[closed] user refuses help

  • Oh please. It's quite easy to get the Kemper to sound like shit. As it is with real amps. Without hearing a comparison of what you feel is working and faulty sound, it is really hard to tell from your examples.

    I didn't find the rig in question, but I downloaded a random Boogie from the exchange. In this example I play single notes first, then add effects and play riffs on the bridge pickup and solo on the neck. At the end I play those dry single string notes again with reduced mids, to get closer to the sound of the rig you posted. Also, to get the dry guitar to sound the closest to yours, I had to use pickup position 2...Same rig, same guitar throughout.

    Does those single strings in the end sound good to you?

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    Oh please?

    What is wrong with some of you?
    If you come on here like you got it all figured out and then you cant even find a simple rig on the exchange, how can you know what you are talking about?

    Type in the rig name I said in the search and it will be right in your face. It comes right up for me.

    If you are going to act like an ass towards me, i have no interest in conversing with you.

    Thanks anyways

    Once this is figured out, some of you will end up silent fast.

  • The problem can be heard in the direct track, too.

    Can you plug your guitar directly into the recording interface, and make a short recording? That will show if the guitar is the source of the issue, or the input signal path in the KPA.

    I think Paul really nailed the crux of the issue. I totally believe you and totally hear the problem. Others might not be catching it because they are listening with expectations of something different, like digital hash, phase, clicks, etc.

    The problem can be heard on your DI track. That can mean one of two things, it's a problem with the guitar itself or the Kemper is corrupting your signal early on that is showing up on the DI track. The DI output of the Kemper can be unbuffered, buffered, or post digital IIRC. I think this is where you need to focus your troubleshooting. If you can hear the issue on the DI, then the profile has nothing to do with it, but maybe the Kemper still does if A to D is crapping out.

    To me, the issue sounds mechanical, like you said "having a pick jammed in your strings". You get a similar note bloom from a fretless bass, which in that case is desirable. Of course it's undesirable for most guitar sounds. I'm not saying that this is what the problem is, but it sounds similar to fretting out from neck bow or poor action, wonky saddles, or too much pull from your pickups (especially on single coils).

    I think you need to investigate why you hear the issue on the DI. Try some sound clips without the Kemper when the issue is showing up and see if you can reproduce it. Sometimes it only takes a small disturbance in the physical world to knock a guitar out of normal.

    Does a different guitar produce similar problems? Can you try lowering your pickups to reduce string pull?

    I hate emojis, but I hate being misunderstood more. :)

  • Just as Paults has said ... try to record your guitar from your audio interface, without the kemper at all. Maybe this is something wrong with the KPA input interface.
    - record the guitar straight into your audio interface
    - we will try to reamp this audio file through our KPA with the Djemass profiles
    - eventually, try to do the same, but reamp through the SPDIF and see if you have some difference.

  • @Inthrutheout

    I totally get what you are trying to get across. I just got a Kemper in the last week or so and this concerns me. I am concerned with the problem, the support, and the reactions. I, too, would be beating my head against the wall.

    This is not a case of one profile sounding bad or one guitar sounds off, or even "something weird is going on with this profile." This is a total change in sound across the board. One minute everything sounds great the next minute everything sounds bad. This happens while playing, NOT while tweaking. Nothing sounds the same as it did a moment before, and you have at least a couple of year experience with the unit to draw upon and compare to.

    Here is what I hear... I hear a sound that instantly reminds me of active pickups with an almost dead battery played through <insert amp, modeler, or profiler here>. It is obviously not the intended sound. I do not have a reference to compare it to, but I do trust you know what you have heard in the past and that this is NOT it.

    I would love to help you troubleshoot and record. What area are you located in? If we are close we can compare with my Kemper and record tracks for troubleshooting. If you are not close, we can chat over the phone, skype, etc.. and I can try to help with the recording, reamping, comparing, and frustration. Let me know and I'll gladly give you my contact info.

    Hope I can help, hang in there.

    Soli Deo Gloria,

    Soli Deo Gloria,

  • I truly appreciate any help but please, if you want to post a possible fix please read what I have stated through this thread. Going over the same thing over and over is so tiring and achieves nothing.

    Exactly. But this is why people are asking about particulars about what it is you're hearing, and it has taken a LONG time to get anything but "well, does THIS sound good to you?". You're not helping yourself getting to the bottom of this as fast as possible. Most people are actually trying to help you, not piss you off. But your reactions are kind of off-putting to at least me.

