[closed] user refuses help

  • Everyone keeps asking @Inthrutheout to describe his sound issues. I've listened to his clips and it's pretty obvious. Nobody would accept that, so why do we keep asking him to reword everything?

    I'm in agreement with him that if Kemper can't rectify his issue immediately on the unit or even progress towards a solution, replace it under warranty.

    I must say as a new Kemper owner, this does raise a few eyebrows. Nobody expects everything to be 100% perfect all the time, but if you have a major issue and weeks go by without progress towards a resolution, that worries me as a consumer. @Inthutheout, I'd call the US line and say you haven't gotten any progress with a service ticket and are seeking a warranty replacement. Hopefully that shakes the tree and moves it along.

    No offense, Memento...but to many of us, it is about as clear as mud. That is why more than a few forum members have asked @Inthrutheout to identify specifically what he perceives the problem(s) to be. Moreover, I have requested, twice now, that @Inthrutheout specify the exact timestamp(s), in his attached SoundCloud audio clip, where he feels he is getting artifacts and/or anomalous behavior. Look, I am not trying to make things difficult, nor am I saying that Inthrutheout is hearing thiings...I am just trying to help, as best as I may.

  • No offense, Memento...but to many of us, it is about as clear as mud. That is why more than a few forum members have asked @Inthrutheout to identify specifically what he perceives the problem(s) to be. Moreover, I have requested, twice now, that @Inthrutheout specify the exact timestamp(s), in his attached SoundCloud audio clip, where he feels he is getting artifacts and/or anomalous behavior. Look, I am not trying to make things difficult, nor am I saying that Inthrutheout is hearing thiings...I am just trying to help, as best as I may.

    It is the whole thing. There is no time stamp. The whole thing is dead. I have explained it as best I can. If you can not hear it you certainly cant help me.
    Just get the rig off of the exchange. It is a pretty heavy gain rig. But not too much. It will be night and day to you.

    It is now losing most of its gain and getting much worse.

    I have made a Direct out and a main out channel just like they asked from me before.

    Would you like that?

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    That is two channels.
    One direct
    One Main

    There is no more drive. It has been fading away.

  • One more.

    The single notes are where you will really hear it. Besides the more I record the worse it gets.

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    You have got to hear it now.

    And that's how my kemper sounds, which is described by support (now) as normal and similar to tube amps.

  • Ok after saving everything I needed I shut it off and restarted it.
    Still no good.

    For those of you who find this a joke, enjoy yourselves.
    I could only wish it on you.

    For all others Thanks.

    I get off of my job and spend another whole evening screwing with this thing just to be run around in circles.

    One note should say it all.

    This WHOLE experience in the last couple weeks up to now has been the WORST experience I have EVER had with musical gear and with a company and its support.

    At one time I said this was the best piece of gear I have ever purchased.

    Without a doubt it is becoming the worst piece of gear ever.

  • My hands are up. I don't know what else to do.

    This is just regoddamndiculous !

    The ONLY reason I came on to the forum with this was because I wasn't getting any help from the Kemper team. I did what they asked for 2 weeks. No help.
    I would have preferred to have just dealt with them because I am being run in circles on here.

    But what the hell am I to do when they don't take this shit seriously.

    With what my KPA is doing today and the recordings I have given, you would have to be dense not to hear it !

    Now it has gotten way worse.

    I ask the Kemper team to please look at what I have now. This is NOT the simple issue you may have thought it was.

    Ok, granted. I now see what I sent them was not as bad as it has been before but now the full extent of it is unmistakable.
    The whole problem with this issue is it is very unstable. Changes from time to time.

    Hell, just play with the rig you will see they are no where near close.

    If it will correct itself again I will save it too.

  • Why bother trying to fix it ? It's defective
    Wait for the kemper team @ckemper to request you send it back .

    I am not trying to fix it. I am trying to get some more tools for them to work with.
    Well, CK went on @Dimi84 thread and said it was not an issue. Now that is if they are lumping these things together. I don't know if we have the same issue or not.

    They asked that I not do that so I stopped comparing them until they could tell me something.
    When mine wasn't as bad as it is now I thought it was the same thing.

    I am not so sure although he says his is much worse now.

    But now mine is really showing its ass.

    Either way I have much better "evidence" now.

  • You are right, I am getting too stressed now.
    I just sent them my new recordings. The direct and main out channels.

    See what they do with them.

    My frustration comes on so strong because this issue is way more extreme than people are giving it credit for.
    If it wasn't I wouldn't be so hyped up and adamant about it.
    I would be cheerful, continuing to praise the Kemper and playing every day after work like always.

    If they don't see anything with what I have sent them now. Something is very wrong up top.

    Gotta go to work in the morning so I have had enough of this. Going to bed.

  • This WHOLE experience in the last couple weeks up to now has been the WORST experience I have EVER had with musical gear and with a company and its support.

    5 years with a defective EMU E-Synth motherboard that crashed the sampler every 30 seconds springs to mind. $1500 worth of 'phone calls, numerous interstate returns and no success reproducing the issue. In the end I wrote a (hand-written) letter to the head of EMU in Scotland (I know, who'd have thunk it), by which time a disaster meant I had to sell the unit anyway. That was in '95. Untold shitstorms have unfolded since, one of which screwed me to this day as I still try to recover financially.

