Remote presets for effects buttons?

  • Hi maybe I'm missing something, but are there any assignment presets for the 4 Effects Buttons?
    Before getting the remote, I had a fcb 1010 with u4k. I use all my performance in the same way, button 1 for slot C,button 2 for slot D, button 3 for slot X and button 4 for Delay.
    With the remote, it seems I have to assign the FX buttons to every rig in every performance. The operation is easy, but it is quite tedious when you have over 60 performances. It would be so much simpler if there were presets for the Remote.
    Am I missing something?

  • Hey Raoul
    Thanks for your reply. Yes, I agree, its quite quick to assign the buttons, but if you assign the 4 buttons to 5 performance slots, that's 20 operations for 1 single performance...
    Like I said, I had a fcb1010 with U4K; it lacks flexibility, but at least when you've created your performance, you're good to go, you don't need to assign all your fx buttons again.
    Shall I make a feature request, or am I the only one here?

  • Shall I make a feature request, or am I the only one here?

    At the moment you are the first to request this as far as I know.
    There are 8 stomp boxes to be assigned up to 4 On/Off Buttons.
    Everyone has different stomp boxes. Every Rig in a Performance can have different stomp boxes.
    Perhaps you want a different order. E.g. Booster before stack or after stack but always at the same foot switch.
    How should the system know which stomp box of eight has be to assign to what remote switch.
    How do think this can be solved, if you do not have free choice of assigment.?

    OK jscheffler was faster than me and gave you a hint you can live with :)

  • This sounds like a possible feature request: The ability to assign global assignments to the switches. Better yet when global assignments are turned on, it overrides the specific switch assignments that you tediously programed one by one into each rig, but without deleting them. That way when you invariably change your mind and want independent control over each rig, you can just turn off the global settings.
    For me, I'm still using the FCB, but plan on purchasing the Remote in the next couple months, once I have enough money. While the ability to create different assignments per rig could be useful, for my own uses, I'd probably just keep every rig the same, as it's less to keep track of.

  • Thanks for your replies

    if you want to use the same assignments for each slot in a performance you can simply use the lock function

    Yes, the lock function is a workaround but it only works if you use all your stomps with the same settings, in my case I don't have the same delay or boost settings (for example) for a clean or a distorted rig.

    At the moment you are the first to request this as far as I know.

    Well that's funny as it's really the first thing that came to my mind when I first used the remote. Again, everytime you change a rig, you have to assign the stomps again and then save...

    Everyone has different stomp boxes. Every Rig in a Performance can have different stomp boxes.
    Perhaps you want a different order. E.g. Booster before stack or after stack but always at the same foot switch.
    How should the system know which stomp box of eight has be to assign to what remote switch.
    How do think this can be solved, if you do not have free choice of assigment.?

    By creating (user) presets, hence the title of the thread.

    Of course versatility is great, and if you want to have different stomp boxes for each rig, that's fine, but I like consistency, especially for live use, so all my rigs are organized in the same way, comp, wah, boost, od, eq, mod, dlay, rev, and I just switch the boost, od, mod or delay on or off. So in my case these presets would make sense

    Lastly there are presets for eveything on the kemper, for the input, for your stomps etc so why not for the remote?


    Edited once, last by mattt67 (January 19, 2016 at 9:47 PM).