Rig Manager Tips and Tricks wanted

  • Hi,

    I defenitely need some help with smart use of the Rig Manager.
    Since I'm dutch ;) reading in english is not always as easy for me.
    For now can someone explain to me, how I can easily compare two sounds: One that I have stored in a slot in a rig in Perform Mode and another one from the thousands of rigs available in Rig Exchange.
    Somehow, everytime I try this, the slot is overwritten directly, so I can't go forward and back to compare two sounds.
    Help very much apreciated, thanx,

    Another question crosses my mind: are all the factory presets in the Rig Exchange? If Yes, how can I recognise them?

    Edited once, last by 14trd (June 21, 2016 at 11:05 PM).

  • I hope I got your question right:

    I have two rig manager windows open. Each of the windows selects the rig to compare. Now press RETURN in one of both and the Kemper will sound like this. Press RETURN on the other and the Kemper will sound like that. Easy enough for me to A/B two rigs...

    The rig manager has a tree on the left. The nodes have names like "rig exchange" or "local library". If the Kemper is connected via USB there should show up a node with "KPA" (or something) which is the contents of your actual Kemper and its factory presets (+ your own stuff). When "auto favourite" is on (guess its the default) then your own stuff is marked as favourites.

    Hope that was helpful.

    Ne travaillez jamais.

  • For now can someone explain to me, how I can easily compare two sounds:

    I can tell you my way how I solve this question,
    I make a test-performance and transfer the Rigs I want to compare in that.
    So ist easy to compare and also edit if its sensefull.

    When I make fine tuning of a profile, I copy the same rig in this performance and can compare and edit immidiatly by proofing the changes.
    There would also a way with the undo function but I confess, I have not used it till now. (The manual can tell more)

  • I can tell you my way how I solve this question,
    I make a test-performance and transfer the Rigs I want to compare in that.
    So ist easy to compare and also edit if its sensefull.

    When I make fine tuning of a profile, I copy the same rig in this performance and can compare and edit immidiatly by proofing the changes.
    There would also a way with the undo function but I confess, I have not used it till now. (The manual can tell more)

    Same here.

  • I can tell you my way how I solve this question,
    I make a test-performance and transfer the Rigs I want to compare in that.
    So ist easy to compare and also edit if its sensefull.

    When I make fine tuning of a profile, I copy the same rig in this performance and can compare and edit immidiatly by proofing the changes.
    There would also a way with the undo function but I confess, I have not used it till now. (The manual can tell more)

    Thanx Sharry & flyingheelhook. I've been doin' this and yes I think it's the only way. But I just wandered if there is a faster way, without storing sounds in a Rig in Performance. For example when i have a fine-tuned Rig stored a slot in Performance Mode and I want to compare it to another sound. Then I can go browsing from this slot to al the thousands of sounds(rigs) available. But I can not easily switch form one to the other to compare, because the tweaking will be lost after 1 time switching. Storing in another slot is the only way, but this doesn't work very fast if you are searching and want to compare with more sounds, there are only 5 slots available.
    I have not figured out the snapshot function. I think you cannot use this in Performance Mode, only in Browse Mode. But then. I'm going to experiment with this, but now already I think, for comparing, I have to store these in slots as well for comparing to other sounds.
    Anyway, still lots to figure out.

  • Just to compare whithout tweaking you can make a directory in the RM (I called my Test) and copy the Rigs you want to check in this directory. So its easy to check more than one.

    Edited once, last by Sharry (July 10, 2016 at 8:15 AM).