Problem with MIDI

  • Dear community,

    I'm a huge fan of Kemper since years. Unfortunately, I'm currently
    experiencing an issue with my Kemper Profiler and would really
    appreaciate your help.

    Recently I treated myself with a MusicMan-Reflex, equipped with a
    Piezo-Pickup and a Gamechanger-option. I specifically decided for
    this beauty, as it is the only guitar MusicMan offers that allows
    configurating pickup combinations (including piezos) and switching
    them via MIDI. As I'm in a coverband that plays a lot of songs
    including accustic guitar elements, I wanted to use the MIDI-out of
    the slots of the Profiler's performance-mode to turn the piezo-pickup
    on and off as needed. I managed to configurate the guitar using the
    Opera-browser and after rebooting the instrument several times, the
    MIDI-connection finally worked.

    Here comes the problem: While the connection works perfectly fine
    as long as I switch programs in intervals below 30 seconds, the
    guitar does not react to any program switch exceeding a period of
    these approximately 30 seconds. The only way to subsequently
    re-establish the MIDI-connection is to restart the guitar, which
    obviously is not a satisfying solution to the problem.

    Having identified this issue, I took several attempts to fix it,
    but until now have failed to do so.
    Thus far I tried the following things:

    - The first thing I did was to blame the guitar. I gave
    myMusicMan dealer a call and sent back the Reflex and eventually
    they sent me a new one. However, the problem did not dissapear.

    - In a next step, I connected the guitar to my old Line 6
    POD-XT, which also has a static MIDI-out. I was expecting to
    encounter the same issue, but surprisingly, the MIDI-connection
    between the guitar and the POD-XT works totally fine. This was when
    I started to blame the Profiler..

    - The next thing I did was to use my POD-XT again, this time
    connecting it to the Profiler to see whether the problem reappears.
    It turned out that I can trace back the MIDI-commands from the
    profiler via the MIDI-in function of the POD-XT. So there is
    absolutely no issue with the Profiler when using the POD-XT instead
    of the guitar.

    - In my fourth attempt, I contacted the Kemper customer service
    and sent them a backup from my Profiler. Unfortunately, there seems
    to be no problem with the Profiler. This is why the Kemper team
    cannot help me out.

    - The last thing I tried was to use a shorter MIDI-cable and to
    join an external MIDI-in/MIDI-thru box up in the circuit, which
    didn't help me to fix the problem either.

    I'm now at the end of my tether and I cannot think of anything
    more I could try to fix the problem. This is why I hope that someone
    in this forum has made a similar experience and might help me out or
    that there is some MIDI-expert who at least can explain this
    phenomenon to me and give me some advice. Any help is needed and
    really appreciated.

