Toaster => a new Editor

  • Yes, that was a drop down menu in the video. Play by play: I had an empty effects slot. I held the effects button. An effect-type menu dropped down. I chose the pitch category. A sub menu dropped down and I chose the analog octaver.

    Super easy to use!

    I agree that a full screen option would be awesome, but I know that can be difficult with a bitmapped GUI. Perhaps the final version can have an option for an alternate larger GUI for 2K to 4K HD screens. I can see using a small GUI when recording to save desktop space and a large GUI when using the amp stand-alone.

    I hate emojis, but I hate being misunderstood more. :)

  • Man, wouldn't it suck, if at NAMM, Kemper introduced an editor. <X
    I mean, it wouldn`t suck in general but it would be a bit of a downer for you after you spent a year working on this.

    Or maybe....just maybe, you are a plant to take the editor heat of off Kemper. Hmmm? :whistling::)

  • I think the "option" of picking the editor of your choice to use does not "suck" at all....

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • Oh I am relaxed... Just making the statement and fact that options are "always" better than no options.
    Now then, banter all you like.... ;)

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • @Michael_dk and @spikey
    Thanks for the reports. They helped to solve the issues.

    @ all Mac user
    The Mac version (look at the original/first entry) is ready and should work now (keeping my fingers crossed, it works in the virtualbox). Feedback please!

    Many thanks for your critical but constructive feedback, I really appreciate it. To be honest I hoped there would be more such comments at this thread.
    And yes you're right: toaster can't be called a real editor at the current stage (where the f..k is the f..g store button???). It's rather a remote controller and even for that it doesn't provide the full functionality.

    So you could ask “why does this guy give us an unfinished software?”.
    Three answers. First, it's about acceptance: I want to know what others think and how they see the development till yet. What is bad and what should be improved? I want to know which features are wanted/needed. What is most wanted? Only so I can make plans for future releases. Surely I have my own visions and plans (see below, the current road map).
    Second: it's also about test. Until the ALPHA release I was the only user and hence the only tester. But usually the developer is a bad tester as he subconsciously doesn't want to harm his baby.
    And third: I want to build a development team to speed up the progress.

    I also want to use this answer to give all of you a raw development road map and an overview about the next steps.
    Planed features for the 1.0 final release are:
    * tuner
    * browser
    * stomp edit
    * amp edit
    * cab edit
    * input edit
    * output edit
    * rig file upload
    * dial acceleration
    * tap button
    * store button [if possible]

    Planned features for future releases are (not prioritized):
    * performance mode
    * profile mode [if possible]
    * direct rig navigation
    * stomp presets
    * tag editor
    * usability (copy & paste, undo & redo, drag & drop)
    * vst
    * offline/kipr editing (virtual KPA)
    * libraries for amps/cabs
    * different views (e.g. rack view with realistic looking skins for stomps/amps/cabs)
    * ? (here where you come in)

    Further ideas are:
    * USB communication [if possible]
    * ethernet communication [if possible]
    * ? (here where come in)

    The next step is to make the sources ready for release and to host them on source forge. In parallel, I'll work up the todo list for the final 1.0 release. When all feature are developed, there will be a BETA-version (well, just the usual process).


    Edited once, last by virango (January 16, 2016 at 9:22 PM).

  • Man, wouldn't it suck, if at NAMM, Kemper introduced an editor. <X
    I mean, it wouldn`t suck in general but it would be a bit of a downer for you after you spent a year working on this.

    Or maybe....just maybe, you are a plant to take the editor heat of off Kemper. Hmmm? :whistling::)

    I think the "option" of picking the editor of your choice to use does not "suck" at all....

    Nothing left to be added.

    Btw, I think there will be no editor introduced at NAMM.

    Edited once, last by virango (January 16, 2016 at 9:21 PM).

  • Mac version works here now - cool!

    Some things:
    - Can't turn stomps and effects off or on - and neither these two sections as a whole (i.e. entire stomp section, entire effects section) - although it correctly registers state from changes made on the kemper on the individual stomps (but NOT the whole section on/off state)
    - The colours of individual stomps when editing can make it very hard to make out the text
    - The knobs above the display are funky - there are four knobs, instead of two knobs plus the four buttons.

