Is it possible to control more midi devices?

  • Hi guys,

    I'm afraid I already know the answer to my question but I'm going to ask it anyway.
    Right now I'm using a glab gsc4 to control the 5 pedals which work with midi on my board. I can send different PC's to them and even send Cc's. Is there a way to have the Kemper control more then 2 midi devices? CC's would be really handy but PC's can do the job. Maybe have a maximum of 8 devices? But for now, there is fine too
    kind regards,
    roy beukers

  • Directly no. But indirectly yes. If you have some sort of midi controlled loop switcher, your Kemper can control that with midi messages. For example, I'm actually thinking about buying a boss ES-5, which is a five loop switching system to have control over several Overdrive pedals. It can also send midi messages of its own on preset changes. Therefore, I could send a PC message to it from the Kemper on a Rig change. That preset on the ES-5 could tell it to turn on 3 particular loops and send several midi messages of its own at the same time. Thus indirectly, the one message sent from the Kemper could send multiple midi messages. This is also a way to effectively have more effect loops than the Kemper's one.

    I'm really really hoping they address midi in 5.0 as it would be cool to be able to have the effect switches on the remote send midi messages. In particular this could done easily, see my yesterday post under feature requests of a "Midi Toggle Effect"

  • Directly no. But indirectly yes. If you have some sort of midi controlled loop switcher, your Kemper can control that with midi messages. For example, I'm actually thinking about buying a boss ES-5, which is a five loop switching system to have control over several Overdrive pedals. It can also send midi messages of its own on preset changes. Therefore, I could send a PC message to it from the Kemper on a Rig change. That preset on the ES-5 could tell it to turn on 3 particular loops and send several midi messages of its own at the same time. Thus indirectly, the one message sent from the Kemper could send multiple midi messages. This is also a way to effectively have more effect loops than the Kemper's one.

    I'm really really hoping they address midi in 5.0 as it would be cool to be able to have the effect switches on the remote send midi messages. In particular this could done easily, see my yesterday post under feature requests of a "Midi Toggle Effect"

    I have a pedal switching system like that, but you can only have those loops pre or post-amp with that kind of system. You should look for one that has some kind of volume loop or amp insert between two seeies of loops. This will allow you to have pedals both pre and post the amp section. Something like the Loopholic 5 I'm using will suit you better than the Boss. Of course it has limitations, like no stereo loops. Something like a RJM PCB would theoretically work well, though I am unsure it will handle a Kemper in its volume loop insert very well.

  • I have a pedal switching system like that, but you can only have those loops pre or post-amp with that kind of system. You should look for one that has some kind of volume loop or amp insert between two seeies of loops. This will allow you to have pedals both pre and post the amp section. Something like the Loopholic 5 I'm using will suit you better than the Boss. Of course it has limitations, like no stereo loops. Something like a RJM PCB would theoretically work well, though I am unsure it will handle a Kemper in its volume loop insert very well.

    Actually, you could have it pre kemper, saving your Kemper's one effects loop for something else, unless you use the internal compressor and need it before your OD pedals. If you have one of those 8 loop midi switchers, like the one made by disaster area designs (for only $350 with dimensions of only like 10" x 2.8" ) you could just route it like so and have both pre and post loops:
    loops 1,2,3, 4, then send 5 to Kemper input, through the stomp slots and amp block, then x slot effects loop send to loop switcher return 5, then loops 6, 7, 8, loop switcher output to Kemper's x slot return, through the mod, del, and reverb slots and out the Kemper like normal. This would give you 4 pre loops and 3 post loops, with only one loop spent routing in and out of the Kemper and all of the Kemper's effects slots except the X slot. You could opt to have more post or pre depending on which loop you dedicate to the Kemper input and send jacks.

    I had some unexpected bills, so I ended up getting the decibel 11 loop expander or $150. It has four loops and a selectable buffer. I only have the eventide H9 in the loop and a line 6 m5 I don't use a lot there, so this solution gives me space for three or four overdrive pedals up front. I have an Sp compressor that I leave on all the time, so I can just put that before the loops, giving me a full four to use for OD pedals. And if I want, since i use the m5 exclusively for autoswell, I've found that it doens't make a world of difference if I use it just before the Kemper input and not even bother with it's midi capabilities. I had gone back and forth for a while on what to get, and cost aside, another issue was size. The more flexibility and loops the more pedalboard real estate.

    Edited 3 times, last by Grooguit (August 18, 2016 at 11:43 PM).

  • Actually, you could have it pre kemper, saving your Kemper's one effects loop for something else, unless you use the internal compressor and need it before your OD pedals. If you have one of those 8 loop midi switchers, like the one made by disaster area designs (for only $350 with dimensions of only like 10" x 2.8" ) you could just route it like so and have both pre and post loops: loops 1,2,3, 4, then send 5 to Kemper input, through the stomp slots and amp block, then x slot effects loop send to loop switcher return 5, then loops 6, 7, 8, loop switcher output to Kemper's x slot return, through the mod, del, and reverb slots and out the Kemper like normal. This would give you 4 pre loops and 3 post loops, with only one loop spent routing in and out of the Kemper and all of the Kemper's effects slots except the X slot. You could opt to have more post or pre depending on which loop you dedicate to the Kemper input and send jacks.I had some unexpected bills, so I ended up getting the decibel 11 loop expander or $150. It has four loops and a selectable buffer. I only have the eventide H9 in the loop and a line 6 m5 I don't use a lot there, so this solution gives me space for three or four overdrive pedals up front. I have an Sp compressor that I leave on all the time, so I can just put that before the loops, giving me a full four to use for OD pedals. And if I want, since i use the m5 exclusively for autoswell, I've found that it doens't make a world of difference if I use it just before the Kemper input and not even bother with it's midi capabilities. I had gone back and forth for a while on what to get, and cost aside, another issue was size. The more flexibility and loops the more pedalboard real estate.

    The Disaster Area Designs DPC-8EZ is exactly what I'm talking about! However, it leaves a little bit to be desired in terms of midi control, since it is not capable of multi-channel control, which effectively means you would only be sending messages on the one channel to the Kemper, and then another two from the Kemper output to as many as three pedals on three different channels

    .Also, I'm not sure you can change the number of pre- and post-loops with the DPC. The position of the insert loop is positioned in between loops 1-4 and 5-8, it might not be desirable to have the Kemper in one of the loops that are activated, but I cannot confirm that as I have never tried it.

    I have a slightly different setup though. I run my guitar into the input on the pedal switching system. I then have the loop send going into the input of the Kemper and the left output of the Kemper into the return of the pedal switching system. I then run a stereo output from the pedal switching system to the FOH. This way, the Kemper is always active, and I pull effects in and out of the signal chain.

    The weak link in the Loopholic though is the lack of stereo loops. I'll also add that I've eschewed pedals in my current setup and I'm thinking of switching to a regular midi floorboard because I need more than five PC and CC messages from the Loopholic. A work around to this of course is to have stereo capable midi pedals *after* the pedal switching system output so that you can run them in stereo. You can then send midi commands to pull them in and out of the signal chain. This will also free up loops for use with modulation effects that are not in stereo.