How do I create a new performance?!

  • This has got me so frustrated, I'm ready to throw my Kemper out my window and then go stomp on it.

    I've read the manual, and I've read the Performance section in the Rig Manager manual FOUR times now. It says to open a second window, so I've done that. I've got my Rigs from my local library in one screen, and I've got the second window open to "Performances" on my profiler. Right now, there is nothing in there. So, just like the manual says, I go to my Rigs, select the rig I'm trying to move, and I drag and drop it into the Performances window. Nothing happens. I drag and drop it onto the word "Performances", nothing happens there either. The only place I can drag and drop it, is into my local library, or into "My Profiler", but that's pointless because it's already there.

    This has got to be the WORST manual I've ever seen. It tells you all about what you can do with the Kemper and describes it's features, but in terms of giving step-by-step instructions on HOW to actually do something, it's awful.

  • All you have to do is select one of the Performance categories (Local Library, My Profiler, etc.) and either right-click in the main window and select "Create New Performance" or press Ctrl+Shift+N.

    Then, once the performance is created you can rename it and add rigs. To add rigs, I usually copy one (Ctrl+C) and then select the performance slot and paste it(Ctrl+V).

  • All you have to do is select one of the Performance categories (Local Library, My Profiler, etc.) and either right-click in the main window and select "Create New Performance" or press Ctrl+Shift+N.

    Then, once the performance is created you can rename it and add rigs. To add rigs, I usually copy one (Ctrl+C) and then select the performance slot and paste it(Ctrl+V).

    That's exactly what I'm doing. But when I right click, the entire menu is greyed out and I can't select anything. I've got my Mac hooked up to the KPA using the USB cable and I know that connection is good because I can swap between profiles using the keyboard. I've turned the KPA to both Browser and Performance mode, and in both cases, the menu that has "Create Performance" is in grey.

  • I managed to store a couple rigs in a performance, but I'm still not even quite sure how I did it. I again have to say the manual is absolutely HORRIBLE in this regard.

    At one point, the Rig Manager said I had 2 performances stored, but when I clicked on the "2", nothing was in there. I restarted Rig Manager and then they were there. Between the cumbersome method of saving performances, and the fact that performances edited in Performance mode are actually just copies rather than edits being saved to the original rig, I have no doubt in my mind that at some point, I'm going to lose a ton of saved performances at some point with the Kemper.

    To me, more time needs to be put in on Kemper's end to make the Kemper, Controller and Rig Manager work better together. Why not just have the rigs stored in one place, if you edit them, they're edited universally, not just on originals or copies, and then a simple drag and drop method that works. The sound of the KPA is great. But IMO, the user interface needs improving.

  • Well patience comes sometimes later ;)
    With the RM it is simple as Carp explained.
    But there could be a trap.
    Check if your "Slot Enabeled" is activated. It's the 4th Led-Softbutton above Display of Performances.

    In the RM (if the KPA is connected via USB) you can find the content of your Kemper in the Items "MyProfiler".

    There are at least 3 type of storage in the KPA. One are the rigs (Profile) the other are performances (max 5 profiles) and a temporary Edit storage.(Rig or Performance)

    With the RM you can open a second window and with drag and drop you can transfer a Rig in a new performance. But you should be aware you work in the edit-pool.
    The "headphone sign" in the RM-line if you marked a line shows that it is sent to the edit-storage.
    You should not leave the performance mode where you are working without "store" otherwise everything of your work with this performance is lost.
    I you modify some in the performance mode. The Profile in the Rig-Pool (Browser-mode) are not effected. Only the copied Rigs in the performance pool.

    As long I was not so familiar whith the Kemper I stored everytime when I made any modification.

    Hope it helps and your blood pressure get down. ;)

    Edited 2 times, last by Sharry (March 18, 2016 at 10:02 AM).

  • Yeah....Im struggling with that too...I tried the drag & drop and no joy...right click and no option to create new performance.
    And yes...the manual is a joke, Id be stuffed without the forum.

    It hard to make a tele therapie.
    Were do you click to create a new performance.?

    You have to be in a library of "All performances" either "Local Library" (ore a subfolder you made before) or "My Profiler" (that means the KPA) if you are connected via USB to the KPA.
    After making a new performance (right mouse-contex menue) you can name it in the window "Inspector" (right above)
    Then you can open a new window (Option" window" in main menu)
    Than you can transfer a profile with drag and drop from one window to the other and put the Profile to the recent Inspector window of your new Performance.
    If you made your new performance in the "Local Library" you must transfer it later to the KPA by an other window with drag and drop to "My profiler" on a free place. Press return till the sign "headphon" acured.
    Thats all.
    Be shure that on the Kemper the option "Slot Enabled" is activated, when you work in "My profiler"
    After transfer you must store the new Performance at the KPA because untill now it is just in the edit pool.

