The NAMM plot thickens.............

  • I'm most probably wrong but I see two different profiles in that is the ACE Cornford and the other is some other clean profile, can't see the name.

    Well, if you can morph between two profiles with any expression pedals then doesn't that mean dual amps, two amps/Profiles at the same time?

  • I'm most probably wrong but I see two different profiles in that is the ACE Cornford and the other is some other clean profile, can't see the name.

    Well, if you can morph between two profiles with any expression pedals then doesn't that mean dual amps, two amps/Profiles at the same time?

    Right Guitartone ... it insinuates an Ace Cornford profile but under "AMP" it (faintly) reads "WD Blackstar Clean2".
    It could be that "CF" is misleading, it could be that the new FW enables parallel stacks ... that would indeed be a true quantum leap and a dream come true !
    Well ... we´ll see ... until now I was pretty relaxed in regards of the new FW-update but this possible option has put me a bit on the edge ... :D:)

  • I'm most probably wrong but I see two different profiles in that is the ACE Cornford and the other is some other clean profile, can't see the name.

    Well, if you can morph between two profiles with any expression pedals then doesn't that mean dual amps, two amps/Profiles at the same time?

    Hay Man, i hope that, being you the official distributor, could give us some more hints!
    I cannot wait until today afternoon! :D

  • I think an interesting post is the difference in gain displayed as we all know, if you massively change the gain of an amp, the results aren't to spectacular, hence why we have profiles with different gain settings. Could point to something other than just control over parameters.

  • I can't understand the point of two amps mixed.At the end you have one sound, unless you split stereo signal into one amp each side. A revolution for me would be realistic feedback reaction of guitar and speaker with even lower loudness. I don't mean necessarily long feedback, Just the bit of liveliness of a real amp played loud.

  • I'm most probably wrong but I see two different profiles in that is the ACE Cornford and the other is some other clean profile, can't see the name.

    Well, if you can morph between two profiles with any expression pedals then doesn't that mean dual amps, two amps/Profiles at the same time?

    Not necessarily, CF could have implemented an algorithm that could, in realtime, merge two profiles into a 'third' that the audio engine is running...
    Just a thought...

  • I can't understand the point of two amps mixed.At the end you have one sound, unless you split stereo signal into one amp each side. A revolution for me would be realistic feedback reaction of guitar and speaker with even lower loudness. I don't mean necessarily long feedback, Just the bit of liveliness of a real amp played loud.

    The point in mixing two amps is very simple: to get a bigger tone ... :thumbup:

    For example listen to SVR or Bonamassa, both known for using at least two amps at a time.
    We can´t say that both of them had/have a particulary thin amp sound. To the contrary...

    I don´t think you necessarily need stereo to enjoy this option.
    You can have two amps/profiles that do not have to be outstandingly sounding on their own but could even (or one of them) be rather mediocre, but mixed together they really shine and offer a tone that can not be achieved with either one of them on their own.

    It is also to achieve a greater variety in sound.
    Now, you can of course say that you like an amp profile on its own but believe me, parallel stacks open a door to another world.

    For instance: I don´t like the sound of a piezo pickup on its own, but slightly blended with a magnetic pickup it can sound fab as it introduces more string separation and "HiFi" but still lets the magnetic PU (depending on how much you dial in the piezo) dominate the sound ... it can be the same with parallel stacks/amps.

    I admit it´s perhaps not an option for the broader range of users and it´s of course all a matter of personal taste, but it is worth a try for everyone if one has the opportunity.
    Most people haven´t tried it as they either don´t have a second amp, never thought or bothered about this option or were repelled by issues that occur using two amps in parallel such as humming and phasing.

    If the KPA "would" be able to provide parallel stacks (still speculating, lads ...) these issues would become obsolete.

    I for one would rather love to see this option in a KPA than any unpractical FX-gadgetry and -glitter that rub off too quickly and may only pose a real use for U2 cover bands (... and I love U2 !) ... ;)

  • Wooohoo! Under 6 hours to go till the festivities begin. I wonder if there might be any early news here on this site
    or thread. That would be very cool.

    Some interesting big ideas floating around. Parallel amp stacks being one of them. While CK said the proc cant run 2
    at once, I don't remember any comments about the code, so theoretically it is possible. Imho for something like this, either
    some more advanced/new control parameters, systems, and ideas are needed, or a well developed skill set to get good results.
    Probably both, but practicing a new thing never hurts. Also be a good end to the non stop stream of I want/need dual
    amps--->BUY 2 KPA then posts... I would imagine the price going up accordingly, which would be nice for early adopters
    (2 I have now cost ~$500 more each now). Stores here are also out of stock, l&m, thomann, some have so hard to say, prolly
    x-mas pillaging...

    Interesting thought Janne, even if it would be a problem to merge on the KPA, it could hook up to a computer, and use additional resources
    to merge profiles, tweak, etc. Though you can have 2 amps at once now, just profile 2 amps at a time via mixer etc.

    An all in one foot controller would be nice, a la axe 8 and helix, as some suggested. Would only make sense that a new foot controller
    would be able to profile stomps. Competition would be slain at this point just from convenience alone.

    Who knows with this crew? Always full of nice surprises. I'm looking at you for some early bird hints KPA team ;)

  • Hey, I'll share a little trick for keeping up with all the important Kemper news without having to refresh the forum every 10 seconds and lose a whole day of work. :)

    Using the RSS feed from the Kemper announcements subforum and IFTTT, I get a notification right on my Pebble smartwatch every time a new feature or rig pack is announced. It's pretty quick, usually within 10 minutes after the news has been posted.

    [Blocked Image:]

    Hey, I'm a huge nerd, ok?

    It doesn't have to be a smartwatch, of course: you can link lots and lots of different actions to a trigger. You could simply have it send you an email, or water your lawn, turn up the heat or your lights at home, or print a happy face. :D

  • Not necessarily, CF could have implemented an algorithm that could, in realtime, merge two profiles into a 'third' that the audio engine is running...
    Just a thought...

    I think now it's a coincidence (the amp name in the clip).

    If you look at the news page (which I'm sure we're all doing anyway!!) and look at the video posted for 3.2 when PureCab came out. Go to 3.11 onwards in the video and you'll see a Cornford named profile by Ace with a Blackstar named amp.