Profiler Spotting - Carrie Underwood

  • Was hanging out backstage before the Carrie Underwood show a few days ago in my home town of Seattle and they were sporting 6 Kemper Racks for the show. Unfortunately the one thing they made me promise going backstage was not to take any photos so sadly I can't show them. - but boy was it a gorgeous sight to see 3 rows of two Profiler's sitting side by side in a rack all glowing in different colors!

    Each had a different preset and each was set to a different display color. I think at least four of them were used during the show with maybe 2 backups but they may have even used more than four at once not sure. At a minimum I think they were using them for the bass, 2 electric guitars, and an acoustic guitar.

    Was super cool to once again see my favorite piece of gear backstage at yet another huge show. Got a bunch of big shows coming up and if I see any more Profiler's hanging out backstage I'll be sure to get cool photos the next time. The no photo thing backstage at this show was actually kind of unusual for me but Carrie really is awesome so I respected her wishes. And the show was amazingly good!

  • That's terrific, mwinter77; thank you for sharing this mate.

    Six units is at or very near the record, isn't it? I seem to remember 7 having been used (including backups of course) somewhere last year, but it could well have been 6 or 8; there was a video floating around where the band's tech guy walked us through the setup. As seems to have become the thing to do, they too employed screen colour coding on a per-musician basis.


    EDIT: Oh, and welcome, almesy!