Diezel VH4 Lammert Custom Profile

  • Jesus, the f*** is going on here? I think anybody can decide how much he charges for his work, if you think it's too expensive... just don't buy it? I don't go to an Audi dealer and whine about Skoda beeing cheaper.
    I agree... it's expensive for one profile (I wouldn't buy it, but I'm not into metal) and there are many cheap alternatives, but it still might be worth the money for some people I think. If you don't think it's worth... use something else.

    I really don't get it. Internet forums are strange sometimes.

    I spent way more then 50$ for profiles that I don't use.

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • Jesus, the f*** is going on here?.

    Jesus used to be my co-pilot , but then my plane crashed in the mountains
    and i had to eat the CXXNT 8o<X:cursing:

    Love you guys fight the power not yourselves
    hugs :D


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • To summarize;

    LL: For sale 2016 BMW automatic
    Sinmix: That's a Honda stuck in a single manual gear. I also make Hondas.
    LL: You're wrong, I have special unicorn powers
    Forum members: Did LL call me a twat? Once I'm done shaving my legs, I'm gonna let him have it!

  • To summarize;

    LL: For sale 2016 BMW automatic
    Sinmix: That's a Honda stuck in a single manual gear. I also make Hondas.
    LL: You're wrong, I have special unicorn powers
    Forum members: Did LL call me a twat? Once I'm done shaving my legs, I'm gonna let him have it!

    SinMix: That's a Single V30 speaker from Mesa cab miced with single sm57 ( for many its a BMW for me its just Honda) btw. i prefer Alfa Romeo :D

    Stay Metal!

  • Ok, becouse i have a few minutes :D Again Peace and Love!

    Stay Metal!

    seriously dude, I've blocked your ass on FB already, I'd really appreciate if you would stay out of my thread with your shit.
    I'm not going into your threads posting my stuff either...and have never done that.
    Try to act like a grown up, even if you aren't, after all you're claiming to be a professional.
    act that way!

  • seriously dude, I've blocked your ass on FB already, I'd really appreciate if you would stay out of my thread with your shit.
    I'm not going into your threads posting my stuff either...and have never done that.
    Try to act like a grown up, even if you aren't, after all you're claiming to be a professional.
    act that way!

    c'mon guys...there is no need to be that hard. I think you can discuss the matter firmly but without fighting...after all the both of you are pros and the discussion doesn't lower a millimeter of your skill.

    guess the thing can be treated while respecting each other...only my cents for peace

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music