    All that said, how are you connected to you recording interface? I could record a DI track of one of my guitars to help troubleshoot. Reamping over SPDIF would be easiest, since it can ensure identical gain staging - but I don't know if you have that possibility?

    Furthermore, is the issue more evident over the DXR, or is it basically the same?

  • Oh please?
    What is wrong with some of you?
    If you come on here like you got it all figured out and then you cant even find a simple rig on the exchange, how can you know what you are talking about?

    Type in the rig name I said in the search and it will be right in your face. It comes right up for me.

    If you are going to act like an ass towards me, i have no interest in conversing with you.

    Thanks anyways

    Once this is figured out, some of you will end up silent fast.

    People are trying to help. You call them dense for not hearing what you hear as wrong. I'm an ass for thinking that's an unproductive way to communicate?

    And I have to ask again. Did you think the last single string playing on my recording was sounding like a fine and working Kemper compared to your recording? Mine is working fine, so it should be obvious. But it's not, to me.

  • If you come on here like you got it all figured out and then you cant even find a simple rig on the exchange, how can you know what you are talking about?

    Type in the rig name I said in the search and it will be right in your face. It comes right up for me.

    Nice. How much do you wanna bet it's not one of your local rigs?

  • This is a rig I use all of the time. It sounds awesome. It now sounds TOTALY dead and not even worth existing.

    BY Djemass.
    Boogie C2C+LEAD

    Try it yourself on the exchange.

    I dont see it in rig exchange either. As Trazan alludes to, it might be that you're sarching both rig exchange and local content iif it comes up for you.

  • Wouldn't happen to have a vintage designed set of pickups in that strat would ya? (single coil.. non shielded).

    That goes to Michael_dk's point that we all don't quite understand the issue yet. MentaL seems to addressing noise, while I was addressing the choked attack present on the DI.

    I hate emojis, but I hate being misunderstood more. :)

  • That goes to Michael_dk's point that we all don't quite understand the issue yet. MentaL seems to addressing noise, while I was addressing the choked attack present on the DI.

    Well you got @ckemper essentially saying that its the normal sound of the amp and then you got others saying this that and the other so it's a bit confusing for the fella. What struck is that the DI noise is just so ... much! Only time i get this amount of noise is on my 60s based strat pickups.

  • Only thing I can hear in DI track is strings hitting frets and going slightly out of tune due to hard pick attack at the beginning of each note.Track is very noisy as well and this could possibly mud the sound a lot in high gain scenarios.

  • Exactly. But this is why people are asking about particulars about what it is you're hearing, and it has taken a LONG time to get anything but "well, does THIS sound good to you?". You're not helping yourself getting to the bottom of this as fast as possible. Most people are actually trying to help you, not piss you off. But your reactions are kind of off-putting to at least me.
    All that said, how are you connected to you recording interface? I could record a DI track of one of my guitars to help troubleshoot. Reamping over SPDIF would be easiest, since it can ensure identical gain staging - but I don't know if you have that possibility?

    Furthermore, is the issue more evident over the DXR, or is it basically the same?

    @Michael_dk maybe he is unable to articulate what he is hearing? This guy is extremely frustrated and is not trying to be difficult, he just doesn't know how to describe what he perceives to be wrong. And I agree, it sounds like crap.

  • I dont see it in rig exchange either. As Trazan alludes to, it might be that you're sarching both rig exchange and local content iif it comes up for you.

    Based on the rig name, I'm guessing it's from this pack: https://www.kemper-amps.com/forum/index.php/Thread/18172-IIC-2-7-pack-online-now/?

    Unfortunately it's not available on his website anymore.

  • Why not choose a Kemper stock rig, one that we know is available for all of us and is known to work. Then post your settings (clean/distortion sense, output value, etc). When you play is the input light green, orange or red ?
    Do you get this sound on clean rigs or just on the dirty rigs. Record with different guitars.

    I hear the sound on both your DI track and with the amp settings. So we need to try to nail it down further. How does your guitar sound through other amps? Have you tried your Kemper through another amp?

    People are trying to help but you need to offer up as much as you can. I know it's annoying and frustrating for you. We are trying to help.

  • Ok sorry guys. Apparently he took them down.
    Didn't know they would do that. Good thing I got them because they are my favorites.
    Sound awesome to me.

    Once again I apologize to @Trazan for my remark about not being able to find it.
    I did not know that people would take them down once they put them on the exchange.