What power amp to use?

  • Alright guys,

    I have had my Kemper a while now, but I have only used it at home into my studio monitors. I have the un-powered version.

    Basically I am a bit of a novice when it comes to the technical side of things, so what power amp would people recommend to buy, do I aim for a specific wattage? does it matter how many channels it has?

    I plan on eventually running it through a Mesa 2x12 cab but at the moment I have an EVH 4x12 cab, will downsizing effect which power amp to get?

    Whilst I am also asking.... I cant find the Kemper remote for sale anywhere so what midi controllers do you guys use?

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Thanks Dan.

  • This question has popped up quite some times, perhaps you should try a short search..
    What I can tell you is that it depends on the Watt, Ohm and input connections of the Speaker Cab. The Amp should be powerful enough for the Cab and match the Ohm load oft it. If you plan on using the Speaker Cab in Stereo (and if this is supported by the Speaker) you of course need a Stereo Amp. I have the powered toaster so I cannot present you certain amps, others can help you out here..

  • I run the Matrix 1600 power amp into a Mesa cab and could not be happier. It has two channel and can handle any ohm or wattage you will ever need. Highly recommend it.

    “When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.”