Kemper Master volume with FRFR Speaker Vs Guitar Cab

  • Hello All,

    One of the features that appeals to me about a Kemper/FRFR Solution is that from what i understand you can mover the volume from club level, to bedroom level and not lose much (if anything) from the fidelity of the sound.

    If i substitute a 1X12, or 2X12 cab for the FRFR speaker will i still be able to play bedroom level as well? In my experience a guitar speaker reacts differently at higher volumes Vs lower volumes, but i am not sure if changes with a Kemper


  • Hello All,

    One of the features that appeals to me about a Kemper/FRFR Solution is that from what i understand you can mover the volume from club level, to bedroom level and not lose much (if anything) from the fidelity of the sound.

    If i substitute a 1X12, or 2X12 cab for the FRFR speaker will i still be able to play bedroom level as well? In my experience a guitar speaker reacts differently at higher volumes Vs lower volumes, but i am not sure if changes with a Kemper


    It's true that certain guitar speaker need a certain level to operate as expected. But generally I think you'll still be fine with them at bedroom levels in combination with the profiler.
    Note that the Fletcher- Munson curves still apply, no matter if you use FRFR or guitar cabs.

  • I use a KPA with both FRFR and a guitar cab (Creambacks in a 2x12 Zilla) for bedroom levels and both sound great, although as the posters noted above, guitar cabs do react differently, and everything of course sounds better loud :) The Kemper itself however has the same sonic characteristics regardless of the volume (at least to my ears).