Suggestion that will save the hearing of us In-Ear users.

  • Anyway, i will get a midi programmable attenuator built. Wouldn't be the first time i get something costum built. It would just be so much neater if there was an adequate built in solution.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • Uhm, I wouldn't want a limiter myself either. But really, you can set levels for all outputs on the Kemper via midi, although you'll have to dive into NRPN for Main and Headphone outs...

    From the Kemper_Profiler_Midi_Documentation.pdf:
    System / Global (Address Page 127)
    0 Main Output Volume
    1 Headphone Output Volume
    2 Monitor Output Volume
    3 Direct Output Volume

    You'd need a controller that can send at least four CC# in sequence.
    For controlling Headphone out:

    CC 99 value:127
    CC 98 value:1
    CC 06 value:desired value
    CC 38 value:desired value

    Some footcontrollers support NRPN 14-bit addressing but not 14-bit values via CC's 06 and 38. The KPA allows CC 119 to send the value in this case. So the footcontroller can be programmed to send an NRPN as follows:

    CC 99: 127
    CC 98: 1
    CC 119: desired value

    The 7-bit value is mapped to the appropriate 14-bit value - 128 becomes 16,384, 64 becomes 8,192, while 0 remains 0....

    Now, my All Access can't do this so I've never tried this shit 8)

  • Now that is interesting Trazan. The guy that i have that costumbuilts stuff for me can do anything with midi so perhaps it's a matter of getting him to do a thing where the nrpn for the headphone jack is linked to program change messages.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • So Trazan let me get this straight.
    cc 127 selects the output section
    cc1 selects headphone out.
    cc06 sets the desired volume

    why do i need cc38?

    Ahhhh i get it the two last messages are msb and lsb.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

    Edited once, last by Kim_Olesen (July 17, 2016 at 5:18 PM).

  • Ofcourse a limiter messes with the tails. Even more so than a comp. A limiter is a comp that has a ratio that is set to infinite. As soon as i release a note the tails would become louder.
    And i don't want my peaks limited in my inears. I want the difference between rhythm and lead sounds to be less than in the foh. But apart from that the sound should be unaltered. A limiter would make me play different since it would take out the dynamics.
    Listen, i know you are trying to be helpful, but i do this for a living and know what i am talking about.

    After a living doing this, you may now learn that everybody uses limiters and not compressors, some bodypacks have the limiter onboard and not a compressor. They might be wrong but they do it because the limiter has fast attack and release and doesn't mess too much (if set correctly) with the overall balance and tails.
    Anyway your arrogance is un limited
    yes, the love you take is equal to the love you make :thumbup:

    Edited once, last by Danides (July 18, 2016 at 4:26 PM).

  • ... but Kim's correct, IMHO, Danides - any dynamics processing will alter the playability and feel of whichever Profiles he's using.

    He's obviously thought this through prior to arriving at the idea behind this request. Personally, I can see no more convenient, set-and-forget solution than the one he's proposed.

    All rigs will "play" as is normal. No adjustment will be necessary from passage to passage, or song to song. The volume-range of his entire set will literally be reduced by a factor determined during soundcheck or the initial stages of a gig (if the crowd noise affects level-difference perception in this case). Every venue and perhaps varying crowd numbers etc. may call for differing volume-range contractions.

    Seems entirely logical, practical, simple-to-implement for the K-Team™, and therefore elegant overall to me. Just MHO of course, but Kim's FR resonated with me from the get-go.

    One thing that occurs to me that hasn't been mentioned 'though, is that the K-Team™ would be wise to implement the feature with the ability to scroll into the negative percentages. So, if 50% did what I outlined earlier (scale the lowest and highest-set volumes half-way closer to the mean), -50% would expand the range by shifting all volumes 50% further from the mean than they already are. IOW, positive percentages shrink the range, and negative ones expand it.

    An obvious advantage to having this single-parameter feature may well be the ability to browse the RE or indeed one's own pool whilst maintaining control of the range of levels, thus avoiding any nasty surprises. Could be extremely handy for recording too. A limiter or any processing whatsoever would not only be inappropriate, no matter how transparent (who needs another layer of digital manipulation... anyone?), but simply unnecessary when all one would require is automatic levelling of the Rig-volume parameter, to whichever degree one chooses with that percentage parameter, in order to, in Kim's case, hear all his parts live, and in the aforementioned cases, to avoid having one's head blown off by a [insert fave metal profiler here] profile at maximum gain.

