midi bug

  • HI

    I found a bug with MIDI

    we have several people with this problem and that with different MIDI board

    the bug is when you change profile the sound of the profile is called do not come right away and there are cuts of its

    after there are many times when you change the profile of Kemper freezes and nothing works( REBOOT )
    the screen displays a message that says "assertion error etc, etc)

    thank you for repair


  • Installed the new OS software today.
    I hoped that the midi bug was solved.
    But I experience the same problems.
    If I cange profiles it takes some time before the profile is loaded properly.
    Before it sounds OK there are a few hicks.
    Also the reverb loads noticable later then the profile.
    If I change the profile while playing, the first few notes sound as if the speaker is covered by a blanket.

    I planned on using the KPA live.
    But with these bugs in the midi switching that will be difficult.

    Besides this issue, I'm very impressed by the abilities of the KPA.
    I hope the midi issue will be solved soon.

  • Ja, ich benutze die neueste beta-Software.
    Hab ansonsten keine Probleme mit meinem KPA und würde ihn daher sehr ungern zurückschicken.

    Yes, i´m using the newest beta-version.
    There are no crashes or something and only little probs like other users have. But those are not so bad and hopefully solved soon.
    So I would be very sad sending the Kemper back.

    Please there has to be a solution soon.

    P.S. The sound of this machine is incredible!!!

  • I tried a lot and found out, that this problem only is there when I change from or to the rigs of "Bad kitty clean" and the Engel-rigs, that were posted here. WHY???

    That explain why I was not able to reproduce it, I don't use those. Had the first gig on Saturday and the rig change was flawless...

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff