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  • Thanks for the free profiles for testing!!

    They both sound flat and a bit on the darker side? Activated EQ with low cut and mids, treble and presence turned quite a bit up helps. But not my favourite profile so far... But maybe could be good in a mix / double tracking with a brighter rig after some tweaking. Have to try this.

  • Thanks for the free profiles for testing!!

    They both sound flat and a bit on the darker side? Activated EQ with low cut and mids, treble and presence turned quite a bit up helps. But not my favourite profile so far... But maybe could be good in a mix / double tracking with a brighter rig after some tweaking. Have to try this.

    Yep! Very flat, all eq settings at noon and a bit darker/warmer sounding. Profiles are from recording session I had today. It fits the band perfectly with no tweaking at all. They use Fender Telecaster.

  • Yep! Very flat, all eq settings at noon and a bit darker/warmer sounding. Profiles are from recording session I had today. It fits the band perfectly with no tweaking at all. They use Fender Telecaster.

    Addendum: Flat EQ, but not lifeless sounding at all!!
    Will test with brighter guitar for sure, but tommorow. Family wants a meal, I am the cook today ... I think pasta will do :whistling:

    And thanks again for sharing your work!

  • Hopefully the majority of your profiles are not with eq all at noon? Eq at noon on the 5153 is by no means "flat" or "neutral" as far as eq spectrum is concerned on that amp, and I've never seen anyone rave about those settings??? Surely not a setting I've ever used on my 5153 that I've had for years...

  • outstanding Ivan! the evh cab makes it a better amp

    Very true! The cab is perfect for this amp. Thanks!

    Hopefully the majority of your profiles are not with eq all at noon? Eq at noon on the 5153 is by no means "flat" or "neutral" as far as eq spectrum is concerned on that amp, and I've never seen anyone rave about those settings??? Surely not a setting I've ever used on my 5153 that I've had for years...

    Of course not, that would be very stupid... Like I said, these 2 profiles are from recording session I had today. It's a Punk/Rock band. The guitarist liked the tone with everything at noon for some reason with his Telecaster. It was made to fit their style tbh. But I just wanted to share it, to hear reactions before I dig in for the EVH update.
    It sounded great with the Fender, and I think it's also great for live use.

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    This is profile 03 on the Mustaine (Marshall with V30's) cab with a U87 and SM57 mic'ing according to the cabinet tags. I'm using my EBMM JP6 and I swapped the stock pickups for Dimarzio Crunch Lab/Liquifire. I made the following tweaks to the profile:

    • Gain: 5.9, Treble: -0.4, Presence: -0.5
    • Cabinet High Shift: -0.2 (actually makes a big difference)
    • Amp Definition 6.3 (I think I lowered this), Power Sagging 0.2 (helps loosen up things when a profile is too "stiff"/responsive - this profile didn't need much at all, but it does help)
    • Stomp A: Noise Gate 2:1 Threshold 3.2
    • Stomp B: Studio EQ Mid 1 Gain: -2.1, Freq: 450, Q: 0.707; Mid 2 Gain: 5.1, Freq: 1850, Q: 0.327, Mix: 60% - this is the key along with lowering the amp definition. the lower definition adds the fatness to the low end but you lose some midrange saturation, which I make up for here.
    • X: Studio EQ High Gain: -3, High Freq: 2180, Mid 1 Gain: 2.5, Freq 770, Q: 0.544, Mid 2 Gain: 0.6, Freq: 200, Q: 0.428
    • Mod: Serial TwoTap Delay Mix: 17.8%, Note Val 1: 4/16, Note Val 2: 3/16, Feedback: 24%, Stereo: 200%, Modulation: 6.2
    • Delay: Quad Delay: Mix: 14.3%, Feedback: 80%, ratio 1: 8.7%, ratio 2: 10%, ratio 3: 77.8%, delay 4 time: 297 ms, vol 1: 10, vol 2: 5.9, vol 3: 10, vol 4: 7, pan 1: -100%, pan 2: +100%, pan 3: -100%, pan 4: +100%, stereo 200%, mod: 3.6, cross feedback: 10
    • Reverb: Hall: Mix: 28.3%, Del+Rev Balance: 94% (it's basically disabled if you disable the delay slot - this just softens that delay, which is already kind of verb-like), time: 1.8, damping: 2.5, predelay: 160 ms

    So I leave the entire effects section off for rhythm work - sometimes I add a bit of reverb. In a mix you probably want a bit more mids and some less bass, but the tonestack EQ knobs are good enough - no need to fine-tune with an effect. The EQ in the X slot gives a decent volume boost in addition to reducing highs and adding mids - it's basically a solo/lead boost. The Mod delay is what really stands out as a delay and works well for leads (and more space-y rhythms), while the Delay and Reverb slots together make a nice large room sound.

  • how about one more? This time quad tracked in a full mix... (quad track definitely not tight enough, but you get an idea of how it should sound)

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  • My 11th cabinet just arrived in the studio!
    It's loaded with the signature EVH speakers.

