Running pedals in front of Kemper or in the loop?

  • I have used some very nice pedals with my Kemper for quite some time now, mainly overdrive and boost pedals. After issues with overdriving the input section with my very powerful boost pedal (up to 26db boost) I put the pedals in the loop and never looked back. However, after I decided to try my overdrive pedal with a clean preset I actually heard that the loop is parallel... There was an entirely clean signal mixed with the overdriven signal. So I decided to try it in front of the Kemper again, and damn! The tone was much better, much less loss of high end, but again: the input section keeps getting overdriven...

    I did find a solution sort of; turning the clean sens all the way down. What are the (possible) issues with this? I do not use clean profiles except for recording (where I can adjust the clean sens accordingly), and for live and practice use I just use one overdriven profile using my pedals and volume knobs for cleaner and heavier tones. I did experiment with the clean sens on the overdriven profile, and I could not hear any difference in tone nor dynamics turning down the clean sens all the way without any pedals activated.

    How are you guys setting the Kemper up for use with overdrive pedals? It is a bummer that the distortion loop is not identical to running the pedals in front, without the overdriven input-issues... Running it in the regular mono loop was not better at all, not sure if it was pure series either but I did not get around to try it with the clean profile.

    It just sounds so good with the pedals that I have to find a solution for this. Sold my Remote because of the great sound from the pedals, so that certainly says something!

  • Don't run pedals in front of the kemper myself, but when you say you run it in the loop, what exactly do you mean? I'm assuming you use one of the internal kemper loop "stomps" (effects). It has a mix paramater, and if you don't touch that it will act as in parallel, but turn it to 100% and it should work, I think? See the reference manual (link in my signature).

  • Yeah I did try both the mono loop (with the mix at 100%) and the distortion loop. It is just the distortion loop I am certain that is parallel, but the tone is equally downgraded with both loops. Especially (in the rare cases) when I run an overdrive pedal with a clean profile, I don't want half the signal overdriven... I want all of it. And the overdriven signal itself is also not the same as in front of the amp.

    Edited 2 times, last by Alfi27 (August 5, 2016 at 10:16 AM).

  • Do you run any other effects before the FX loop?
    The mono and distortion loop should be essentially the same, APART from how it works with any stomps before that loop slot.

    If not, I think there might be a bug (you can contact support, see link in my signature).

    Meanwhile, I don't think there are any problems with the clean sens turned way down, OTHER THAN any potential volume issues when playing. You say you use pedals and volume knob to control gain live, so if you don't experience any volume problems, I would think you're good to go.

    But still, the issue should be fixed. I'll try and see if I can replicate the behaviour on my own unit.

  • I have felt the distortion loop took something away from my boost pedals which I love.

    That being said the one thing that effects the sound the most is the level. It is quite possible that when feeding the front of the Kemper the signal is louder than when in the loop changing the perception of the tone. I never want to believe this to be true but too many times I have recorded samples and balance the volume only to find that they sound more the same than what I had thought.

    For me there is an interaction between a guitar and boost pedal that I have not found to be recreated in the digital realm.

  • Is it all of your pedals that create a hot input? I only have one pedal that does this for me, my Fulltone 2B and I use that one on level 3 and using it just to push the pedals before it. My other pedals are Ibanez Mini Tubescreamer, Ibanez HW Tubescreamer, MXR Bonamassa FET driver, MXR Echo Plex.
    I do find that my Echo Plex is best used to make my sound fuller, I run it at about 3 o'clock on the dial.

    i do think you need to choose pedals that don't have a lot of gain boost and offer enough character. They work well but different than a tube amp. It's easy to overload the Kemper input. I would not turn down the "clean sense" on the Kemper as that just affects the clean level versus the distorted level and may create more unbalanced rigs. Lower the level on the pedal. Not every pedal is going to work with the Kemper, or at least that has been my experience.

    Perhaps we should create a thread with boost pedals or others that work well with the Kemper?

  • I just had another thought that i will try tonight. Maybe try the "parallel path" and see if you can get the sound you want? I will experiment with this later and give my feedback (no pun intended, lol).

  • It is mostly the Suhr Koko Boost Reloaded that tend to overload the input of the Kemper, but the Shiba Drive Reloaded can do it as well with my favorite setting (gain at 9 o'clock, tone at 3 o'clock and level on full).

    I really want to find a solution to this issue, because the Kemper is perfect in every other way and it sounds just perfect with the pedals. After all the great sounds I got from the profiles boosted with my pedals I might have to go back to tube amps for live use, and I sure as h*** don't wanna do that...

  • Alright, so I did some experimenting today. I tried with a different profile with slightly more gain and I realised that with the clean sens set to where I usually would have it, there is more than enough boost before the input light starts to flash red! Actually, the boost becomes too much before it starts to flash red. Looks like the problem is solved! :D I still get astonished by the tone of this «slightly strange looking NASA toaster from the 70's», even after almost one year with it!

    I figured out something new with the Kemper today as well. There are actual footswitch-jacks like a real amp! The only issue is that you cannot use a footswitch for switching between rigs in performance mode, and if you have a single footswitch you can just switch up or down, not between rigs. Not quite sure how I would do it, maybe I could get a dual switch and just mark two or three rigs as favorites, and then choose the favorite-list.

    Received my new cab today as well, and it is not only the best sounding but certainly one of the most awesome looking stacks I have ever owned! This one give Marshall stacks a run for their money in terms of mojo :D

    Not the best photo, I'll see if I can post a better photo in a new topic!

    [Blocked Image:]

    Edited once, last by Alfi27 (August 6, 2016 at 1:50 AM).