Simulate the Centaur Klon in the stomp section

  • A lot of people seems to think that the Centaur Klon is the holy grail among boost/overdrive pedals.

    I like the sound of it too, and wonder if anyone has managed to make a "simulated" version of it in the stomp section.

    I'm my head a booster is a combination of overdrive, eq and compressor. So it should be possible to use the stomp section to do get close to the Klon sound.

    Has anyone tried to do simulate a Klon in the stomp section? Want to share your experiences?

  • A lot of people seems to think that the Centaur Klon is the holy grail among boost/overdrive pedals.

    I like the sound of it too, and wonder if anyone has managed to make a "simulated" version of it in the stomp section.

    I'm my head a booster is a combination of overdrive, eq and compressor. So it should be possible to use the stomp section to do get close to the Klon sound.

    Has anyone tried to do simulate a Klon in the stomp section? Want to share your experiences?

    At one point I saw a frequency diagram of the Centaur and it has a bump at 720Hz if I recall.

    Assuming all you want is a clean boost with no overdrive (and many people use the Centaur that way,) I used the EQ in front with a little boost at 720 and some low end rolloff and some high end rolloff and was able to get really close to how I use my ARC Klone (I don't have a real Centaur but this is the closest I've found.)

    I wouldn't have any idea where to set the overdrive and compression characteristics, however.

  • There is a slight mid bump with the centaur but the problem with emulating it is that the centaur blends in the clean tone as you turn the gain down. If you want to just use it as a clean boost then an EQ boost should be able to get something roughly in the ballpark, as @gtrgriff3 said. But if you want the incredible klon breakup you might be better off getting a klone pedal and putting it in a loop on the kemper or run it into the front of the amp (just velcro it to your rack if you don't have other pedals). I use the archer ikon klone on my board. The ARC was good too but too big.