Anyone happy using smaller monitors (around 5") with their Kemper? Update!

  • I've been looking for a new set of monitors but Focal Aplha 65s, Yamaha HS8s etc. are just too large for my desk. Is anyone using Yamaha HS5s, Focal Alpha 50s etc. and are you happy with the sound? I'm used to and satisfied with the miced amp sound and I'm not looking for huge volume but at the same time I don't want to completely miss out on the bottom end with drop tunings or heavier sounds. I know I won't get the sheer thump of a big speaker moving air but I don't want a thin, toppy sound either. Is anyone here happy with the sound of smaller monitors with their Kemper? I could possibly go larger to the likes of the Yamaha HS7s if the 5s are just not delivering. These are primarily for playing through the Kemper though I'll be doing some recording and mixing as well (just for fun though, nothing serious) so monitors are definitely what I'm after.

    Edited once, last by DavyC (February 24, 2016 at 8:27 PM).

  • I have no idea how, but this monitors deliver in low end. It's hard to describe sound in words anyway. I think they are flat from 55Hz or so. Have to check manual. And when I say they sound huge... I listened Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody on them loud and well... Huge :) I had Tannoy Reveal 5" - kinda weak, KRK RP5 - boomy, so praised Equator D5 - also found them dissapointing. Well I bought the above speakers basing on Internet reviews. Spent money and time. I knew Neumans are hell pricy. But I spent much on Kemper... I had a chance to try used Neumans.

    Never looking back.

    Few months ago I was with strat and Kemper at music shop. Look for thread "Testing monitors" by me. As for 5" Eve SC205 were superior! They are cheaper than Neumans.

    Take lesson that I learned. If you have a chance to try, please do it. Sound is very subjective. I just can't understand how someone may say KRK RP5 sound good. Ears are different I guess...

    Hope that helps.

  • I love my Focal CMS 65 (6.5") - they are ported and have a huge bottom end - at least to my ears - I found them better (more bottom but not flubby) than Yamaha's with a larger 8" cone that I compared them with.

    Thanks for this. The 65s are physically too large for my desk (same size as the HS8s) but good to know the 6.5 cone can push out the bottom end frequencies. I'd have to look at the Alpha 50s from Focal though the Yamaha HS7 is defintely an option in this case. Smaller phtsical size would still be better if I knew I;d still get a decent impression of the low end.

  • Thanks for all the replies. My broadbands went down so stuck with my terrible 3g phone but I'm still following this and appreciate all the input. Looks like the JBLs might do the trick though any experience with their rivals like HS5s, Equator D5s etc would be great.

  • Thanks for all the replies. My broadbands went down so stuck with my terrible 3g phone but I'm still following this and appreciate all the input. Looks like the JBLs might do the trick though any experience with their rivals like HS5s, Equator D5s etc would be great.

    I "liked" Equators when I replaced Yamahas HS80M with them, 'cause Yamahas were just to big (size and loudness) for my place, but that was just another try based on reviews. One thing they (D5) have wide sweet spot.

    Edited once, last by skoczy (February 24, 2016 at 11:04 PM).

  • Do you have room for a sub underneath? Even an 8" sub can make a big difference. Then you can focus more on overall timbre of a small monitor and not have to worry about LF extension as well.

    I hate emojis, but I hate being misunderstood more. :)

  • I use the HS5s and have no issue once they're set correctly. I don't have any comparisons to make since they're the only ones I've had. But, I have the HS8S too. That makes a huge difference, not as much with just guitar tones, but with anything else I pump though the mixer.

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