• The clean and slight crunch sound files are outstanding.
    I'm not sold on the distortion until l can play one with my guitar as your recordings are Fenders.
    I don't know if its the guitar or profile until I have one in hand to try.

    I would also like to try a clean and distortion profile before buying a whole set.
    All others have done this that I've asked (Armin, Andy, Pete, Michael)

    Good work on the sound files!

  • I agree.... Unfortunately/fortunately there are so many great profiles already that are well reviewed, and proven to be incredible, and there are so many commercial profilers out there putting out great, and sometimes not so great profiles these days; and some at a much cheaper price as well. I just feel given that is already out, and so many have given samples, it's necessary almost nowadays.

  • The clean and slight crunch sound files are outstanding.
    I'm not sold on the distortion until l can play one with my guitar as your recordings are Fenders.
    I don't know if its the guitar or profile until I have one in hand to try.

    I would also like to try a clean and distortion profile before buying a whole set.
    All others have done this that I've asked (Armin, Andy, Pete, Michael)

    Good work on the sound files!

    Okay, I see your point..
    I'm gonna think about it, I'll get back to you.

    Ciao, Bert

  • I'm with db9091, not having the opportunity to play with them and being a big pack stops me a bit.
    the sounds are simply astonishing IMHO, thus I have only a little love for big packs.
    Btw, it's great to have great profile producers.
    in case you'll consider some free profiles and/or smaller packs, I'll be in for sure

  • I made the same experience, buying packs for a lot of money, being disappointed, some of the packs I deleted totally, BUT THESE PROFILES ARE DIFFERENT !!!!

    They are more than worth the money and they are 100% high quality. Of course it's all a matter of taste and I'm like Bert a session-player, using my KPA mainly for session-work and live-shows using UE11-Pro in ears. For that purpose they are simply perfect and they fit together perfectly to my main electric guitars ('58 and '66 strat, '54, '66 and '70 tele, '69 Gibson ES-335, Gibson Les Paul CS '58 reissue, '62 Epiphone Riviera).

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas / http://guenterhaas.weebly.com/

  • Man, probably i didn't explain myself.
    I didn't say he should do it.
    I'm just giving an opinion as a potential customer.
    BTW small packs make way more sense to me :)

    Ps: this is the same opinion i have for other producers, it's not just about these BM profiles. The problem is that i really want the CAE 3+ profiles :D

  • I really don't get the price or "for free"-discussion.....

    Bert is a 100% professional long-time experienced session- and live-guitarist, I'm a pro-guitarist/producer since 1987, too and I know what I'm talking about. You don't get just a few profiles, you'll get his experience and his awesome collection of top-amps, too.

    I paid 40.91 EUR (44.52 $) for 74 excellent profiles (because I have a tax-ID I don't have to pay VAT), I will keep nearly all profiles and use them intensively for my work.

    Why should a professional guitarist offer his days of work, knowledge, experience and amp-collection for free? Why do you expect that musicians should offer their work for free and at the same time you will pay for any other work without even thinking about it? I just can tell you, if you want to own a collection of outstanding profiles just buy it, you won't regret it.

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas / http://guenterhaas.weebly.com/

  • Im not saying he should or shouldn't... I have no opinion on that... But it's becoming the STANDARD for every other major commercial profiler, regardless of your or my opinion... THAT is my point... the market has become so incredibly commercial profile saturated and the bar is quite high right now, to the point that our most prominent and first profiler closed shop... That is why, personally, I feel you Atleast need to atleast entertain the idea if you plan to sell profiles today...and if we are going to go down the road of"how much success " a player has had, Michael britt arguably has more success than Just about anyone on this forum, or In Music period for that matter , and he has done ample profiles for free, even released them to kemper. Again, not saying I agree or disagree,just giving an argument for what the standard seems to be these days...

  • Everyone can have his own opinion, that's more than ok. I'm really happy that I bought Bert's profiles. I didn't know him, took the risk and I'm more than happy with it.

    By the way, I have nearly all or plenty of profiles from Armin, Andy, MBritt, Guido, TopJimi and many others and my KPA is already full of excellent profiles. Nevertheless Bert's profiles are a class of its own and I'm sure that in the long run he will have a lot of success with it, too.

    Michael (MBritt) started with profile packs similar to Bert's pack (MBritt 60 profiles for 49.99 $ / Bert 74 profiles for 53,87 $) and noone complained, he just started recently to offer his mini packs. Guido sells small packs for small money (7,6 $), Armin offers a wide range of profiles of one amp for 19.99 $, Andy's single packs are available for 7,5 $, his bundles reach from 60,4 $ to 135,9 $, Michael Wagener's profile packs will cost 140 $ or 240 $. So everyone is free to choose his way, some of the commercial vendors offer free profiles, some not, so I don't see one standard like VESmedic said. ;)

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas / http://guenterhaas.weebly.com/

    Edited 6 times, last by guenterhaas (December 7, 2015 at 1:08 AM).

  • I'm saying the bar and consistency is so high right now, higher than its ever been, why would I possibly spend money on new profiles when there is so much to choose from with a proven record? Yes, that is a valuable argument nowadays.... Maybe not in the Beginnjng, maybe not even a year ago, but it most certainly is now...And yes, sorry, but the most prominent profilers arguably all give out free profiles to try, hell all you have to do is sign up for Michaels email list and you are sent free profiles to try, and has been for well over a half a year, if not longer, that is not new in the least....

  • Just bought them, only quickly flicked through but some great sounding profiles!
    Picked up a pack by Guido as well.

    As far as samples, I don't see what the big deal is....
    Its funny the same guy bitching about not getting free profiles is the same guy saying MW etc would never release a pack and has all these exclusive Andy Sneap profiles etc ......ROFL

  • Yea so anyways...I'm sure the original poster would appreciate keeping this post on topic... For anyone playing along at home, caveman guy has a serious hard on for me, my super duper cool friends, and an extreme jealousy for situations I've been in that he apparently hasn't... And the sad thing is it's been going on for over a year... Go ahead, just take a look at his recent posts, he can barely go one post without giving some sly comment in relation to something ive
    said about engineer profiles and certain engineers who will never give them out...he apparently can't handle reality: or me being right....

    Sorry about that Bert.

    Edited once, last by VESmedic (December 7, 2015 at 4:09 AM).

  • VESmedic: I don't understand what you're doing here, if you don't want to buy Bert's profiles, simply don't buy it. You can wait for free ones, no problem for me, but noone is interested in your strange comments, offending behaviour or smart ass-stuff.

    BTT.: I'm still enjoying Bert's profiles and I have a lot of fun with them, for sure I will use them for my upcoming studio-sessions, tours and the production of my next album, great job Bert !!!

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas / http://guenterhaas.weebly.com/