Tried my HD500x again for a night. Ugh

  • I've been using my Kemper live for the last few weeks. We've got a bigger gig coming up and we're having a fill in band play for our house gig, using our stage setup. So I thought I'd run my HD500x again, just to make sure the fill in guitar player will have some usable sounds, since I will be using my Kemper for the bigger show. Wow. I can't believe how much better and more responsive the KPA is. It was a long and painful night not having it. Funny, considering the HD500x was my main sound for a year before I got the Kemper, and I always thought the Line 6 was more than adequate, even to the point where I thought of returning the Kemper because it didn't seem that much better than the Line 6. You don't know how much you appreciate something until you step away from it for a bit.

  • Agreed :)

    I always say that we have to get accustomed to quality. That's why I prefer to use things that are of better quality even if/when I can't hear differences at the moment (namely, cabs). I am sureI will, when I go back after a while.


  • The Line 6 edit program makes it pretty easy to edit the parches through your computer via USB. Tweaking it through the pedal LCD is a nightmare. But I can't believe I used it for a year, before the Kemper. If anyone is on the fence about spending more to get the Kemper, you have to pull the trigger on it. It's so much more enjoyable playing live now for me, with such a responsive and dynamic unit.