[BM Profiles] Bert's Performance pack 2, available now!!!

  • Yes, I had one "+" too much, it's like Bert said the "CA 3+ ch3 A"-profile.

    The trumpet is coming from the keyboards, no guitars and no profiles used for that. Usually I start with the drums (normally Addictive Drums, Spectrasonics Stylus RMX, Loops ect.), then I play the rest (electric bass, keyboards and guitars). Sometimes I'm using Spectrasonocs Trillian instead of an electric bass, I'm trying not to quantize anything I'm playing into the computer. For my keyboads I'm using Spectrasonics Omnisphere and Native Instruments Komplete 10 Ultimate with some additional libraries like Ethno World (Best Service).

    Hello Günther,
    the clean sound on your record is awesome. Have you tweaked the profile or is it recorded right out of the box? Did you add an eq or additional effects in the kpa?
    Maybe you know it, mostely i play higher gain profiles like you can hear on my soundcloud examples but after buying berts profiles and hearing your music i am very interrested in clean and chruch sounds.
    I have specially bought a strat for it....
    It would be very fine if you can give me some tipps to get a good sound out of the strat if you use something special like a compressor with special settings or so on. I love the showman profiles too but imo there is far to much reverb on it.


  • Hi Bert,
    I did a detailed comparison of Pure Booster pre-stack vs. post-stack. For the life of me I could not pick up on that little bit more crunch you referred to. Actually - I found the volume dropped unless I pushed it over 4.0. If I placed that post-stack that amount would kill my ears (and the audience's). The EQ I couldn't notice an audible difference, but what do I know - I'm a rocker and am probably half deaf anyway.

    What I DID appreciate was placement and usage of distortion pre-stack, as are in many of your profiles, adding much zing and added overdrive... that made much more of a difference in my testing than pure booster pre-stack. (Have you tried the Pure Booster post-stack?)

    It's all good, and all FOR the good of our sound, however we like it. Thanks for being there!

    Hi Gary,

    I use the pure booster post stack only if the sound has to be a little bit louder. For example, if I have to play a rhythm part and I have to play a kind of lead line or a feature with the same sound I boost it with pure booster (post).
    Did you try the Bogner (B.E.C.) ch2 plexi profile with the pure boost pre stack. In that preset you can clearly notice what I mean although it's subtle.
    Let me know what you think of the pre stack pure boost in that profile.


  • I did a detailed comparison of Pure Booster pre-stack vs. post-stack. For the life of me I could not pick up on that little bit more crunch you referred to. Actually - I found the volume dropped unless I pushed it over 4.0. If I placed that post-stack that amount would kill my ears (and the audience's). The EQ I couldn't notice an audible difference, but what do I know - I'm a rocker and am probably half deaf anyway.

    The more your sound is distorted the less audible is the effect of the Pure Booster pre stack. I suggest to try it with a crunch and/or clean sound. The fact that you found a volume drop unless you pushed it over 4.0 is a bit strange and maybe indicates that something with your settings is messed up.
    Regarding the low cut: The effect is not so prominent but more subtle as such low frequencies are not that clearly audible for the human ear.

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • The more your sound is distorted the less audible is the effect of the Pure Booster pre stack. I suggest to try it with a crunch and/or clean sound. The fact that you found a volume drop unless you pushed it over 4.0 is a bit strange and maybe indicates that something with your settings is messed up.
    Regarding the low cut: The effect is not so prominent but more subtle as such low frequencies are not that clearly audible for the human ear.

    That's right Kempermaniac.

  • Hi Frank,

    I usually don't tweak profiles much, either I like them or not. Some of Bert's profiles didn't have enough bass for my taste, so I added just a little bit of bass from the main eq. That's all, there is no additional eq or compressor added. For reverb and delay I normally use my plugins, the reverb is from Native Instruments Komplete Ultimate (RC 48) and I've used some delay to spread the guitar a little bit, just to get a good stereo-mix.

    Basically the used profiles from Bert are right out of the box, they sound great the way they are.

    The clean guitar-track is picked with fingers, that makes a big difference and a warmer tone. Of course I mainly use plecs, but sometimes it's better to use the fingers like Mark Knopfler and Jeff Beck do it all the time. I studied classical guitar, so I'm used to pick with fingers. During a solo I also switch from plec to fingers quite often.

    Strats and Teles are THE guitars for great clean sounds, with Bert's profiles from B.E.C., CA3+ and Showman you already have top clean profiles. I also would recommend the '59 Bassman from Andy, '57 Deluxe from Armin and of course the "famous" Morgan AC20 from rmpacheco (Rig Exchange). Often a compressor is very helpful for clean sounds, I used Bert's KPA-compressor right out of the box and didn't add any hardware compressors (f.e. DBX 160x) or plugins (UAD & Waves).

    Over the years I found it much harder to get good clean profiles, seems to be more difficult to profile clean amp-settings. There are thousands of high gain and metal-profiles available, but just a few really great clean ones. Of course it's a matter of taste, too, I'm definitively a big fan of old Fender and Vox-amps with that nice shiny "sparkle".

