Question about redundant profiles

  • I just downloaded all 30+ folders from the Tim Owens HAWP Friedman BE series that he did, and I can't wait to try them. He has about 30 folders labeled as "Phase 1, Phase 2, etc.". Within each of those folders, there are a ton of profiles. So by the time I imported them all, there are over 300+ Freidman profiles. Am I doing something wrong? I mean, I can't imagine anyone would need 300+ profiles of any single amp on the Kemper. Am I only supposed to download the last phase in the series (resulting in about 10 profiles)?

  • OhG, please forgive the assumption, but I reckon you haven't read the "ReadMe" files; there's one contained within and specific to each session (phase).

    Read them. Follow the "story". Based on what you learn, you'll be able to make judgements on which sets might be appropriate for your needs. This'll be a whole lot quicker and easier than the alternative to this which would be to read the entire thread.

    The other approach might be to "needle-drop" each set - try a few samples from each folder beginning with phase 1 and decide which session/s may be right for you. My suggestion for making this easy:

    As you progress through the phases (needle-drop-style), drag the ones you like (something from every phase if you can) to a separate folder (command-drag so you're making copies in order to leave the originals intact). You'll then be able to run through the entire sequence quickly enough to facilitate comparative judgements, which, let's face it, is what you want.

    I won't say I hope this helps, 'cause I'm counting on it. I feel your pain. They're sitting in RM waiting for me to get started on this too.

  • ya relax, it will come with time, best thing to do is not stress it too much. if unsure take a break

    if you get in the right headspace, things will start getting sorted, and you will be enjoying yourself.

    hope you got your headphone thing sorted--no highs no lows, must be bose...
    get a pair of sen sd 180 or 280's or about a hundred bucks. nothing fancy,

    or if another brand, for some reason i find that freq response is a good indicator of things,
    something like 10-25khz . debatable if you need or can even hear that range, last time i tried
    could do 25k :) but it does depend on volume, and higher freq can be dangerous since there is more
    energy density.

    my guess is if they can do that range, chances are it will do the middle well, i like the sens because they are pretty run of the mill,
    a kind of standard, found almost anywhere, so a good reference when you get used to them.
    one of first uses of kpa with em i played an amp i had. was a while ago, and the impression i got was
    decent, sounds just like what i imagined these settings would be like thru these headphones

    as for moving files around, make sure you have a few usb drives, so youcan back stufff up.

    then try diferent ways, only real answer is finding a way to manage them that is easy for you, drag drop, cut paste, you can use usb stick too, but that is a pain. it is handy to have all your rigs on one tho, in case no pc

    need and want 300 profiles are 2 different things... the reason thre are so many is to get the best settings, and the range of the amp too, because best depends on what you like.

    dont stress about a right or wrong way, right is experiment , and find what you like. if you have backups you dont have to worry about messing anything up, reset is easy to do. so no reason to fear trying things to see.

    you can use it b4 reading the manuals if you like, but at some point read them, and wikpa, and take your time, there are a lot of things you can do
    nobody here learned everything about it in a week, and probably everyone is still discovering new things. this is a good thing. may feel uncomfortable because it is new, unfamiliar, but once that passes, you will be fine.

    and learn the way that is best for you, reading, doing, hearing, it doesnt matter, as long as it works. also starting out a lot of questions
    are easy to get answers for using search or google, the kind that take 1 or 2 min to answer. that way if nobody around who can answer you get info
    without waiting.

    only real serious thing to be mindful about is the power amp in the kpa, it can bust some cabs, and never hook the power out to an navtive speaker, interface .

    as for redundant ones, that can also mean 2 of the same in a place you dont want.

    make a fav folder.. you can even make a small txt file to put down settings, questions etc. for later.

    as for duplicate rigs?

    Kemper Duplicate Finder - free program to detect duplicate amp/cab profiles

    is pretty handy if things get disorganized

    to put it in perspective, this has been developing for 4 or 5 years , and who knows how long before release

    5 days and you will prolly know your way around it to do a lot of things

    key is to have it work for you. most ppl here will tell you its the best single bit of gear they ever got

  • Short answer:

    Start by looking at these:
    Phase 1
    Phase 16
    Phase 26
    Phase 39.

    These are just MY suggestions, to not get overwhelmed.

    If you hate everything in those, you probably won't find what you like in this pack.

    Bear in mind, som of these profiles MIGHT have no cab attached. You'll notice right away - just skip over those. Can't remember if there are any of those in the folders I mentioned.

  • for some reason i find that freq response is a good indicator of things, my guess is if they can do that range, chances are it will do the middle well

    Mhhh...not necessarily. An audio device could exhibit a very extended frequency response but this doesn't say how linear it is in any freq range. You'll at least need the amplitude range in which that freq range is expressed (for example, 10-25k +/- 2.5 dB).

    Furthermore, phase rotations are another issue here. With HPs, matching the impedance with the output's one is critical: this aspect tends to normalize only when the HPs impedance is at least 10 times higher than the output's one.