    Other than that, cool!! :)

  • Mac version works here now - cool!

    Some things:
    - Can't turn stomps and effects off or on - and neither these two sections as a whole (i.e. entire stomp section, entire effects section) - although it correctly registers state from changes made on the kemper on the individual stomps (but NOT the whole section on/off state)
    - The colours of individual stomps when editing can make it very hard to make out the text
    - The knobs above the display are funky - there are four knobs, instead of two knobs plus the four buttons.

    Other than that, cool!! :)

    Thanks for the feedback, I'll look into it.
    As for the knobs/dials/buttons: toaster isn't supposed to be an exact copy of the real thing. Some things (like the type and browse dials) just don't make sense (imo).

  • Some of my notes/suggestions:

    1. I think a high priority is an "exit" button :). I got stuck on an effect edit page and couldn't get back to the rig home-page, at least not on my touchscreen.

    2. A sizable GUI or a few different size options.

    3. If possible, advanced tagging. I don't know what the data structures are for the rigs and how Toaster accesses them, but if you could add tags to each rig in Toaster, it would be awesome. For example, I'd love to filter my rigs by keywords. I'd like to be able to scroll through only the rigs that match the keywords "neck pickup", "Strat", and have a gain between 5 and 7 for example. I know that the KPA can't store these extra tags, but maybe Toaster can, and then associate them with a given profile in the KPA?

    I hate emojis, but I hate being misunderstood more. :)

  • Some of my notes/suggestions:

    1. I think a high priority is an "exit" button :). I got stuck on an effect edit page and couldn't get back to the rig home-page, at least not on my touchscreen.

    2. A sizable GUI or a few different size options.

    3. If possible, advanced tagging. I don't know what the data structures are for the rigs and how Toaster accesses them, but if you could add tags to each rig in Toaster, it would be awesome. For example, I'd love to filter my rigs by keywords. I'd like to be able to scroll through only the rigs that match the keywords "neck pickup", "Strat", and have a gain between 5 and 7 for example. I know that the KPA can't store these extra tags, but maybe Toaster can, and then associate them with a given profile in the KPA?

    1. Did you try a long click on the edited stomp button? Or does it not work on touchscreen?
    2. A sizeable skinned GUI is difficult, but skinns in diffrent sizes are surely possible. I think, I put it on the planned features list. Planned are also different views (e.g. rack view)
    3. Good ideas => on the list.

  • @virango
    I wasn't criticisizing it at all. Hell its free. I was more asking questions because I didn't have it connected yet so I couldn't see how it works. It won't let me do anything until it is linked up.

    After I posted that I saw the video someone else posted with the touch screen and it indeed does what I was hoping for. Which I commented on also.

    I would never criticize anybody's work that was free. I may just give an opinion.
    I truly appreciate it.

    As far as me talking about what if Kemper comes out with an editor.....that is all in jest. Kind of like.....damn that would be messed up.
    Seriously people, relax.

    Some just hover and wait to pounce on anything that they percieve or hope is negative.
    Sometimes more at me because I am not an all out yes man.

    For the life of me I cannot see how anybody sees it as a negative comment.

    Fine ,it gives people more options. Sheesh.
    Did you people not see the smiley face?

    Chill people. I am not out to get anybody. Some of my posts may not be all warm and fuzzy but I am not attacking anyone.

    Thanks again for the effort Virango.

  • 1. Did you try a long click on the edited stomp button? Or does it not work on touchscreen?

    I'll give it a try and let you know. I'm still kind of new to the KPA and the only way I knew how to go back was that exit button.

    I also haven't gotten very deep into playing with Toaster yet, other than doing a few basic things with it. My main use for it right now is at rehearsal. My amp is on the other side of the room, and I need to navigate across a bunch of mic stands, a keyboard, and my singer's pedal-board just to turn my volume up or tweak EQ. This is the PERFECT solution for me, a simple remote control. In fact, for my needs, it's much better than the Kemper Remote. I can adjust any parameter on an existing profile from 20 feet away, not just switch patches and pedals. I suppose I could just use a long speaker cable and keep the KPA by me, but my tablet clips to my mic stand and takes up no extra room.

    I hate emojis, but I hate being misunderstood more. :)