Any update on ship dates to the US ?

  • The latest word on the forums (other forums) is that the ship date to the US has been pushed back again. Can we have any update on when we can expect the KPA to be available through Sweetwater or other US distributors. Thank you.

  • Hello Guys! just like you, I can't wait for the KPA to be available in the US. I have been checking on this forum everyday for all the info I could get regarding profiles, coundclips, news, problems etc...I have placed an order with Sweetwater so now I'm just waiting...I have contacted Kemper sales dept and this is the latest email I received from Matthew Skaggs, Manager of Sales & Operations:
    We are hoping to start shipping in the US the week after NAMM."
    So that means by the end of this month? The only thing is that he say...well..:"we are HOPING to..." long should we endure?
    Anyone from the US tried to order through Thomann yet? I sent them an email and never heard back so I'll wait for my order on Sweetwater for now...but I was just curious...
    BTW: I used to own an AXE FX - one of the best piece of equipment i've ever owned (but just sold it because I only ever used about 5 patches with minimum - and that thread on the AXE VS KPA really got me laughing...people take this thing way too seriously! why so much bipartisanship in the tone world? we are musician, we make music! If it sounds good and feels good, it's good!

  • I spoke with Matthew from Kemper earlier this week and he said "right after NAMM.".
    I'm in the US and tried ordered one from the EU last Friday, but after placing the online order, the next day the reseller sends an email saying they couldn't accept my Amex card from the US and to re-order via PayPal. But when you list the US as the shipping address, the PayPal box disappears. After three days, I finally got a hold of someone and they said "oh yeah, PayPal ain't working for US sales, you have to do a wire transfer!" Like WTF!. Anyway, I pre-ordered via Sweetwater, but after thinking about it, i figured that odds on there would be a delay (there always is), so I got my firm to do the wire transfer and then charge me for it. I guess I made the right call if there is a delay.

  • Adinfinitum,
    Who did you order from and how long will it take before you receive it? I figured I can wait till the end of this month but if there are more delays, I might jump on your boat! 8)

  • Thomann; however, it has not gone smoothly. I asked them to expedite shipping due to their pretty poor customer service (I sent several emails and left voice mails without reply). In fact, in order to call the UK, I had to set up international calling on my iPhone. I'll let you know how long shipping takes. I also asked about whether there will be US customs duties - probably not since this is for personal use.

  • You also have to figure that even if they ship right after NAMM, it will take a week to get to Sweetwater, who will then have to inventory the units, contact whomever pre-ordered and then ship them out. So even if they do ship soon after NAMM, i wouldn't get the unit until early February. Knowing my luck, I'll probably get my unit after I would have gotten the Sweetwater unit.

  • Thomann; however, it has not gone smoothly. I asked them to expedite shipping due to their pretty poor customer service (I sent several emails and left voice mails without reply). In fact, in order to call the UK, I had to set up international calling on my iPhone. I'll let you know how long shipping takes. I also asked about whether there will be US customs duties - probably not since this is for personal use.

    My only concern getting one from Europe is if the unit fails, then where do I go for repairs? Also in case i don't like it, returning to Europe will be a bitch to deal with, specially if there is only a short amount of time allowed for returns, + there might be customs fees(depending on the mood of the customs person working that day.. )besides the shipping costs. I travel to Europe frequently, and I can easily pick one up there, but just don't want to deal with any of these issues, so I think buying local is the best option. With all these delays I might actually get to try one in Europe, a friend of mine bought one, but I think he needs to return it due to some problems with the unit, but he liked it so he'll have it fixed or a replacement, so maybe i'll make a decision if I really want one by trying his KPA, if we have enough time to get together and try it.

  • No VAT when shipping to the US. The cost of the unit was 1250 euro which was like $1580. Saving $300 from Sweetwater's price assuming no addional duty.

    You don't pay VAT in the country of origin, but you must pay it at customs + duties. The other way around (from US to Europe) is between 22% and 30% alltogether depending on the destination country. Contact your Customs to avoid last moment surprises, the duty free allowance for US Citizens is 200$

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • I spoke with US Customs, duty is 5% on guitar amps - $75. Saves about $200 from Sweetwater's price. I've had music equipment shipped to me before from the EU, one time, no duty was charged, the other time I received a bill for $200 after the item was delivered, but never paid. Nothing ever happened.

  • Not sure about custom / duties, I think you could be hit but it sounds like you are not worried about it -- I would be concerned about it along with sending back if I don't dig it and/or if I have issues with the unit.

    BTW Sweetwater told me pushed back 1/27 AND 2/7. I guess they expect 2 shipments (have been for MONTHS) and I may or may not be in the first shipment. I'm chilling though, figure many kinks will be worked out by the time I get mine.

  • After a Snafu with the wire transfer and several phone calls and unreturned emails, Thomann finally shipped my KPA to me. I'm hoping it doesn't take forever to get to NY. Luckily, there is DHL office a 1/2 mile from my home. Anyway, does anyone have an update on when units will be shipped to US distributors like Sweetwater?

  • After a Snafu with the wire transfer and several phone calls and unreturned emails, Thomann finally shipped my KPA to me. I'm hoping it doesn't take forever to get to NY. Luckily, there is DHL office a 1/2 mile from my home. Anyway, does anyone have an update on when units will be shipped to US distributors like Sweetwater?

    Last I was told was around Feb -7 but with the added "believe it when I see it" from the salesman.. :)

  • I called up Sweetwater to find out and the rep said "Sometime in February" but confided that he suspected the end rather than the beginning.

    You know what's frustrating though? The knowledge that there's probably a bunch of them in the country right now down at NAMM :(

    Edited once, last by Per (January 21, 2012 at 9:26 AM).

  • You know what's frustrating though? The knowledge that there's probably a bunch of them in the country right now down at NAMM :(

    The problem is, the ones at NAMM don't belong to Sweetwater, the ones that do belong to Sweetwater are on a ship that's sailing accross the ocean heading towards the USA. :)

    The units were available for collection before Christmas.
    But, Sweetwater (or whoever), first have to pay the invoice, get payment confirmation, collect, load onto a ship, sail halfway across the world, offload, clear through customs, wait for local delivery...that's what takes the time, not a Kemper delay.