Select a random rig in Rig Exchange

  • Hi all - I wanted to find a way to select a random rig in the exchange when playing, and couldn't find it. So I put together a Mac Automator workflow that does it for me. If anyone is interested (For Mac only):
    1) Open Automator and create a new workflow for Rig Manager.
    2) Set the action to "Run AppleScript" and paste this in:
    on run {input, parameters}
    tell application "System Events"
    tell process "Rig Manager"
    --select rig exchange
    select (row 3 of outline 1 of scroll area 1 of splitter group 1 of splitter group 1 of window 1)
    --select random rig from rig exchange
    tell table 1 of scroll area 2 of splitter group 1 of splitter group 1 of window 1
    set totalRows to get row count
    select row (random number from 0 to totalRows)
    end tell
    end tell
    end tell
    return input
    end run
    3) Save this workflow and give it a name.
    4) Open System Preferences/Security & Privacy/Accessibility and add "Rig Manager" and "Automator" as allowed apps for Accessibility
    5) In Rig Manager - go to Rig Manager/Service Preferences and find your new service to add a keyboard shortcut.
    6) Go back into rig manager and run press your shortcut key. It should select a random rig in the Rig Exchange. (You should enable instant preview in Preferences).
    Note: Rig Exchange is the 3rd row down on the left in my Rig Manager - if yours is a different row number - change it in the script.
    Not sure if anyone is even interested in this - but I thought I would share. Sometimes I just like to pick a random rig and mess around.

  • Excellent, sogrocks, and thank you.

    Tell me, is there a way to insert a specified time delay along with auto-selection? I've actually requested this feature for RM in the past, so if the script can be modified to achieve this, based upon the responses I received when I posted that request, quite a few folks would be all over this.

    Technically-speaking, my initial request was to be able to make a range-selection of Rigs and for the app to cycle through it, delay-specified. Perhaps this sort of thing can be incorporated in the script? I know nothing about such things.

    Thanks mate.

  • Monkey_Man - try this out. Using the same procedure in the original post - use this script instead:
    tell application "System Events"
    tell process "Rig Manager"
    --get selected rows
    tell table 1 of scroll area 2 of splitter group 1 of splitter group 1 of window 1
    set selectedRows to rows where selected is true
    repeat with theRig in selectedRows
    select theRig
    --stay on this rig for seconds specified below
    delay 30
    end repeat
    end tell
    end tell
    end tell

    The line with "delay" is where you can set your delay time between each rig. Currently it is 30 seconds. So if you set this up the same way as the random rig service, use this script instead and give the service a different name. Then select any rigs you want to audition, and run the service. It worked for me on any folder I tried it in, so it should work for you.
    Hope it helps.

  • Unbelievable, sogrocks; thank you, mate!

    Unfortunately, not only have I never run a "script" before, but I'm not sure what they are or how one would do it. Further to this, my entire Kemper system (hardware and software) will be offline for an unspecified time, so I'm not able to experiment or even test some of the awesome freebie Profiles that've appeared lately.

    You can bet that as soon as RM's back up and running, regardless of whether the Kemper's online again, testing this "script" thingy out, along with the other one / combined or whatever, will be the second thing I do. The first will be to add the folders I had to remove 'cause of the previous folder-number limit on some Mac OS systems, which has been lifted as of v1.6.

    I'll archive this thread so I have access to this data. I'm guessing there's probably more to this script-running thingy than I'd expect, but rest assured, I'll undertake the necessary study.

    Thank you so much again. From my perspective, sogrocks, you're a genius! 8o