I'll port it when I have time. Not anytime in the foreseeable future. I've heard wine runs it fine though

Kemper Duplicate Finder - free program to detect duplicate amp/cab profiles
meambobbo -
February 15, 2016 at 6:40 AM -
Thread is Resolved
Just found this. Such an useful software. Thanks very much for your time and effort.
As someone already said, a "delete" option would be wonderful. Specially if you could delete all exact duplicates (but one) at once.
If you choose the same folder at "your rigs" and "compare to", does it find duplicates within that folder?
hey i have very little free time now so i wont be making any updates; however, i can help anyone who wants to add features or port to mac. Its open source code and theres nothing os specific in there. I used c# more as a way to do it quickly than anything.
There is some dense logic that should have been broken up and commented better, but again, i will definitely help anyone who wants to get into the code and improve it. We can even move it from codeplex to github. I used git for all the commits - i used codeplex just because i think it looks a bit nicer for non-dev end users
Thanks meambobbo,
I wish I could collaborate, but I sadly have no knowledge of programming at all.
Future updates (if any) will be welcome for sure, but in the meantime I'll be using the current application because it's really useful.
Apologize for going to an old thread. I downloaded the archive in meambobbo's sig, but can't figure out how to actually run it. I'd be grateful for any assistance. Thanks!
it looks like codeplex isn't offering the same downloads as before unfortunately - there should just be a release ".exe" file but its not in the archive. I've attached it to this thread for the latest version I think I have. Hope this works. It's a Windows .NET application.
Why would one use .NET for this?
@fourstrk - its like giving guitar tablature to a pianist. Yes someone can convert the tablature and get the tune from it, but tablature isn't native piano speak. However guitarists understand guitar tablature - this format makes sense for the guitar but not the piano.
Kind of similar thing - the code was written for .NET. It will need converting to run on other platforms such as OS X or Linux -
I know. But why would you start with .NET instead of something platform independent?
Thank you @meambobbo !!
Because I didn’t realize so many people would complain about it
I wanted to make a quick native app with a ui. I struggled a little with a wysiwyg editor for netbeans on a prior project.
It’s open source and can easily be translated. It can also be run in a VM.
If you don’t want to do that, then don’t complain or start a new thread to submit complaints.
I did not complain. I was just asking out of curiosity. Stuff for the community is always a good thing.
Sorry it seemed like an attack on my judgment. Really I made it for me, not the community, and since I have mostly Windows machine I wanted the quickest simplest path to a simple native app. Later I tried to look to Xamarin to make it cross platform, but that wasn’t available for free at the time. I do have a Mac mini now but no time to mess with this. I also used codeplex because it WAS more consumer oriented vs developer oriented. Someday I’ll have more time and be smarter about reaching a wider audience, as well as designing things more granular and simple to use for reusability if anyone wants to pivot. Unfortunately my job is overflowing but if we succeed it will be worth it. Otherwise I’ll quit and regain some free time again. Again, I apologize for acting immaturely
Don‘t worry - it‘s fine!