+1 for AME! Interesting amps extremely well profiled! Thank you, will be looking to see if you add others.
Posts by normtailor
I too have waay too many profiles. It's fun and I accept it as a relatively inexpensive addiction. I have rationalized by trying to play a new and different lick/riff every time I audition a new profile. Forces me to do more than tone chase.
You are free to invent your own mind games, lol!
If you haven't browsed this thread yet, there are many winners to be found. Enjoy!
What are "your" hidden gems in Rig Exchange? Post your best finds here ...
Don’t feel bad, Mick and Dan on “That Pedal Show” have gone over this very phenomenon more than a few times. Makes a lot of sense once it clicks for you. Then you learn to use a treble boost post-stack, a few EQ tricks, and then we all start clamoring for more slots in the “Effects” section, lol. It’s a good problem to have, right?
Thanks Burkhard I had forgotten that existed. I'll give it a go.
Thanks, paults. I guess that’s probably what I’ll do. Just seems more logical to “roll back to decrease” but I’m sure I can adapt, even at my age…
As a side note, I had made a set of performances and said, “That’s it, no more tone chasing, only practicing!” Then I read the thread about putting the treble boost after the stack (hence the question), and suddenly a whole folder of rejected rigs came to life and demanded to be heard again. I guess I’ll never be truly cured, idk. Maybe time to stop reading, lol. -
Hi and thanks to all the great folks here!
Just getting started with morphing. My goal is to have a treble booster "always on" at 50% mix but be able to pull the mix down as needed when switching rigs. I've got "heel down" at 0 and "toe down" at 50%. Responding appropriately. However, when I change rigs the mix resets to 0%. If I keep the pedal mainly in the "toe down" position, that means I have to rock it back and forth into position with every rig change. I would like to keep my pedal toe down and have the initial mix at 50% when I switch to a new rig. I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, and appreciate anyone pointing it out to me. Thanks!
Hey folks!
I can't seem to find this one, apologies if it's already been asked and answered. I have a Kemper unpowered rack and a FCB1010 with UnO for Kemper 1.4. All has been fine until I recently decided to take advantage of Performance Mode, which I hadn't been using to this point. I've made several performances and the FCB1010 is controlling everything as it should, including the left pedal assigned to Wah. The right pedal, which is assigned to Volume, now has no effect at all. Works fine in Browser mode. In "System Settings" Pg 5 (Pedal Links) the Volume slider (CC07) moves when I move the pedal so the communication is there.
I assume there is a box to tick somewhere, but I can't find it. Thanks in advance for any assistance!
Ha, your power over me is weakening lonestargtr . I was able to hold out for TWO DAYS before purchasing!
Great work as always and thanks!
I always found that the GUI looked amazing and my "eyes" were ready to be blown away, but then my "ears" got involved and meh, not so much. Imagine if Rig Manager had those sexy graphics, lol...
our buy 3 get 5 deal is on sale as well! 20 bucks for 5 pack
I was just on your site but this deal does not apply when I check out. Is there a code to use? Thanks
I use the cab from DP\'65 Deluxe Crunc by Heater (rig exchange). YMMV obviously
"Look, it's fine. I don't even want it anymore, ok?"
(Wife logic . Works on me 100% of the time)
Not a doctor, but sounds like my thoughts when my GAS (gear acquisition syndrome) is acting up. Of course with the Kemper it's more of a PAS (profile acquisition syndrome) situation. I know I can take antacids for GAS, but I'm afraid my PAS may be incurable. Unless there's an antibiotic that kills my PayPal....
This is how I wound up with a collection of "everything packs", tbh...also, no regrets
I think it can get even worse. I'll spend hours delightedly playing with a couple of rigs that have "my sound", then return to the same rig, same guitar, different day and wonder what the hell happened to make it sound so lame. Drives me crazy but I'm pretty sure the Kemper isn't the problem...maybe some Fletcher Munson corollary, I don't know, but I imagine it's a human problem.
Also, to your question, and although I have no sane reason for doing so, I bought an Atomic CLR Neo II wedge. Kinda pricey, but in combination with the Kemper, literally the most fun I've ever had. Really brought things to life in a way my headphones couldn't. No affiliation, just sayin'. My $0.02, hope you find your sound!