Going back to guitar cab

  • The Gemini II has a "Empower Q" switch on the back of the Gemini II and I believe the Gemini I as well. On one end of the dial it has a flat setting which is the FULL FRFR and the other end of the dial has a CAB setting which is GRFR (extended range). You can also back the dial off a little from the flat setting to add more of a GRFR traditional cab or feel (the video below describes it as warmth ...and to me it does sound warmer). By turning the dial off the full FRFR setting though you are (obviously) getting a different EQ response which is no longer true FRFR but that is that coolest feature to me. You should be able to keep your cab sims on tweak it as you like or drop the cab sims altogether and use the CAB setting like a traditional power amp cab.

    Here is a link where the guy (awesome player) shows adjusting the Empower EQ

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    Here is another link on a guy who goes more in depth on it. Sound quality is not as good though.

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    I just bought one of these Gemini's II a few minutes ago. It was too intriguing to me not to try it out. If I don't like it I'll return it within the 45 days. It is 20% off right now at Musicians Friend so it was hard to pass up!

    After I have it for a few weeks I'll post my impressions on it here if people are interested.

  • got it. thanks. I guess the passive version does not have such Empower Q which is probably in the power section
    however, it remains the cheapest 2*12 I have seen

    Im thinking the Passive has the Empower Q as well. Not positive on that but I would email them and verify first if that is what you are looking for. Im willing to bet it does have it. That would be a good option at that price point if you already have a separate power amp or a powered Kemper. I actually think it comes out cheaper that way than if you bought the powered version.

  • I prefer a little of both. Found myself a 3-Way (12" Lo x 8" Mid + 2 Tweeter) passive Polytone Keyboard Cabinet, which gets a great FRFR tone, then replaced the 12" with my favorite Eminence speaker. Gives me my favorite Eminence speaker tones + clear mids and highs.

    Maybe try experimenting with your favorite 12" speaker in your FRFR Cab. Of course you'll lose the FRFR, but you may end up with something you like better.

    Maybe that could be a new product. FRFR cabs sold without the 12" driver. Just controllable mids and highs. For me, that's really the only thing missing, when using a FRFR speaker over a regular guitar cab.

    Edited once, last by davec69 (December 13, 2015 at 11:44 PM).

  • Im thinking the Passive has the Empower Q as well. Not positive on that but I would email them and verify first if that is what you are looking for. Im willing to bet it does have it. That would be a good option at that price point if you already have a separate power amp or a powered Kemper. I actually think it comes out cheaper that way than if you bought the powered version.

    i mailed them and will let you know

  • On the subject of merged profiles: I have made a couple of merged profiles with the Kemper DI box and I have to admit that the studio profiles seem to be a little bit "better". All the profiles I have made, I have refined the profile. In order to make a merged profile, you have to refine both the studio and the DI profile. I wonder could the differences when refining twice be the reason for the differences in studio and merged profiles?

  • On the subject of merged profiles: I have made a couple of merged profiles with the Kemper DI box and I have to admit that the studio profiles seem to be a little bit "better". All the profiles I have made, I have refined the profile. In order to make a merged profile, you have to refine both the studio and the DI profile. I wonder could the differences when refining twice be the reason for the differences in studio and merged profiles?

    I did a lot of merged profiles lately and they sound exactly like the studio ones. I refine the studio profile but not the DI profile.

  • Going back to Cabs again is a nice move. The Profiler is made for this.

    However, before switching, did you try the new Pure Cabinet function?
    It will significantly improve the perceived sound quality when using linear speakers and eliminate the "harsh-trebly-jingle bells" effect. (Which is the perfect description for the close mic effect.

    It would be great if you could give a feedback about Pure Cabinet on this thread.

    Yes, I did try the Pure Cab function and its a great improvement ,
    What I personaly don't like are the high's with FRFR , a guitar cab doesn't do this ( there are no tweeters in a guitar cab of course )
    And I can dial the high's and presence out in the monitor EQ, but when the're gone, its sounding a bit flubby and unpronounced to me

  • My experience with "FRFR" is that they all color the sound in their own way, no speaker (within reasonable price) is really 'flat'.
    And I do find that esp. speakers on the cheaper side of the spectra tries to 'hype' the top and the low end in a way that the important (for us guitarists) midrange often suffers.
    And this has nothing to do with the KPA or any other modeler, a mic'ed up amp will still sound brittle at the top, week in the midrange and flabby in the low end when put through a budget FRFR.
    I'm very impressed with the DXR10 just because how it handles the midrange and the top end.
    I have not yet used it on stage but I does sound great at rehearsals and I don't feel I'm lacking anything comparing that to my H&K half-stack, YMMV.

  • I Mic'ed my Tube amps up with a Sennheiser e906 and never experienced extra brittle/high's at the top, with very different PA systems for almost every gig .
    But It doesn't matter, I still love my kemper and I'm glad I bought me the Power Rack versions so I have the choice if I use FRFR Or Guitar cab 8)
    DXR10 is sounding good to me also but I just like the guitar cab better

  • Have you found that you get better results with not refining the DI profile? What DI box are you using? P.s. I just bought your Cablab package.

    Thx. I had some occasions in which i found the refined DI profile not as authentic as the non refined one. From that time i skipped refining the DI profiles and that worked nicely. I use the Behringer GI-100 and the merged and studio profiles sound identical through full range systems.

  • @ckemper On a side note, many commercial vendors won't sell Merged profiles, because they say Studio profiles sound better. Are they doing something wrong? (I haven't tried myself) I'd love to have your opinion, CK!

    True, this is astounishing.
    I believe that the saying that Studio Profiles sound better than Merged Profiles is a myth that has build up in the last months.
    We have never been approached by commercial vendors that there is a potential problem.
    On the other hand we have asked a known vendor for Merged Profiles and the respective Studio Profile for a comparison.
    I could not hear or feel a difference.