The NAMM plot thickens.............

  • Here's another guess. It can be be profiles of Reverb boxes similar to what Nebula does where it's not just static convolution but rather dynamic convolution (similar to the method used in profiling amps and distortion boxes except it's for Reverb). Nebula has the best sound of any plugins if anyone has tried it. Having that in a box will definitely and clearly make the KPA reverbs better than those offered by Fractal, if that matters.

  • EQ changes are useful in many ways. If you are doing a solo boost, you may want a little less bass and more mids to make it stand out in the mix without sounding muddy. Many times an EQ that works great for rhythms isn't going to be as good for leads. Or lets say you want to use the same amp but change pickups on your guitar, you may want to tweeze the EQ a bit.

    I guess thats another way to do it. Ive played for around 42 years and never tried that, always using the pup selection or tone knob. Never too old to learn another way however :D

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • This is truly exciting. That sound clip blew me away, can't wait! Thanks Kemper team!

    Prsgary...I am pretty sure that "Kemper_Leader" has absolutely no affiliation with Kemper GmbH, whatsoever. While he may be making a logical inference, it is by no means based on legitimate Kemper plans. Not sure if that was your impression.

  • Well that's interesting, and yes it was my impression. Thanks for clueing me in Tritium. I haven't been following this post much so I'm sure there are other comments in there related. I've got to read and catch up.

    But even if the date is way off, clearly something exciting is on the horizon at some point!

    Wait - I went back and see the pic pointing right to the 21st... it will indeed be all of our birthdays!!

    Gary ô¿ô

    Edited once, last by prsgary (January 19, 2016 at 10:04 PM).

  • Well that's interesting, and yes it was my impression. Thanks for clueing me in Tritium. I haven't been following this post much so I'm sure there are other comments in there related. I've got to read and catch up.

    But even if the date is way off, clearly something exciting is on the horizon at some point!

    Something is coming - again I don't have any affiliation but the home page says that the 21st will be a special day

    and we've now had 3 'drip feed' videos so I think it's safe to say that we'll know all about it on the 21st and hopefully get our hands on it within the next week or so :)

    Again, just an opinion. But Kemper don't tend to share a great deal until it's happening so I think that getting a little bit excited is reasonable :)

  • If you are on facebook, I suggest you read the comments on the video - I can't get to fb right now but am pretty sure they responded to a question about using an expression pedal to control parameters with something like 'you can control any switch with any expression pedal'.

  • Somebody (forget whom) wrote on this thread that master volume was being controlled in this rig/EP demo - I don't think that's right. I see that as the gain increases, the black indicator rises from zero to max (at max gain). So I think what we are used to seeing as the master volume indicator line is actually somehow being used as the gain indicator, at least in this configuration in this rig.

    Speaking of which - I hope they include this awesome rig with all it's bells and whistles as a new free rig with the update. It would be killer to have this as a quick starting point to explore these new features, or just fun as hell to play with :thumbup::thumbup:

    Gary ô¿ô

  • Somebody (forget whom) wrote on this thread that master volume was being controlled in this rig/EP demo - I don't think that's right. I see that as the gain increases, the black indicator rises from zero to max (at max gain). So I think what we are used to seeing as the master volume indicator line is actually somehow being used as the gain indicator, at least in this configuration in this rig.

    Speaking of which - I hope they include this awesome rig with all it's bells and whistles as a new free rig with the update. It would be killer to have this as a quick starting point to explore these new features, or just fun as hell to play with :thumbup::thumbup:

    For me, I think the black line is the position of the expression pedal from heal to toe.

    Lots of parameters were changing at once, some you could see from the LED's on the front of the Kemper but it sounded like other parameters changing too..... I think the bar was going from one end of the changes to the other.