"Compare to the unedited" Button.

  • Hi guys,

    maybe this has been requested before and I just couldn´t find it.

    When editing a rig I sometimes loose perspective. Am I still working in the right direction? Therefore I would love to be able to compare my altered profile to the original. I know, I could press UNDO multiple times and also I know I could edit a profile in perform Mode and switch to browse mode to compare. But wouldn´t it be neat to just press UNDO/REDO at the same time and boom, there you have it, have a listen to the unaltered profile?


  • Hi guys,

    maybe this has been requested before and I just couldn´t find it.

    When editing a rig I sometimes loose perspective. Am I still working in the right direction? Therefore I would love to be able to compare my altered profile to the original. I know, I could press UNDO multiple times and also I know I could edit a profile in perform Mode and switch to browse mode to compare. But wouldn´t it be neat to just press UNDO/REDO at the same time and boom, there you have it, have a listen to the unaltered profile?



    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • Interesting. Meanwhile, have you tried the Snapshot function to see whether it fits your needs or helps you?

    Hi Gianfranco,

    that would be another way. I´ve tried that and of course it works. But lazy as I am, I´d love to have it under my fingers right on the surface. Pressing Undo/redo simultaneously (or holding it down for 2 sec, as suggested by havohej) could maybe user defined as: "undo all edits" or "go back to the original profile" even if it was edited and stored multiple times.

  • I essentially use performance mode for this. I create a performance, copy the rig I intend to edit into every slot, always keep slot 1 pristine and un-edited, and take notes of my tweaks on the subsequent rigs. Once I have the rig I want, save to pool.

    edit: what this does is I can always easily switch back and forth between the original and iterations.