Still havent found what i am looking for: the definitive Friedman

  • @Geraldo7 , i put in the "hard word" to TopJimi (Steve actually endorses his profiles)
    He says he is going to look out for one man, fingers crossed bro

    What new Video will you make from this profile, this will be good man :D


    I believe it when i see it, but i definetely keep my fingers crossed, as the Dill session was a quick shot. Top Jimy would be able to squeeze a lot out of this one, for sure.
    Thx for the hint, and a video no two will follow ... 8o

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • @Geraldo7

    okay ill bite, how much is it to hire that Friedman BE SS Sig?
    Since your doing Plexi stuff soon? Maybe we can work some thing out??
    long as you do some Free ones for all :D


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • @Geraldo7

    okay ill bite, how much is it to hire that Friedman BE SS Sig?
    Since your doing Plexi stuff soon? Maybe we can work some thing out??
    long as you do some Free ones for all :D


    AFAIK it is not possible to hire ANY Friedman amp. I have checked here in Munich. There is a big shop in the north of Germany.
    They were the first to jump on this train and have all of 'em. Still they are more than 200 km away from Guido. Armin has bought his
    Pink Taco there. But they dont have the possibility to rent. So at the moment i am clueless. But i have a good news and a bad news for ya:

    Good news: my plexi will be good and with boosters sound a lil bit like the BE.
    Bad news: so much work and money went into those profiles that i am going to charge 7.77 Euro for those.

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • Do you know the HAWP - sessions and the The Bonedo Sessions whith Friedmans?

    I am too lazy to count, but i have hundreds of Fiedman profiles. Many of the HAWP sessions.
    and about bonedo

    well, check my threads, IMHO those profiles are still the best on the planet. :thumbup:

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • That does sound glorious doesn't it... I've not found one that touches that tone or the tone out of the PhilX head either.

    That said, one of the better ones I've heard on Rig Exchange is called BE100 SAT1 DEMO by Craig Sorrenti.

    Thanks for bring up my profile benvigil. The SS amp is a darker amp then the BE-100 which is one of the reasons my profile is brighter.

  • I am playing in a band in the style of "eisbrecher" now and i use my plexxi profiles only.
    still no real friedman, but with the booster at '10" works fine. since the friedman is more or less
    a tuned plexi, i guess.

    eisbrecher can be found on YT and my band soon, one snippet is here

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • Compare PT20 and BE100

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    Haha. This riff is a good example that you can ruin even the best amps. My soldano cheap china version would sound the same here. really.
    they all sound the same here IMHO. must be the setting. playing also is so-so. but thx for posting, Armin

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • And here is something sweet:

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    Our friends in Ibbenbüren can play. That is definetely a plus here! :thumbup: They show a lot of the versality of the amps and the sound is much much better
    than the other one. Still the real strength of the Frieds is live. Havent met anyone who says he is sad to have spent that lot of money for them.

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.