OS 5.0 Experiences thread

  • Upgraded to 5.0 to test the delays and i hear a lot then about this gain stuff.... sounds fine here atm;

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    That sounds good. What profile did you use there?

  • @Laurens were you connected to rig manager via the usb cable when the freezes happened?
    I had a few freezes early on but have not had one since, and was connected to rig manager when it happened..

    Yes. I'm connected to Rig Manager all the time when at home. I don't mind waiting for a release version though. I just wanted to let it be known for other people.

  • I finally made time to install 5.0. I had started reading about it the other day and it sounded complicated and I was thinking there would be a big learning curve. That turned out to both true and false. Just to get my current rigs updated, turned out to be easy other than there are so many of them. Following the manual's suggestion, I just changed the delay from Legacy to Two Tap. My old settings translated nicely and sounded better. Some quick tweaking on some rigs and I was up to date. The real enlightenment came when I changed from my old rig to the updated one in Performance mode. You can HEAR the difference in the silence! In my old rigs you could hear minor (acceptable) hissing and/or humming with both the amp & guitar volumes on. The new rigs were MUCH quieter. And yes, the only change I made on most was from Legacy to Two Tap delay, not changing any other setting in the delay module. Awesome!

    So that quick fix will get me though for now while I learn and play with all the new delays and settings, the learning curve part of the deal and it seems it will be well worth the time I invest. Thanks Kemper! Keep up the great work of helping to make me sound better! (I need all the help I can get!! LOL)

    Learn to Swim

  • Why are you connected all the time? I only connect when I need it. Just curious.

    It's just the way the Kemper is set up for me. I don't really fancy climbing behind it to insert the cable every time I want to use it, so I just leave it in at all times and have the Rig Manager open at all times just because it doesn't affect my workload anyway.

    Update though: my Kemper just froze on 4.2.2 as well, so it would be the Rig Manager causing problems instead of OS 5.0.

  • Last few Rig Manager installations result in a generalized, non-specific sluggish, buggy behavior on my Mac that lasts a few days and a few restarts and eventually calms down. No way to report it to KPA team because it's really just an overall—obviously and undeniably related—thing. I've never had a fw on the Kemper that didn't have an occasional odd behavior, buggy-ness whatever, like turning on performance mode but it looks like browser mode or other things like that. A performance that displays the wrong rigs but then switching back and forth sets things straight again. It's better than the early days, with all those scratchy noises, and maybe I'm a bit more tolerant than most. Sure I wish none of this stuff occurred, but it isn't keeping me from making music, and digging the Kemper. Latest FW works as well as most I've tried along the way, and the new features are major added value for me. The Kemper is a beautiful way of making music. RM definitely needs to be revisited on multiple formats, mac, pc etc, and really let's finally get an editor sooner than later please. But for anyone hesitating ... in my estimation this firmware is as gig-safe as any previous version that I can remember.

    What Mac OS are you on?