[BM Profiles] Bert's S-man62 rigpack, available now!!!

  • Hey Bert, I´d like to know whether the profiles are more useful for studio- or livesound...what do the others think?

    Haven’t tried them live yet, but as my live performances are built predominantly using profiles from Bert’s other packs, I don’t see why they shouldn’t be every bit as good.

  • 1:30 whoa! thats the longest Jingle Berts ever played! :D
    Jokes love ya man!! :thumbup:
    Yep Megalith is my Fav atm!!
    Neck pick up on the [Bert] Strat you will never go wrong :thumbup:


    Yeah Ash, after 1:30 my playing gets boring :thumbup: Didn't know you were a metalhead.....honestly, I thought you were a funky/reggae dude... ?(

    Nothing more to say.

    Speechless about the quality.


    Thanks Frank !! Killer tune !! Imho this is the best lead I've ever heard you play man, killer sound :thumbup::thumbup:

    The most VERSATILE pack out there! Perfectly finetuned rigs, covering decades of guitar and amp history soundwise. And there is so much to discover. The Egnator "module thing" profiles sound incredible good.

    Thanks so much !! The Egnater was a big surprise to me....I thought they were more bass oriented but this oldie is really fantastic..

    Hey Bert, I´d like to know whether the profiles are more useful for studio- or livesound...what do the others think?

    Hey @Totter in my opinion they can be used for both, live and studio. I test them carefully and they should do the job for both of them. If not they don't make the pack, I'll leave them out.
    For example, one of the things I do is that I'm the Voice guitarplayer in Holland. I use the KPA only with IEM's. The main out is going to the mobile studio as well as FOH. Mobile studio as well as FOH keep the signal untouched so no EQ or whatever at all, just the straight guitar signal coming from the KPA and they use it like it is...

    So "untouched" they have to sound good in studio as well as FOH. I check the monitor out using a cab as well, has to be good also and finally I check them with IEM. If all four works fine for me than the rig is in.

  • Yeah Ash, after 1:30 my playing gets boring :thumbup: Didn't know you were a metalhead.....honestly, I thought you were a funky/reggae dude... ?(

    Thanks Frank !! Killer tune !! Imho this is the best lead I've ever heard you play man, killer sound :thumbup::thumbup:

    Thanks so much !! The Egnater was a big surprise to me....I thought they were more bass oriented but this oldie is really fantastic..

    Hey @Totter in my opinion they can be used for both, live and studio. I test them carefully and they should do the job for both of them. If not they don't make the pack, I'll leave them out.For example, one of the things I do is that I'm the Voice guitarplayer in Holland. I use the KPA only with IEM's. The main out is going to the mobile studio as well as FOH. Mobile studio as well as FOH keep the signal untouched so no EQ or whatever at all, just the straight guitar signal coming from the KPA and they use it like it is...

    So "untouched" they have to sound good in studio as well as FOH. I check the monitor out using a cab as well, has to be good also and finally I check them with IEM. If all four works fine for me than the rig is in.

    Thx Bert,

    Congrats to you. This pack is more than awesome.

    The ML is cool for hard rock style riffs and so on. One amp is very very special for me. It's the M-offset.

    Man, I love this straty sound. Here is what I mean (only 1:26 for Ash :D:D )

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  • Killed it Frank, sweet :thumbsup: Nice track/s!!!

  • One amp is very very special for me. It's the M-offset.

    Same here Frank !! This is such a rare and highly collectable amp, I was so lucky that I could lay my hands on it :thumbup::thumbup:
    There were 2 offsets at Wisseloord studio. Just before I started profiling the owner sold one for a crazy amount of money and kept this one. According to him this was the best sounding offset ...Lucky me :D
    Love you little wingy :!::!:

  • Smooth as Frank!, =O whoa! ....absolutely killed it, any one else want to admit that Frank always inspires you to play/practice like me? :)
    Bert in your packs i can do metal, reggae or funk!! :thumbup: Thats what i like about these packs, you can play anger when you need too (metal) and when you want to impress the ladies you can do funk/reggae :D


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • Same here Frank !! This is such a rare and highly collectable amp, I was so lucky that I could lay my hands on it :thumbup::thumbup: There were 2 offsets at Wisseloord studio. Just before I started profiling the owner sold one for a crazy amount of money and kept this one. According to him this was the best sounding offset ...Lucky me :D
    Love you little wingy :!::!:

    Ha, so we have the same taste....
    The pack is great and many many gems in there but when I first switched to this amp I heard something very special and the feel when playing is awesome, dynamic and I never expected this sound out of my dimarzios. I replaced the Michael Landau suhr pu's with the superdistortion on bridge and the air nirton on neck and also these dimarzios bring out the special strat sound. Not so bad imho, like this pu combi very much and I also have the same pu's as real humbuckers in one of my gibsons.
    For the strat I used these humbuckers in singlecoil format. The ml beta 4 (and7) m s killer with these pickup's. I didn't checked it with the gibson and with the jem's. This is next on my to do list. I'll keep you informed if you like. Hope it's ok for you when I post a soundclip here. Michael (Riesenbeck) was absolutly right. Great great work! And thx for your nice comment about the little wingy sample, I love this sound. Live it sounds a kick better than on the tune, I think it depends on my speakers. Played over my frfr it's beautiful. Just some real small eq adjustments for my frfr. I use the rcf 10 nx sma.


  • lately, I can only play profiles from this pack. Some other good profiles from vendors whose work I like may be offered these days, but I won't be tempted easily. I've already got way too many profiles that are very good or even great, and many in Bert's pack three are up there with the best ever (Pacheco 's Morgan is one of them), and they are hard to beat. Will pack four be so damn good? Next year, Bert?

    Never too old for rock'n'roll

  • This is next on my to do list. I'll keep you informed if you like. Hope it's ok for you when I post a soundclip here.

    Please do !! Keep me informed because all feedback is very valuable to me !! Same about your soundclips, please post 'm. It's highly appreciated.

    and many in Bert's pack three are up there with the best ever (Pacheco 's Morgan is one of them), and they are hard to beat. Will pack four be so damn good? Next year, Bert?

    Thanks CJ, that's really cool man !!!! About pack 4, well, there are is still enough amps left at Wisseloord to do a great pack 4....a very early twin for instance (and many more great amps).
    I made this pick for the first Wisseloord pack because these amps covers all styles. I personally like to put versatile packs together.. :thumbup:

    Demo's sound fantastic, euro to $ makes it a bit painful though It went to number 1 on the wish list!

    Yes, true, most of the time Euro/Dollar is a bummer...
    But I'm very glad that despite the euro/dollar bummer it's number 1 on your wishlist :thumbup::thumbup:

  • ok, here is the Ibanez Jem with the hot evolution pu on bridge pos.

    Profile ML beta dist 4.

    Just a little tweak on eq , delay is bert's original tapped to tmpo and raised to 54% mix. Ducking +0,3 to make it not too prominend when playing.

    No strat, no gibson, just a heavy axe. These profiles will work for all. Next I'll try the cleans with the Ibanez jem. Hope they are cool as with the strat.

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  • aaaannnd the Jem clean. Switch position 4.

    Second part with the mainstation delay mix 72% Ducking +0,3

    Only noodling noodling noodling

    Dang. This wissellord pack is cool for every guitar. What have you done Bert? The kemper can exist only with this pack .......(but I have also a lot of other cool amps too ;) )

    Pure fun to play with flying dutchman!

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