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  • :?::?::?::/

    The Eastwood Custom Shop needs about 9 or 10 orders for a left hand model to make it economically viable for them, so at the moment with just me and one other leftie having shown an interest, it looks like they'll just produce a run of right handed models.

    As I want to buy the guitar, I was just trying to put the offer in front of the noses of any lefties on this forum.

    My comment about right handed players buying one, was a (jokey) desperate last attempt to get 9 or 10 placing an order for a left handed model, even if they weren't actually left handed - so that Eastwood would fulfil my order.

    I guess ultimately that wouldn't help me with my GAS, just help me give in to it.

  • of any lefties on this forum

    A leftie bassist I used to work with grew up too poor for the family to have more than one guitar, so he just learned to play upside down. He couldn't flip the strings because his brothers were right handed. So, that's what he got used to, and how he kept doing things when he started playing bass. He'd just buy regular basses and not bother flipping the strings.

    It was bad enough that he'd play Eddie Van Halen solos on his Steinberger bass (it was the 70s). The day he grabbed my guitar, flipped it upside down and started playing better than me was when I decided that I had no sympathy left (so to speak) for the lefties of the world. :)

    Which of course is just to say that you should start buying righties and playing them upside down. Think how easy it would be to buy new guitars then!

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • I'm a lefty but learned to play right handed from the start because my guitar teacher told me

    Alan - doing what teacher says is not very rock 'n' roll. I suggest you smash up all your right handed guitars and be true to what you are.

    Be that left handed guitar player - first step is to buy an Eastwood copy of the Yamaha SG 1000 (LH). :thumbup:

  • I'm a lefty but learned to play right handed from the start because my guitar teacher told me I would have a lifetime of trouble trying to buy guitars if I didn't.

    Just get them handmade. It’s just as easy to make them either way and mass produced are usually pants (as they say in Lancashire UK). It doesn’t need to break the bank neither.

  • Just get them handmade. It’s just as easy to make them either way and mass produced are usually pants (as they say in Lancashire UK). It doesn’t need to break the bank neither.

    I’ve been playing right handed for 35 years no point changing now :S

    As for hand made, ive just finished spraying the lacquer on this one and is now going to sit for a month to cure before I polish it up and finish assembling. Its my fourth build so far but I have three more underway too.

  • Thanks ToneDeaf its a glue joint. The body started out as a solid piece of Utile (a mahogany substitute). Then I decided it was going to be too heavy so sawed the top off and hollowed it out almost completely along the lines of a PRS HBII. I glued the original Utile top back on to make it a stealth semi. Unfortunately, I then screwed up the measurements and put the neck pickup route in the wrong place ;( That meant I had to fill the hole and put a new top over the mistake. That gave me a chance to put something a little more visual on so I went Indian Rosewood. All the electrics will go in through the bridge pickup cavity so there is no plastic cover showing.

  • Any good guitar porn requires nudity so here are some gratuitous shots of Rosie naked :D

    Man, that's a whole lotta Rosie. :)

    Wow, very cool building your own guitars. Talk about the ultimate in customization.

    I saw a fairly recent interview with Brian May where he talked about building his guitar (because he couldn't afford a "proper" store bought one). What I didn't know is that he built it with his dad, which makes it that much more personal.

    Every time you play a guitar you built yourself it has to be an extremely gratifying experience. Especially when you can do the quality of work that I'm seeing here. My friends encourage me to avoid power tools, so I admire the skill.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • Man, that's a whole lotta Rosie. :)

    No that's no a lotta rosie. She's been on a diet and there's very little of her left :D

    saw a fairly recent interview with Brian May where he talked about building his guitar (because he couldn't afford a "proper" store bought one). What I didn't know is that he built it with his dad, which makes it that much more personal.

    Yes. I believe it used to be his mother's mantelpiece before it became a guitar. I also found out recently that his Red Special is also hollow. They intended it to have F holes apparently but never got round to putting them in :S

    My friends encourage me to avoid power tools, so I admire the skill.

    Thanks but I can assure you there have been plenty of times when I should have avoided power tools too.

    This is my first solo build which I made for my daughter. However, when making the control cavity I got a bit carried away with the router. I took off way too much material with each pass and ended up with the router bit coming loose, bending the shank, flying out the collet, bursting right through the top then the flames spewing from the router motor 8|=O=O=O=O Fortunately, I still have both legs and all my fingers. I patched up the hole as best I could but it still serves as a vivid reminder of the dangers of idiots with power tools.

  • I took off way too much material with each pass and ended up with the router bit coming loose, bending the shank, flying out the collet, bursting right through the top then the flames spewing from the router motor

    Yikes. That's a vision that will come to mind now every time I see a flame top guitar. :)

    And a guy making a custom guitar for his daughter - man, that's some serious dad points you're scoring there.

    By the way, I'm available for adoption. :)

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • Wheresthedug Beautiful! As a woodworker myself, I really enjoy these pictures and the results! On the 2nd guitar what is the top made of? Looks like aromatic cedar. I did some wood turning with cedar, just as I type this message, I can smell that beautiful smell.

    Also, how did you cut off the top on the fist guitar? That had to be one mighty band saw or some mad hand sawing skillz :)

    Speaking of things coming off unexpectedly and wood turning, I had a ~10 inch piece of "future bowl" fly off the lathe chuck before, lucky that I am lefty (playing the guitar right handed though) so I was standing off to the side a little as I am sure that that 5 lb piece of wood flying and also rotating 800 rpm would have done some interesting dental work even through my faceshield.

    The way I see it, if you do woodworking and still have all your fingers, you are doing good. ^^

  • Wheresthedug Beautiful! As a woodworker myself, I really enjoy these pictures and the results! On the 2nd guitar what is the top made of? Looks like aromatic cedar. I did some wood turning with cedar, just as I type this message, I can smell that beautiful smell.

    Also, how did you cut off the top on the fist guitar? That had to be one mighty band saw or some mad hand sawing skillz :)

    Speaking of things coming off unexpectedly and wood turning, I had a ~10 inch piece of "future bowl" fly off the lathe chuck before, lucky that I am lefty (playing the guitar right handed though) so I was standing off to the side a little as I am sure that that 5 lb piece of wood flying and also rotating 800 rpm would have done some interesting dental work even through my faceshield.

    The way I see it, if you do woodworking and still have all your fingers, you are doing good. ^^

    When i was in school, I used to have wood shop class. So this Dutch kid and I were sawing a piece of wood and he was sawing and he suggested I put my thumb there to make sure the cut was at the right place.

    Needless to say, he wound up sawing into my thumb and I had to go to the nurse.

    No real damage done, but I haven’t been into woodworking ever since. I suppose one big reason is that I live in an apartment, I don’t even have a space to even attempt such fine craftsmanship!

    Cool guitar build, Wheresthedug !