    I can not judge the manual, because I never read the manual of the RM. I learned by trying and doing : :D

  • Had a head-scratcher with this too, for a second. Here's how to do it:

    1. In Rig Manager, expand "All Performances" and left-click on "MyProfiler"
    2. In the window (it probably has a list eg. "Example: Mars Amps"), right click wherever in the list and select "Create New Performance"
    3. Then you can give it some name
    4. Then decide which profiles you want to have in the performance
    5. Go back to the profiles list, and select a profile you want to use. Then copy it (Ctrl/Command+C, or alternatively: right-click -> copy)
    6. Go back to the All Performances list and left-click on the one you created
    7. On the right side, you will see some boxes. Click on one of them and paste to it (Ctrl/Command+V, or right-click -> paste)
    8. The profile you copied should now appear in the box
    9. Do the same steps for each profile you want to use in the Performance
    10. Then finally, you can also organise the order by dragging the boxes up/down

    Should work.

    Vortech - Finnish Industrial Death Metal since 2000

  • Had a head-scratcher with this too, for a second. Here's how to do it:

    1. In Rig Manager, expand "All Performances" and left-click on "MyProfiler"
    2. In the window (it probably has a list eg. "Example: Mars Amps"), right click wherever in the list and select "Create New Performance"
    3. Then you can give it some name
    4. Then decide which profiles you want to have in the performance
    5. Go back to the profiles list, and select a profile you want to use. Then copy it (Ctrl/Command+C, or alternatively: right-click -> copy)
    6. Go back to the All Performances list and left-click on the one you created
    7. On the right side, you will see some boxes. Click on one of them and paste to it (Ctrl/Command+V, or right-click -> paste)
    8. The profile you copied should now appear in the box
    9. Do the same steps for each profile you want to use in the Performance
    10. Then finally, you can also organise the order by dragging the boxes up/down

    Should work.

    needed that thanks

  • Had a head-scratcher with this too, for a second. Here's how to do it:

    1. In Rig Manager, expand "All Performances" and left-click on "MyProfiler"
    2. In the window (it probably has a list eg. "Example: Mars Amps"), right click wherever in the list and select "Create New Performance"
    3. Then you can give it some name
    4. Then decide which profiles you want to have in the performance
    5. Go back to the profiles list, and select a profile you want to use. Then copy it (Ctrl/Command+C, or alternatively: right-click -> copy)
    6. Go back to the All Performances list and left-click on the one you created
    7. On the right side, you will see some boxes. Click on one of them and paste to it (Ctrl/Command+V, or right-click -> paste)
    8. The profile you copied should now appear in the box
    9. Do the same steps for each profile you want to use in the Performance
    10. Then finally, you can also organise the order by dragging the boxes up/down

    Should work.

    Are these steps still current? When I try to do step 2 in 3.0, I don't get the Create New Performance option, so I'm stuck on that one.

  • Are these steps still current? When I try to do step 2 in 3.0, I don't get the Create New Performance option, so I'm stuck on that one.

    Just gave it a try, but Rig Manager 3.0 crashes every time :D

    It seems to be the same as before, but now you right-click on the item under "All Performances", eg. "Local Library". Then it has the option "Add performance setlist".

    Vortech - Finnish Industrial Death Metal since 2000

  • Hmmmmm

    Mines been in for repair and for what ever reason my prized material was gone.

    I don't mind tweaking but to set up from scratch is not clear enough.

    Right click rig window? Yeah right, not on mine, nothing happens.

    Kemper, I've got "the other" modeller too.

    Takes me seconds to get the sounds I want.

    Profiler sounds miles better, but very embarrassing when I'm doing a session and can't get immediate success........

  • Hi.

    I don't know if this can be helpful to you too but I find easier to program a performance directly on the Profiler, without using Rig Manager.

    To do that, do as follow:

    - Set performance mode (PERFORM switch).

    - Choose with UP and DW button the performance you want to set.

    - Choose with < and > the pedal position (1...5)

    - Browse the rig you need with the BROWSE knob (push it to activate it).

    - Push STORE switch

    - Set Name and press STORE again.

  • Yes, in Rig Manager there is a section under performances for "Local Library." These are available when the Kemper is not connected and you can create, modify, etc. any time you want. Then, when you're connected you could copy them to your profiler.