Left Channel only!

  • So today when i was scrolling through profiles on my amp i suddenly lost my right channel. Zero output.
    I have checked every cable in my studio. Everything is fine and my DAW outputs properly in both channels.
    In a last bit of trouble shooting i plugged in my kemper headphone jack. They too have LEFT channel only. OUCH!!

    I have the most current version of the OS. I even tried writing over it but when i plug in the USB stick with a freshly downloaded version (of the version i already have) nothing happens. I guess it sees i have the most current version.
    I have looked at all the menus to see about Left and Right output assignments but found nothing.

    Can anyone HELP me!?!?!??

    Has this happened to anyone else before?

    I am hoping there is a simple step somewhere that i can toggle to remedy this issue.

    I really dont want to have to send this thing into repair.

    Help, Thoughts, Comments?

    Dennis in Memphis

  • Welp, i started looking at unrelated issues on the forum. Saw one about crashing kemper.

    A post by HSJCheppier said "Start your Profiler into Browse mode while holding down the RIG button until you se "Initialising current rig" ."

    Tried it and BAM, both channels are back. Very odd.

  • Welp, i started looking at unrelated issues on the forum. Saw one about crashing kemper.

    A post by HSJCheppier said "Start your Profiler into Browse mode while holding down the RIG button until you se "Initialising current rig" ."

    Tried it and BAM, both channels are back. Very odd.

    Cool to see that it's not hardware issue!
    Please, can you write [SOLVED] in your topic name? It can help if someone have same issue.

  • I got the same problem with headphone. I tried 3 of them and I only have the sound in the left channel. When connected in S/PDIF to my sound card, I have the stereo but not with a headphone directly plugged in the headphone output. It has been a while I didn't use the headphone output but it seems to me at the beginning, it works with no problem (I bought the Kemper in 2012). Any change in parameters I missed ?

  • I tried again. There's a little signal in the right channel but as there is a balance knob turn at something 80% left :(. I thought at the beginning there is only signal in left channel cause the presets I have tried are at low volume.

    Edited once, last by Manolo76 (November 21, 2022 at 4:41 PM).

  • Yes, I've found an old headphone with 6'35 jack so no adapter needed and same thing. I would like to know before I open a ticket if it could be a setting that changed through update that I missed. That said, my Kemper is not under warranty for a long time so I'm not sure if it's worth the price to send it for repair.

  • there is no parameter that would allow you to pan only the headphone signal. From your description, it really sounds like a hardware issue.

    Have you tried starting the Profiler while holding down the System button to reset the global settings? If the issue was caused by a software condition this would probably fix it. If not use the contact form if you want to have the unit repaired.