Can I add wah to every performance all at once?

  • Probably a stupid question, but is there a way to add a wah to every rig in my performances without having to add it manually to every slot?

    I have 50+ performances (with 5 rigs in each) and would like the wah to be available no matter what rig I'm in (setup bypass @ stop).

    I'm using the KPA remote with a Mission exp pedal.

    The wah works great if I manually put it in a block for a rig, but I don't really want to have to do that for 150+ rigs.

    I checked iut the reference manual, and I'm sure there is an easy answer, but so far it's got me stumped.


  • For me this is one of the biggest headaches in performance mode.

    I have only about 30 performances, but if I want to change a stomp or a simple value in one and replicate it through all performances I have to go and edit each slot in each performance and save it...quite a pain.

    The simple reason is that I have 4 performances that are unique and have different stomps and settings (e.g. for surf) I can't simply lock the stomps as this would lock them in the unique ones too.

    Haven't found a wy around this yet. I've tried using browser mode for the unique ones, but not as flexible.

    (It's great being a Student so much to learn ;)

  • yeah, thanks
    Here's how I do it.
    Say I have many performances with exactly the same stomp or fx settings and I want to change just one parameter in a stomp, or even the whole stomp, in all performances, I make the change in one slot of a performance then lock that stomp (or all stomps).
    Then I select every slot in that performance in turn and then save that performance. (I've found that you do have to select every slot first).
    Then I go to the next performance select all slots in turn then save... and the next and the next. Quite tedious really if you have a lot of performances that you need to change.
    Once all performances have been "fixed" I unlock the stomp.
    Puts me off making minor tweaks, 'cos they tweak usually applies to everything.

    Yep, I agree this is quite a limitation.
    And you're right, there's no other way ATM.
    Anyway, are you aware you can copy any module and just paste it? No need to manually edit parameters.


  • Then I select every slot in that performance in turn and then save that performance. (I've found that you do have to select every slot first).

    This sounds weird, and it's not the way it should be IMO, Worth investigasting with Support maybe.

    I was suggesting a different approach tho: Copy the module you want to edit and then Paste it in any module. I don't think you'll have to select every slot in order to save your tweaks.
    Let me know!

  • Pasting is more keystrokes than simply selecting the slot with a locked stomp.

    - select slot 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. then save the performance
    --select the slot, select the stomp, paste the stomp, exit, go to next slot etc. 5 times then save the performance

    I think the way I do it is the simplest and least keystrokes, but still quite a bit of work.

    So imagine you want to change the gain of a Green Scream in every slot of say...10 performances... and I think you'll agree. (unless I totally missed something ....which is entirely possible-)

  • I use the copy & paste method. The only problem is that the copy is immediately forgotten by the Kemper after a paste is made. Maybe we could have a preference where a copy is always available until another is made over the top?


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • Well.. I'm back at this old chestnut.

    We now have a song that requires some volume swells that I can't achieve by playing and simultaneously working the guitar volume knob (how i've traditionally done it) - so basically I need a volume pedal in that single tune/performance, and not a wah.

    The initial solution of locking the expression pedal as a Wah in an effect slot means I can't use the exp pedal for any other purpose, yes?

    Do I now need to remove the Wah "lock", then manually program every other rig in performance mode with the wah (250+ rigs) so it's available if i want it, and just uniquely program the one single rig with exp as a volume? That will take a silly amount of time.. I'm sure there is an easier way.

    Maybe a perfect candidate for the benefits of a software editior? :P

    I really don't want to add any more hardware (extra expression pedals etc) so im hoping there is a quicker route to do this.

    Any advice much appreciated!