A preset bank with customizable list of options

  • Hello,

    every tyme the contest changes, I need to set a lot of parameters in a lot of System/Rig/Output/Input pages.

    Would be a good help to have a customizable preset list, in which we add a number of options from a list and we store the desired value.
    So when we want change our base setup we can recall a single preset that sets up different options in different option pages.

    Not so easy to implement, but a very, very, very useful feature, IMHO.


  • When you save or recall a preset for OUT and IN and SYSTEM you store or recall the values for ALL parameters. If you have a customizable list of parameters to save as preset you can recall it without alter other parameters that can change along time.

    So if you want to store the Monitor EQ only, as you want to use with a particular Cab, you don't overwrite new settings for (example) the Main EQ.

    Sorry for poor English.

    This behaviour affects any preset system, and the solution is providing a customizable list of parameters to save, instead of storing all parameters together.

  • I guess the point is how many different permutations you need.
    for simple settings (like Pure Cab) the required time to set it is the same it would take to open a function, scroll a list and choose thatpexific value for the parameter. For more complex parameters (like the Mon EQ you mention) couldn't you just save a preset with just that parameter altered and the rest as per your default?

  • I agree.
    I guess the point is that those are not settings you change to brand new values every day. For example, I've created in the years 6-7 Output presets for the places\situations I usually play, and 3 Input presets for my guitars. This covers what I need. If I seldom find myself in a new place I just change things on the fly, and save a new preset if I think\know I'm going to play there or use that rig again.
    So I think I'm missing how useful your request might be.
    You might maybe show some real-life case that would justify a software modification to the FW?
