My KPA has been acting up since the last update. Not sure what's going on.

  • It started with all of my profiles disappearing. The only one I had on there was the one I was using last. My performances all remain the same.
    So I reloaded my back up and got the profiles back and this happened again a few days later. In general, the whole system is slow. Slow to change profiles in performance mode (from the same slot)

    Now I just plugged in and switched to browser to try a couple sounds. Switched back and it loaded a completely different profile in one of my performances.
    I rebooted the KPA and it was still there until I switched to a different performance and back. In general the whole thing sounds kind of "off". Hard to describe but it's lost a lot of the natural sound and sounds
    more processed than before.

    I tend to use mid gain profiles, nothing super heavy.

    Any thoughts?


  • Had something similar happen. Did a flash init and it went away.

    Now I am getting sluggish responses again. Don't want to flash init too much as there may be a max number of flash writes???

    There are a couple other threads where a similar problems are reported. Seems something is getting stuck in the processing. For me it starts when switching and locking cabs and effects.