Second time RM crashes my PC

  • Just had it happen again and took note of the error message: Driver Unloaded Without Canceling Pending Operations, referencing kemper.sys. I sent this information to support. I'm not sure where to look for any system log, so if there's something else I can send, one of you Windows 10 experts please advise where to look.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Just happened to me for the first time ever. On OS 4.06 and shut down KPA last night but left RM open. Closed RM a few minutes ago and Windows 7 64bit SP1 went to blue screen referencing kemper.sys and pending operations as stated previously in this thread. I know that I have done this before on prior OS versions but this is the first time it ever occurred.

  • Just had again Blue Screen Of Death in Windows 7 32-bit.
    1) Kemper connected to laptop with USB, Rig Manager running.
    2) Turned off Profiler, disconnected USB.
    3) Closed Rig Manager.
    4) 10 seconds later Windows experienced BSOD.
    "Driver Unloaded Without Canceling Pending Operations" with reference to kemper.sys
    Can someone remind me, where can I find crashlog and memory dump?
    I search for %SystemRoot%\MEMORY.DMP (C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP) and nothing is there...

  • I found mine and there was no useful info there. The Kemper folks say that they think this will be solved in their next release.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Upgraded from Windows 7 32-bit to Windows 10 32-bit.
    Rig Manager
    The same steps, the same output.
    1) Kemper connected to laptop with USB, Rig Manager running.
    2) Turned off Profiler.
    3) Closed Rig Manager.
    4) Some time late Windows experienced BSOD. "Driver Unloaded Without Canceling Pending Operations" with reference to kemper.sys