Routing Guitar Di Question

  • Hi guys.

    Is there any way of routing a signal coming into the Kemper at the Return Input Reamp to the Kemper's Direct out?

    I tried this earlier on my Kemper (OS 3.1), I was leaving updating my firmware until the new OS 4 is released, but wondered whether it was possible in any of the more recent updates?

    The reason I wanted to do this was so that I could record my guitar di's through the Kemper to my DAW and then be able to use those di's in future to profile with, by sending them to the return input and out to the amp via the direct out.

    I have been using a reamp box up until this point, sending from the DAW to the reamp box into the front of the Kemper, I was just hoping to simplify the routing.

    Cheers for reading.


  • In order to reamp a dry track with the Profiler you do not need any external device, you can just send the dry sound to the Direct out and from there to DAW.
    For profiling... you do not need a guitar sound at all.
    Hope I got you right?

  • Not quite Gianfanco.

    I want to send a di track (dry sound) from the DAW, through the Kemper to a real amp.

    When I profile an amp I like to profile it for all my guitars. I have 6, so rather than having to use 6 new sets of strings everytime, my idea is to record a di track of each guitar into my DAW via the Kemper.
    When I profile, I could then send out each di track one at a time through the Kemper to the real amp, find the right sound and profile.

    As I said, there is a workaround by sending the Di to a reamp box and then into the Kemper front input, I was just wondering if there were a way to route the return input of the Kemper to an output?

  • kizzer, please bear with me and my English :rolleyes:
    So you want to send the dry tracks to the Profiler in order to tweak the amp's controls before profiling? For the actual profiling you don't need a guitar.
    The sockets you're mentioning are busy with the cables to the Profiler and from the mic (or the DI box when you don't use a mic) during the profiling activity. When in normal use, the signal flows from the Direct Output to the Return Input in order to loop external gear, so I'd say a direct answer would be there's no way AFAIK.

    Thanks for your patience! :D

  • As already mentioned guitar signals are not even involved during the core profiling process and Direct Out as well as Return are occupied to send test signals to tube amplifier and pickup the returning signal from microphone. So I guess, we don't understand the real meaning of this request!? What is the value add of your reamped guitar signal during profiling is still an open question.

  • Its a bit of a hard one to explain, but here goes.

    The conventional way to set a real amp up for profiling is to plug the guitar into the front of the Kemper, the direct output into the real amp and then play and tweak the amp's gain & eq to taste and send back either the microphone signal (Studio profile) or di signal (Direct amp profile) to the Kemper's Return input.

    What I would like the ability to do would be to send a pre-recorded guitar DI from my recording software (Pro tools) through the Kemper to the real amp and use this to tweak the amp's gain & eq in the room, so I could note down all the settings I like.

    After I had done this the DI would be redundant, I would have a list of amp settings to profile and I would profile the real amp like normal, sending a microphone signal (Studio profile) or di signal (Direct amp profile) to the Kemper's Return input and use any of my guitars in the front input to test the profile against the reference.

    So the ability to send a guitar di through the Kemper to the real amp is only for the purpose of setting up the amp ready for profiling, not for profiling. The reason for this is that I have 5 guitars and when I profile a real amp I like to make profiles for each guitar. By using DI's I don't have to take all 5 guitars to a profiling session and I don't have to keep replacing strings, which would become costly.

    Hope this makes sense. At present I send the DI track out of my audio interface to a re-amping box into the front input of the Kemper, this works, but i was just trying to simplify the process.

    Here's a picture of the setup I envisioned.

    [Blocked Image:]

  • The point is, you don't need to have the amp and the Profiler connected when tweaking the amp for the tone(s). You can send a dry clip to the amp from your computer without the Profiler, and once you're done connect the Profiler and produce the profiles with the settings you've decided.

  • it should be sufficient to plug the DI signal from your DAW directly into the guitar input of your amp. You just need to reduce the signal level.

    Yes, you could send the DI straight to the front of the amp and just lower the volume, but there would be inconsistencies between how the DI was reacting with the front of the amp as apposed to how the real guitar would react to the front of the amp. This would lead to differences in how you gained and eq'd the amp.

    My current setup of sending the DI from the interface through the Re-amp box to the front input ensures that the DI is hitting the amp front end at the same level that the guitar would. This ensures that all settings I work out using the DI's and subsequently profile will sound the same later when using with the real guitar.

    The analog reamp setup for the Kemper allows you to send your guitar Di from your interface to the return input of the Kemper and use the Reamp Sens to make sure the guitar is at the same gain level as if the guitar was plugged in the front input. If that could be sent to the direct out it would simplify my process.

    I also feel that this setup would allow profiling to become more bespoke. If an amp profile is made using a Les Paul for instance, the profile will sound different when using a Strat. Sure, they can be tweaked, but how about this:

    Plugging your guitar into your Kemper, record a section through a 'Stock Profile' as well as the direct out (DI) to a second track.
    Send both audio files and the stock profile to the person with an amp you want profiled. (This could be a friend with an amp from the forum or a commercial profile vendor)
    Sending the DI out of their system to the return input of their Kemper, they could use the Reamp Sens to replicate the same sound through the 'Stock Profile'.
    With the level replicated they could send the DI to the direct out of the Kemper to the amp and essentially be setting up the amp with your guitar.
    These profiles would then be bespoke to your guitar as to how it would react to that amp.

    Sorry for rambling ;)