Thinking of getting Friedman ASM-12 - opinions wanted please

  • Hi everyone, I am thinking of getting the Friedman ASM-12 FRFR speaker. I play mostly metal. Looking for opinions on this speaker. Will it give me that punch of a real cab? Currently have 8 inch studio monitors but want something with more volume and power. Thanks

  • Nope. The Friedman is a monitor. And monitors do not provide the "punch" of a guitar cabinet. That is not their job. Their job is to accurately emulate the signal you are running through it, and that's it.

    Guitar cabinets are another animal entirely. If you want the feel of a cabinet, get a power amp and guitar cabinet and run your Kemper through that. You'll be happier.

    The Friedman may be cleverly marketed, but I've heard tried one and IMHO it is overpriced and other FRFR's do what it does. It sure looks cool and certainly weighs almost as much as a guitar cabinet. But it's still a monitor.

    Husband, Father, Pajama Enthusiast

  • I own a Friedman ASM-12 and I have owned a Yamaha DXR12 and an Atomic CLR before. The Friedman is the first FRFR solution that I really enjoy playing through. It sounds and feels much more like a guitar cab than other FRFR solutions. But everybody has got different ears, taste etc. So you have got to try one and see for your self.

  • I checked out the ASM-12 and wasn't overly impressed with it. I don't think it's worth the price. It's heavy, awkward to carry due to the handle position and the worst part (which was the deal breaker for me) is that it doesn't have 1/4" inputs, and only has XLR inputs. Meaning, you can't use the monitor out of the Kemper with it and you have to use one of the Main outs. Which will mean you can't control your stage and monitor volume separately.

    I tried the Yamaha DXR10 and it couldn't handle the volumes I play at. So I went with the Yamaha DXR15 and that thing sounds amazing and is more than capable of handling high volumes. It may be even a better option for you because if you play metal, you may want the lower response that the DXR15 can provide.

  • … and the worst part (which was the deal breaker for me) is that it doesn't have 1/4" inputs, and only has XLR inputs. Meaning, you can't use the monitor out of the Kemper with it and you have to use one of the Main outs. Which will mean you can't control your stage and monitor volume separately.

    It is no problem to use the monitor out. A simple TRS to XRL cable will do the job.

  • It is no problem to use the monitor out. A simple TRS to XRL cable will do the job.

    I've tried that both with the Friedman, as well as with the DXR series when I was trying to eliminate some noise. And (at least in my experience), those cables really alter the quality of the signal and can damper the volume a bit.

  • I've been very happy with mine, i dont play out with it so i cant give you a live experience but
    in my home studio its sound great, The ASM12 is specifically built for Amp profilers and Modelers, I played thru the clr, the yamaha dxr 12 and Jbl monitors and my Friedman blows all of them away, I'll be keeping it
    i wish they would come out with a 2x12 version

    Edited once, last by HAmmer32261 (April 28, 2016 at 7:12 AM).