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas / http://guenterhaas.weebly.com/

  • Man Berts profiles all have great low end to me... E especially the xtc and dick dale profiles... Massive low end, one of the most "real" I've ever played... Can't lie, his xtc has been my main go to for the last 2 weeks... It is stellar no doubt and the rumors are true, these profiles are quite different and a nice companion to my other favorites: just as impressed as I have been with anything else I love

  • Hi Günther, many thx for this response.
    Yes, you are absolutely right. The profiles from Bert are awesome, but tried to get nearly the tone that you have on your rose tune with the bes ca 3 a profile but i cant get this sparkling hights that you have. Maybe its also a question of the suhr pick ups that i have in my strat. The showman is much more sparkling for me. What kind of pick ups do you use?
    I also tried the magic morgan profile but for me it didnt sound so great right out of the box.
    Dont know why because i think my equipment is not so bad. I play the rcf 10" sma on left main out with no post eq in the output section and a mesa boogie real cab V30 celestion 2x12 at monitor out, cab sim of, no pure cab an a linear power amp.
    PS: It was a very good decision to buy the american standart. I have a lot of fun to play with. At this time my jems are a little bit out and i use the strat first and than my music ma petrucci bfr jp6 and my Les Paul .
    Back to the roots. It makes me playing slower and i have to practice with the metronom again to be in time, but its a lot of fun with these awesome profiles.


  • Strats and Teles are THE guitars for great clean sounds, with Bert's profiles from B.E.C., CA3+ and Showman you already have top clean profiles. I also would recommend the '59 Bassman from Andy, '57 Deluxe from Armin and of course the "famous" Morgan AC20 from rmpacheco (Rig Exchange).

    It is interesting for me as well as enjoyable.
    I actually have little idea of sound engineering - I do not produce professional.
    These are pretty much the same profile that I have chosen for me for the clean sounds with the Strat.
    Seems as if I'm on a right track. :)
    Also I find the Tonekings of Armin with low gain very usefull for me.
    For crunch and lead, I finally have not decided yet, there are so many excellent profiles.

    keep rockin' Harry

  • One big factor of all guitar-sounds are the guitars, like I said I'm using the same profile without any additional eqs or compressors. But my '58 strat with maple neck (all original except new frets) is very different from an American standard-strat or a custom shop-strat. From 20 custom shop-strats I've chosen the best one ('56 reissue), compared to the original '58 the custom-shop doesn't have the nice and shiny brilliance, although it's a great guitar. Even my '66 strat doesn't have that brilliance, but it's an awesome guitar, too. The difference might be the guitar, of course there are also really bad vintage guitars existing, but I was lucky to get a very good one.

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas / http://guenterhaas.weebly.com/

  • Guys,

    Can anybody of the experienced guys on this forum tell me why this thread, most active if I have to believe the column "most active threads" on the starting page, suddenly totally has disappeared from that list....?

    Thanks !!

    Cheers, Bert

  • Can anybody of the experienced guys on this forum tell me why this thread, most active if I have to believe the column "most active threads" on the starting page, suddenly totally disappears from that list....?

    You know Bert I was wondering the same thing. I had to go through old posts to find it again. Save it as one of your threads your following, at least that way you'll be able to find it easily, don't know how to get it to appear on that list of most popular threads though. Weird!

    I was looking for it to respond to your pre-stack BEC ch2 plexi suggestion. And the answer is yes, of course I appreciate "some" added spunk, but when I do a solo (some people around my area actually call that a "lead ride." Never heard that one before!), I really want it out front and prominent, and post stack is the only way to make that happen, plus all the effects are boosted, not just those pre-stack. Pre-stack is possibly more useful in a recording setting (?).


    Gary ô¿ô

  • You know Bert I was wondering the same thing. I had to go through old posts to find it again. Save it as one of your threads your following, at least that way you'll be able to find it easily, don't know how to get it to appear on that list of most popular threads though. Weird!

    I was looking for it to respond to your pre-stack BEC ch2 plexi suggestion. And the answer is yes, of course I appreciate "some" added spunk, but when I do a solo (some people around my area actually call that a "lead ride." Never heard that one before!), I really want it out front and prominent, and post stack is the only way to make that happen, plus all the effects are boosted, not just those pre-stack. Pre-stack is possibly more useful in a recording setting (?).


    The disappearing is a very strange thing.....I hope I'll get some more reactions from guys who knows why this happened !!

    I made a soundfile of the ch 2 pre stack boost (without and with).
    You're right, post stack is the only way to get it louder, pre stack will add only more crunch.


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  • Well it's just now appearing in the most watched threads area, at least from here I'm seeing it Bert.

    That was awfully nice of you to make a soundfile of that comparison, you didn't have to go to all that trouble, but thanks! It does confirm what I thought about volume and crunch, though it's a very favorable crunch.

    I'm right now (between patients) organizing a Performance of your rigs for live gigs, from clean (Showman 62) to dirty and loud, with stops in between. Which to choose... that's the tough part! I am adding some optional FX, a bit more delay, some other things that I favor. For example I personally like a Hyper Chorus available on most rigs, as well as Wah engaged (in bypass to stop mode) in all rigs. Never know when that might come in handy. I do enjoy tweaking, and am doing so on yours as well, hope you don't mind!


    Gary ô¿ô

  • I made a demo using a couple of my Bert Meulendijk profiles.

    Cheers, Bert

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  • I made a demo using a couple of my Bert Meulendijk profiles.

    Cheers, Bert

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    Hi Bert, whouuu what a graet tune! Could you so kind and describe it a liitle bit? I'd like to know what profiles
    you have chosen for the
    different main parts. There is one of my fav sounds in one solo
    that is nearly the same as a pretty good luke sound. Awesome man!
    This is exactely what i expected from the kpa.
    Have a great new year and save some fricandel for me :P

