Happy Thoughts for Kemper Skeptics

  • Well worth hanging in there with the Kemper.
    My first impressions weren't that great either, but once I found the right profiles (for my taste) it was all gravy!
    I've had it over a year now, and it does indeed"keep getting better"

  • Exactly, right?

    It just blows my mind how instead of one's ears / mind getting tired of the unit, it somehow seems to keep on sounding better every time you fire it up. Incredible.

    How many other pieces of kit can we honestly say this about, guitars excepted?

  • Exactly, right?

    It just blows my mind how instead of one's ears / mind getting tired of the unit, it somehow seems to keep on sounding better every time you fire it up. Incredible.

    How many other pieces of kit can we honestly say this about, guitars excepted?

    That's right. In the beginning I was very skeptic, also because I'm a student again and so this was a very, very huge expense for me.

    I got a Orange TH30 C as my tube amp which is quite ok but of course not that versatile and very heavy compared to the Kemper. I got a small pedalboard with everything I need (EQ, gate, comp, booster, distortion, fuzz, delay, chorus, reverb etc.) but I also hated dancing on this thing and not being able to achieve every sound I want since sometimes it was to much dancing to kick all these effects in or too much trouble changing the settings all the time especially when more than one guitar was involved.

    In the beginning I thought the Kemper was quite ok but really couldn't understand all the people stating it is sounding better than everything else they ever heard.

    And as you all said: It is all about the right profiles and getting some expertise in what the Kemper is able to do.
    Sometimes it comes down to lower the input sense or the mix setting for distortion stomps to go from awful to just great or you have to fiddle around with bias or direct mix but therefore you need to know what this is and how it will change your sound. Long story short, there is a learning process involved.

    Comparing the ones I use now to those I created in the very beginning is like comparing a 50$ practice amp to a high end boutique amp. It really comes down to understanding what this little machine can do + using professional profiles.

    I love this green thing and will ever do!

    PS: Also sitting in a treated room at home with some quite good monitors or having a good PA is mandatory in order to hear what it really can sound like. It's not just about buying it and hope to sound great. You'll need practice!

    Plus: Without you guys I wouldn't be where I am. So, thank you all very much! I really appreciate to be a part of this awesome community.

    The Educated Apes: Facebook | Bandcamp


    Main Rig: KPA Power Toaster + Profiler Remote, 2x Palmer 112 Cab (1x Celestion V30, 1x Celestion CB NEO), ME EP1-KP-GN, Dunlop Cry Baby 95Q, Gibson Memphis ES-339 '16, Gibson Melody Maker '14, Fender Thinline Cabronita '12

  • Firstly, I have to say I agree with the positivity on this Forum...I have had a lot of help over the last 18 months, everyone has really helped.

    Great story and totally resonates with me.

    However, I am still on the journey - I get a good sound out of my 4 x12 and just had my first rehearsal last night with a PA monitor, and it sounds OK but not mind blowing.

    I put some of that down to (and don't laugh here) sometimes I struggle to differentiate between a good sound and a sound I'm not used to. Therefore I struggle with the fiddling as I want it to just "work". This is where advice on standard set ups and profiles really helps as I am not after anything unusual or complex. Just want a good clean, crunch, heavy rhythm and solo sound. Few effects ( which is the easy bit) and that's it.

    I have a gig Sat and still not quite ready to go direct FOH, totally understand the "nervousness" but I'll do it one day :)

  • @OhG, I remember your original thread but I can can't remember if you mentioned in any of the subsequent comments if you had owned any other modelers prior to the Kemper and if so, what were your impressions of those and did those color your first exposure to the Kemper?

  • @OhG, I remember your original thread but I can can't remember if you mentioned in any of the subsequent comments if you had owned any other modelers prior to the Kemper and if so, what were your impressions of those and did those color your first exposure to the Kemper?

    I never owned any. I tried a couple and really didn't like them at all. A friend of mine had the Fractal and I heard him play live with that once; thought it sounded like garbage. Another friend showed me the Kemper and I didn't really care for the sound of it at the time. But as has been said time and time again, it's really all about finding the right profiles, monitors, etc. Once I did that, . . . heaven!

  • OhG, what profiles are you using, and what kind of monitor?

    I'm using a variety of profiles. A Steve Stevens Signature Friedman (not sure where I got that one), some Marshalls from TopJimi, a Mesa Mark V from the Rig Exchange, the Morgan AC20 from the Rig Exchange, etc. For profiles, it's really about finding the right ones that work for you and then tweaking if necessary. I have 7,000+ on my computer, and there may be only a dozen or so that I have decided to use (granted, I haven't tried all 7,000 yet). But what some people like, others won't. For example, I've got a TON of And44, AF, and MBritt profiles, but haven't found a single one out of the entire bunch that sounds good to me for rock. That doesn't mean they're not good, they just don't do it for me.

    For my monitor, I'm using the Yamaha DXR15. I tried the DXR10 and liked the sound, but it couldn't handle the bass at the high volumes I play at. The DXR15 sounds great and can handle the low end FAR better, and does a decent job of pushing a little air, sound it helps to replicate the "amp in the room" feel a little better than a 12" monitor.

  • Definitely have to find the right profiles... the ones that are right for YOU, that is... :)

    I use a little Pure Cab, too. I love what it does to the higher gain profiles!

    I am a Profile Whore... Sometimes a Recovering Profile Whore...
    but mostly a Complete and Utter Profile Whore... I want them all... aCk!!! 8|:love:

  • There is defiantly enough talent and experience in this forum to get you up and running, these guys have been around for years and know what this thing can do AND CAN FIX THE ISSUE, try them first before stressing my friend know you will, , i am glad yo did not give up brother.

    Now ill give you 50$ for that Steve Stevens signature model Friedman profile :D:rolleyes:


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • Ill pay 50$ to the first person that STOPS bloody saying 50$ LOL

    ah shit, i just screwed my self ! DOH


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.