KPA vs AxeFx II

  • You weren't waiting for shit, because I have not mentioned the HC on any modeling board for over 4 years. The fact is that the the HC does what it claims and has many user reviews to prove it. If that is offensive to you then maybe you should find a more perfect board, because this one is still looking for the best ways to make to make the best sounds for modern guitarists...

    There's nothing offensive for me, besides the tone in your posts.
    Dude, I don't really care for you or your HC. All I'm saying is if you wanna sell your stuff - find a different place, not this thread.
    Btw, we were fine on this very board before you came here and shared your "wisdom" with us. ;)

    Edited once, last by schneidas (February 28, 2012 at 9:21 AM).

  • There's nothing offensive for me, besides the tone in your posts.
    Dude, I don't really care for you or your HC. All I'm saying is if you wanna sell your stuff - find a different place, not this thread.
    Btw, we were fine on this very board before you came here and shared your "wisdom" with us. ;)

    HUH? Go sell your opinion somewhere else my friend - I don't want to see you selling your ignorant opinion here because I simply disagree....

    What a line of tripe - I am a lifetime professional player with all the rope-burns and wisdom of the position,

    If this means nothing to you, then so be it, but other players may want to look a bit deeper...

    All modelers known to man 8o

  • BTW: You were never 'fine' on this board: You have always had arguments about the best OS, arguments about the best profiling OS, arguments about the Cab Block, arguments about the best OD block, arguments about the Cab block and why it is so prone to crashing, etc.

    All modelers known to man 8o

  • HUH? Go sell your opinion somewhere else my friend - I don't want to see you selling your ignorant opinion here because I simply disagree....

    What a line of tripe - I am a lifetime professional player with all the rope-burns and wisdom of the position,

    If this means nothing to you, then so be it, but other players may want to look a bit deeper...

    There's nothing ignorant about my opinion. All I said is, I don't care for your HC. If others do - so be it. That's fine with me. What's ignorant about that?
    The fact that you are a lifetime professional player is even more sad to see when reading your posts.
    This thread is not the place to promote your products. If you feel you gotta do so, please open a dedicated thread for it.

  • There's nothing ignorant about my opinion. All I said is, I don't care for your HC. If others do - so be it. That's fine with me. What's ignorant about that?
    The fact that you are a lifetime professional player is even more sad to see when reading your posts.
    This thread is not the place to promote your products. If you feel you gotta do so, please open a dedicated thread for it.

    Schneidas - I am fine with putting my lifetime reputation up against yours, and although I feel your words are overly harsh and misguided, I will accept them as the end of this discussion.

    All modelers known to man 8o

  • Schneidas - I am fine with putting my lifetime reputation up against yours, and although I feel your words are overly harsh and misguided, I will accept them as the end of this discussion.

    I've got no problem with that, Radley.
    I don't really see where I was overly harsh or misguiding in my posts with you - please note the tone in your own posts towards Guitartone and me.
    End of discussion is fine with me.

  • Having re-read the previous responses, I will say this: The Kemper is an amazing piece of gear - I will be testing it severely during the next two weeks. I frankly don't care what the fanbois think, nor the hopeless critiques - I just want to see what it can do tonally.

    All modelers known to man 8o

  • All I said is, I don't care for your HC. If others do - so be it. That's fine with me.

    It's very obvious you have a negative view of the HC, but why so vocal, and so defined?

    Have you ever tried or owned one?

    Just can't let it go, can ya? Nope, please don't misunderstand, I don't have a negative view of your HC.
    I listened to the clips of your HC back at the old Line6 forum when you adressed the PodXT back then and my *personal* preference were the clips without the HC added. It was just *my personal* preference. That doesn't mean shit and it is nothing against you.

    I would just ask of you to keep your posts a bit "cooler". I did not like the tone in your post to Guitartone - that's how this started.

    Edited once, last by schneidas (February 28, 2012 at 12:57 PM).

  • PS: I can already tell that a certain 'tone enhancing device' yours truly designed would help the Kemper immensely (especially the overdrive tones), but I will not go into it - let's just say the Kemper distortion has a tendency towards 'fizziness' and a 'scattered' high end.

    I disagree about that. It can be as fizzy as the real amp and the effect would be more noticeable depending on the mic used and its position, just like with real amps recordings. Keep in mind that there is good profiles but also terrible ones. Switching cabs is the best way to "fix" profiles made with mics not placed "properly".

    I don't think the KPA needs any 'tone enhancing device' and I have to agree with others that maybe this thread is not the best place to advertise it. Maybe you can open a new one on the other gear section.

  • PS: I can already tell that a certain 'tone enhancing device' yours truly designed would help the Kemper immensely (especially the overdrive tones), but I will not go into it - let's just say the Kemper distortion has a tendency towards 'fizziness' and a 'scattered' high end.

    There is sadly one point that you are absolutely missing. When you profile an amp, you have a chance to do and A/B comparison. Most of the people reported that they got the SAME tone profiled versus the original (and you may need to refine a few times to get there, but you CAN), so I wouldn't say that the Kemper tends to be overly fizzy or anything... it's just as fizzy as a real life amp.

    Use your ears, not your mathematical sense.

  • There is sadly one point that you are absolutely missing. When you profile an amp, you have a chance to do and A/B comparison. Most of the people reported that they got the SAME tone profiled versus the original (and you may need to refine a few times to get there, but you CAN), so I wouldn't say that the Kemper tends to be overly fizzy or anything... it's just as fizzy as a real life amp.

    fizzy fizz free tone
