files, they wont be overwritten.

  • I believe I imported these cabs but I cannot figure out what I need to get to them (actually to be fair, I haven't tried because I'm not in front of the KPA right now). So let's say I grabbed sheguitarplayer's AFD100a but it's to trebly for my taste. What is the process to find and test out your Tyler cabs? Just hold down the cabinet button and I can browse for your cabs because of the way they were uploaded (as seperate cabs, not connected to a full profile)? Also, can someone recommend THE DI profile to use to replace the cabinets on my profiles if I want to try that technique when going power amp + cab?

  • ok, thanx! there are LOTS of cabs in the new package. is there any pattern in the numbering, ie different mics, closer to the cone/edge or something?

    No, not a fixed pattern. At first, i tried to do so, but i wasnt really satisfied with the results. If you take like 7 profiles from the center of the speaker to the rim, i always ended up liking postion 2 and 3 only, while 1 was too harsh and the other were too dull for my taste. So i tried to do just variations with very small changes around the "sweet spots" and then playing with the balance of the mics, the relative distance and the resulting phasing, plus small eq shifting on the submixer. Moving the mics just a few milimeters can result in dramatic changes. So in the end its really useless to try to reflect all variables like in the name of the profiles, because even i could never replicate the exact same tone twice. Just pick a tone that you like and dont worry about the rest.

  • I believe I imported these cabs but I cannot figure out what I need to get to them (actually to be fair, I haven't tried because I'm not in front of the KPA right now). So let's say I grabbed sheguitarplayer's AFD100a but it's to trebly for my taste. What is the process to find and test out your Tyler cabs? Just hold down the cabinet button and I can browse for your cabs because of the way they were uploaded (as seperate cabs, not connected to a full profile)? Also, can someone recommend THE DI profile to use to replace the cabinets on my profiles if I want to try that technique when going power amp + cab?

    Just pick a rig that you like, no matter if it is a profile with DI or one with a real cab in it. Both can give you great results. Then just enter the cabinet section and browse through the cabs. Over the time you will surely pick your favorites. Once you have selected a cab that you like you can also use the "lock" function and then browse through the rigs. This is great fun and somtimes its just amazing how much difference this can make to some rigs.