    I could give you many, many examples of "worse gear nightmares" than what you're experiencing now, ITTO, that I've experienced, and I'm just one (unlucky!) dude. I'm saying this in the hope that you catch this before bed and that whatever nightmares you might've had won't occur; it could be a helluva lot worse, brother.

    Everyone here knows Kemper isn't in the league of pricks who screw you over; quite the contrary. This will get sorted out as long as you persist... patiently, and preferably politely. I'm certain everyone feels your frustration; there can be no doubt about this, so please don't think we're insensitive to your plight, mate.

    Cheers, and sleep well, or I hope you slept well, depending on when you read this. ;)

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    That is two channels.
    One direct
    One Main

    There is no more drive. It has been fading away.

    I think I know what artefacts you mean. It is that rough and grumbling burst right after the pick attack.
    I plugged your DI clip into my marshall and heard the same thing.
    Everyone with a tube amp can try it out.
    However, the outcome is very sensitive to the gain, so try different gain settings.

  • I plugged your DI clip into my marshall and heard the same thing.

    You are still using real tube amps?!? :D (I couldnt resist, forgive me, actually I am glad that this problem is solved now)

    I was following these "my Kemper suddenly sounds strange" for some weeks now. Because twice I had a similar effect. Suddenly my trusted profiles with my trusted Gretsch sounded weak, digitally distorted, awful. I changed cables, front rear input and after a while it was gone. And then came back. Now my particular Gretsch is known for its shitty Volume potis. They started with that scratchy sound after only one year. I lived with that for some months. Just dont touch it while playing... But: last week I got the "sudden odd profile sound" again and found out that the pot now is dropping output by several dB when at 100% open and even worse: it permanently add the oddest artifacts to the sound. So I swapped guitars and those where fine. Again back to the Gretsch and voila: odd sounding Kemper. So *my* "Kemper-problem" is finally also solved.

    Ne travaillez jamais.

  • I think I know what artefacts you mean. It is that rough and grumbling burst right after the pick attack.
    I plugged your DI clip into my marshall and heard the same thing.
    Everyone with a tube amp can try it out.
    However, the outcome is very sensitive to the gain, so try different gain settings.

    Mr Kemper,
    Thank you for replying.
    My problem is not an artifact. I do not understand why you are putting it through an amp.
    What I am experiencing is a total breakdown of the gain profiles.

    Regardless of what you think I am talking about, I have been using your KPA for years with the same few rigs and this is the main one I use. This has not been an issue in general. It normally sounds awesome.
    Never tweeked it, never had a need to. This is not a minor "well it doesn't sound just right" kind of thing.
    It sounds like total shit.

    The way you and your crew keep referring to my problem is as if you have extreme tunnel vision and are just going by what you perceive is happening. You are telling me to change the gain, which does nothing.
    I have been using this unmodified rig all this time and now you say I need to adjust the gain? This rig comes at around 3/4 gain.

    This is not a minor sound change. It is a TOTAL breakdown of gain profiles.
    For the life of me I cannot understand why you can't hear this. I am dumbfounded.

    Please listen to what I sent. It sounds like a child's toy. Just play track 1.
    It is so blatantly obvious.

    If you were here you would instantly say Oh your right something is very wrong. Without a doubt.

    I so wish somebody was close enough where they could come by and hear this.

    I have another option. That being if/ when this thing corrects itself again I will record it and put them right next to each other. There will be no mistaking it. But for the life of me I don't see why it needs to go any farther than you or your staff simply listening to track one.
    If for some crazy reason you don't hear it, just play the profile from the exchange yourself and compare. They will sound NOTHING alike. Like I said it sounds like a child's toy.

    If there ever was a need for a face palm, it would be now.

    Thank you for replying but please look past what you have been thinking I am talking about and just listen to what I sent. Track 1.


  • You are still using real tube amps?!? :D (I couldnt resist, forgive me, actually I am glad that this problem is solved now)
    I was following these "my Kemper suddenly sounds strange" for some weeks now. Because twice I had a similar effect. Suddenly my trusted profiles with my trusted Gretsch sounded weak, digitally distorted, awful. I changed cables, front rear input and after a while it was gone. And then came back. Now my particular Gretsch is known for its shitty Volume potis. They started with that scratchy sound after only one year. I lived with that for some months. Just dont touch it while playing... But: last week I got the "sudden odd profile sound" again and found out that the pot now is dropping output by several dB when at 100% open and even worse: it permanently add the oddest artifacts to the sound. So I swapped guitars and those where fine. Again back to the Gretsch and voila: odd sounding Kemper. So *my* "Kemper-problem" is finally also solved.

    Solved? Not by a long shot.
    I believe you guys are mistaking my issue with another.

    Yours may be solved but mine is far from it.

  • I think I know what artefacts you mean. It is that rough and grumbling burst right after the pick attack.
    I plugged your DI clip into my marshall and heard the same thing.
    Everyone with a tube amp can try it out.
    However, the outcome is very sensitive to the gain, so try different gain settings.

    Solved? Not by a long shot.
    I believe you guys are mistaking my issue with another.

    Excuse me, Sire.
    If your guitars DI signal is fed into a real tube amp and this tube amp produces then a similar and odd sounding result then the cause is *your* guitar signal and not the amp, be it a Kemper or a real tube. In earlier posts people pointed you *carefully* to the fact that your guitar signal is noisy and sub par.

    Ne travaillez jamais.