Help to chose power amp

  • Hi kemper users,
    I need some help to understand the differences between the different power-amps.
    I'm searching an 1unit power amp, to have the feel of an ampli with my cab (mainly i use the mixer with cab sim), and eventually to have a good sound with the only use of a real cab!

    I found those amps:
    1) Rocktron Velocity 300 (200€, used)
    2) Harley Benton GPA 400 (200€, new)
    3) Palmer Macht 402 (285€, new)

    The second and the third one have the same power configuration:
    2x200w 4Ohm - 2x100w 8Ohm - [bridge 1x400w 8ohm]

    The Rocktron has less power:
    2x150w 4Ohm - 2x75w 8Ohm - [bridge 1x300w 8ohm]

    There are some differences in terms of quality - reliability - durability (features like fan, heat issues etc.)
    The Rocktron costs twice, is it a good indicator for my choice?

  • Im using an Art SLA-2 (1 rack space) in bridged mode (around 550 watts), running mono into a Marshall 1960a cab. Since doing this Ive not had the CLR's on much surprisingly...

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • I'd second a vote for Matrix. The GT800FX is ample for most guitarists, though I'd step it up just a notch and get the GT1000FX, even if you're remotely thinking about playing bass through it.

    Matrix builds quality stuff that will last you forever, but it doesn't come cheap.

    Guitars: Parker Fly Mojo Flame, Ibanez RG7620 7-string, Legator Ninja 8-string, Fender Strat & Tele, Breedlove Pro C25
    Pedalboard: Templeboards Trio 43, Mission VM-1, Morley Bad Horsie, RJM Mini Effect Gizmo, 6 Degrees FX Sally Drive, Foxpedals The City, Addrock Ol' Yeller, RJM MMGT/22, Mission RJM EP-1, Strymon Timeline + BigSky
    Stack: Furman PL-Plus C, Kemper Rack

  • Thanks for the answers,
    i considered also the GT800FX but costs nearly 450/500€ and i'd like to spend half money for the power-amp
    Is The Rocktron Velocity too risky for the heat if it remains on the same flight case with Kemper?
    (if i use this in a live situation with my band Can I afford to use it for one session of 3-4 hours or is too much for the heat?
    Yes it's heavy. Are (In terms of quality and final sound) the Harley Benton or the Palmer are nearly the same?

    The Harley Benton and the Palmer one are very light: 3kg and 3,8kg

  • Hey

    I own a Atomic Powered CLR Wedge -and- a Matirx VB100 -and- a Harley Benton GPA-400 -and- have used a GT800FX loaner many times.

    I run the H/Benton with a 2 x 12 [ Real ] Guitar Cab running 2 x Celestion 75w G12T-75's ..... its *the* Marshall speaker.

    I run that box Stereo 2 x 8 ohm via the H/B so the H/B is putting out a [max.] of 2 x 100w.

    Compared to the Matrix VB800 [ which is mono and I ran into to its EFX Return ] I cannot tell any difference ..... it is *stonkingly* loud and very clear and very flat and transparent - and very light [3kg] and fanless [silent].

    It is stupidly fantastic .... its price point makes it a total no brainer

    Are the Matrix [stereo] amps better ?

    Yes ....... probably ... maybe ...... however .....

    -> sound wise - I cannot tell any difference
    -> are they louder - yes they are - but if 2 x 100w [ or 400w bridge @ 4 ohm ] isn't loud enough for you on stage then there is something seriously wrong with your ears :) or you need to find a new band as you will lose your hearing !!! .... at 2 x 100w the front peak led's don't even get "tickled" and its ear-sore-loud

    If money is no issue - get the Matrix GT800FX ..... although last time I looked, the GT800FX is around (?) EURO $500 <-> EURO $550 ..... and the H/B is around EURO $200

    Obviously, the issue with a H/B [ no-name-brand ] is potentialreliability ....... but remember ...... if / once you get one ....... give it a hammering for the first few days ... run it loud and long and gig volume ..... like most gear these days, if its going to crap-out, it will do it pretty quickly ..... my guess is you will be fine.

    If I were in a "name" band and touring and playing every night or two ....or someone else was picking up the tab, Id -always- get the Matrix ....... otherwise I [did] roll the dice on the H/B .....and so far, its all good.

    OR ......if you can afford the Palmer Macht 402 ... get that one .... they make awesome gear ..... you get name-brand-quality -and- great price .... although it is like %45 more than the H/B ]


    Edited once, last by benifin (January 13, 2016 at 11:13 AM).

  • benifin has you on the right track. I loved the Rocktron when I first owned it, but after time I realized it just would not work for my situation. The carry weight plus the heat on the unit was a concern and didnt want to stress over if it would work or fail.

    I own the Matrix GFX1600 and could not be happier. I know it seems like overkill but we play loud and I mean turn your intestines kinda loud. But if the Matrix is out of your price range follow the suggestion given by benifin.

    Best of luck and keep us posted.

    “When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.”

  • There is a Rocktron Velocity 300 + rack 4Units (perfect match for my kemper rack) at 250 € that is tempting me because the seller is in my own town.
    250 is the exact price of the Harley Benton + Proel 4Units...

    I've found some info abount the velocity 300in an audio forum, a user wrote to Rocktron and they said that They have marketed several articles with a defect: the transmission cable between the power supply and the fan (this should cause the thermal problems)
    What do you think guys?

  • I chose to buy the stock Harley Benton B-180 € from thomann.
    I read many positive reviews (from many users that use it with Kemper)
    and have a 3-year warranty reassures me.

    This choice was easy after reading many reviews of the Velocity of users that have reported various problems for temperatures, including the seller of my own city.

    Thanks to everyone for the tips!

  • I chose to buy the stock Harley Benton B-180 € from thomann.
    I read many positive reviews (from many users that use it with Kemper)
    and have a 3-year warranty reassures me.

    This choice was easy after reading many reviews of the Velocity of users that have reported various problems for temperatures, including the seller of my own city.

    Thanks to everyone for the tips!

    Could you share your experience with the Harley Benton GPA 400? Would appreciate it. Thanks

  • I was using a Crown xls2000 and just switched this weekend to a Carvin DCM 3000L. The Crown was great had enough power but always felt it wasent giving me something in the top end. The Carvin has definitely been an upgrade, theres allot in the overall tone I was missing and its much more 3D. I haven't played on it but for like 20 minutes so still needing to get back to it, but initial thoughts are great.