    For the purpose of this "Browse-Mode" levelling, I propose that a second parameter be available - a user-defined mean value. So, if you set your "Mean" to, say, 7, and "Scaling" to 50%, Rigs set to 9 will reduce to 8, and those at 5 will be boosted to 6. Easy, peasy, and I'm loving it the more I imagine having it.

    There's a feature that's a no-brainer to programme, and that would, as far as I'm aware and IMHO, help set the Kemper even further apart from its so-called competition.

  • In the spirit of the OP's request, I'd say not because it would affect playing dynamics and possibly note envelopes.

    The whole idea was to be able to scale one's Rig volumes to be more-or-less the same, to whichever degree one choses, via a single parameter.

    Thanks for chiming in, Trainworx. I think, FWIMBW, that your idea is probably more geared towards mix processing, traditionally at least. Who knows 'though; the option to do that might be just the ticket for when the effect of reverb "pumping" etc. is desired.

  • Exactly. Simple scaling of volume. Otherwise the sound should remain the same. Any afditional dynamic processing and you react different to the sound, thus play different. Or at least I do.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • As a FOH engineer as well as a guitarist/Kemper owner I can promise you that if it is wrong in your ears (also why are you monitoring from the kemper, you should be monitoring from monitors!) It's wrong at FOH as well.

    Take the 10 minutes to go through the rigs you are using and set them to the correct levels.

    There does not need to be a complicated solution to such an easy problem.

  • As a FOH engineer as well as a guitarist/Kemper owner I can promise you that if it is wrong in your ears (also why are you monitoring from the kemper, you should be monitoring from monitors!) It's wrong at FOH as well.

    Take the 10 minutes to go through the rigs you are using and set them to the correct levels.

    There does not need to be a complicated solution to such an easy problem.

    What? There are many reasons why a user could prefer to monitor independently from any other system.
    And FOH and monitor sound are two entirely different things.
    Please don't try to belittle the OP's valid feature request.

  • As a FOH engineer as well as a guitarist/Kemper owner I can promise you that if it is wrong in your ears (also why are you monitoring from the kemper, you should be monitoring from monitors!) It's wrong at FOH as well.

    Take the 10 minutes to go through the rigs you are using and set them to the correct levels.

    There does not need to be a complicated solution to such an easy problem.

    This is so wrong. If you play in a band with two guitarists, two keyboard players, percussionist, drummer, bass and vocals you need your differences in rhythm - lead to be larger than if you play in a power trio. But that does not mean it's comfortable to play with that large a difference in your ears!
    Saturday i am playing in a powertrio. Small differences in rhythm - lead., but i recently played a musical (the largest selling in Denmark ever) and the sound man wanted really huge differences because really the only place where the guitar was meant to be really loud was the solos. It was very uncomfortable in the ears.

    And i'd like to also point out to you why monitor sends are pre-fader. Because you do not always want the same thing happening in the monitors as the FOH.

    Just because you have not experienced it in your musical life does not mean it's not a concern for others. I respectfully ask you to contribute positively instead of negatively.

    ANYWAY the KPA team has not reacted on this and i am getting a costum built device that will send the relevant midi messages to soften the headphone volume on leadsound if they need to be uncomfortably loud.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

    Edited 2 times, last by Kim_Olesen (July 27, 2016 at 11:03 PM).

  • What? There are many reasons why a user could prefer to monitor independently from any other system.
    And FOH and monitor sound are two entirely different things.
    Please don't try to belittle the OP's valid feature request.

    Thanks Ingolf. Man sometimes a forum can be frustrating......

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • I put a request years back about a levelling function which would allow output to be defined for all rigs ....then you could boost with a volume pedal post etc..... My request wasn't taken well but could also solve this issue

  • Jesse, my man! Hope you're well, brother.

    Mate, AFAIK, he relies on the Rig volume's being higher than what he uses for his rhythm parts; it sounds like he's switching Rigs as opposed to boosting.

    This is why he's made the feature request - in order to be able to control the volume difference between the louder solo Rigs and softer rhythm ones with a single parameter - something like a percentage value.

    Take care mate. Thought I'd jump in 'cause it's still early hours in Europe.