    Now to do some proper updating of 5153 EL34 pack and release it the same time as other ones.

    I've got the EVH412 cab too and love it :D I'm really interested if you can tell something about your micing approach of this cab. I find V30 cabs much more easy to mic up and always had difficulties with this one. The differences between tiny mic movements made me crazy some times. 8|

  • I've got the EVH412 cab too and love it :D I'm really interested if you can tell something about your micing approach of this cab. I find V30 cabs much more easy to mic up and always had difficulties with this one. The differences between tiny mic movements made me crazy some times. 8|

    Yes, those tiny mic movements can be really tricky.
    What mics do you use to mic your EVH cab?
    What is it that makes you have difficulties with the evh cab?

  • Yes, those tiny mic movements can be really tricky.
    What mics do you use to mic your EVH cab?
    What is it that makes you have difficulties with the evh cab?

    Normally I go with one or two SM57, I try sometimes an MD421 in addition but I'm not a big fan of that combination. I also have an Audix I5 which I really like on more low gain stuff but not on high gain with this cab. I've also done recordings with a Royer 121 on this which is sadly not mine.
    It's hard to say which are the difficulties, it's more a thing of balancing out the tone with the mic with this particular cab. For me personal it's harder with this one, than with other cabs and it takes more time to get the right balancing of mids to highs. :)
    I'm looking forward to the pack update from you!

  • Normally I go with one or two SM57, I try sometimes an MD421 in addition but I'm not a big fan of that combination. I also have an Audix I5 which I really like on more low gain stuff but not on high gain with this cab. I've also done recordings with a Royer 121 on this which is sadly not mine.It's hard to say which are the difficulties, it's more a thing of balancing out the tone with the mic with this particular cab. For me personal it's harder with this one, than with other cabs and it takes more time to get the right balancing of mids to highs. :)
    I'm looking forward to the pack update from you!

    I can tell you exactly how I mic mine but 100% it wouldn't work for you :) honestly my best advice is to try blending different mics...and keep searching for the sweet spot. I almost 90% use Heil pr20 over sm57 blended with Beyerdynamic m160 Ribbon mic these days...and if it is a sm57 it's with 421 but one is darker compared to other. It takes about 15-30 min for me to be sure that it's a good sound. But again it may sound like total garbage to others.

    The update will be good I think! :)

  • another thing to consider is rather than trying to move multiple mics around until you get them sounding in-phase, you can route the mic signals through a daw before returning to the kemper and can use plugins to delay one mic's signal at a very fine level to find the phase balance that sounds good.

  • Yep! Very flat, all eq settings at noon and a bit darker/warmer sounding. Profiles are from recording session I had today. It fits the band perfectly with no tweaking at all. They use Fender Telecaster.

    You know, Cili, I often find your rigs too bright, namely through headphones and using SCs. Through monitors and cabs the harshness is minimised, though. But these darker rigs are very good and not harsh (playing a Strat). Gotta try them with humbuckers and see.

    Never too old for rock'n'roll

  • You know, Cili, I often find your rigs too bright, namely through headphones and using SCs. Through monitors and cabs the harshness is minimised, though. But these darker rigs are very good and not harsh (playing a Strat). Gotta try them with humbuckers and see.

    Hey @CJGOMEZ thanks for trying it out, I see you dig kinda "darker" tones.

    But honestly, it all depends what is what you're looking for. All my profiles are made to fit good in the studio session with correction needed for every band. Every profile I make I test it with the drums and bass. But bare in mind that everyone is mixing differently so...

    I never use headphones with kemper, becouse for me it doesn't sound as good as I wish.

    Some may say it sounds thin, without reducing the definition to give it more body, it sounds too bright without reducing the treble or presence etc etc. But I understand that people want magic right out of the box. And that's not bad by any means.

    I just say, try your favorite profile in a song, mixed with other inatruments without tweaking, live with the band with no tweaking and if it sounds awesome, let me know I wanna buy it right away!

    I have never found a profile I bought that I liked right away. Not even mine tbh, when I use it for a different band. Why? Taste I guess but with a bit of tweaking I got what I wanted every time.

    What I think matters is the good foundation of the profile, so you can build your dream tone.

    Still don't know how to react and what to think when people say to me that the same profile for one guy sound bright and for the other guy dark... :) also when some of them compare, for example mk4 high gain profile with let's say a marshall jcm 800 mid gain...and many other situations.

    I know exactly how to make every pack good for everyone, just need some feedback.
    For example do you use Kemper to play for yourself in the home studio, with the band, live or for recording/mixing stuff.

    People need to realize that those fantastic album gtr tones from your favorite albums ARE tweaked after recording to fit the song. Plus mastering over it.

    I'm looking forward to finish all the updates for you guys. Can't wait to hear what you think. More balanced sound this time and not so much gain involved. With the effects also.


  • Sure, Cili. Live you need darker rigs than in the studio, but you can use hp and lp filters to get closer in either situation. No criticism here. You cannot make all customers happy! Different ears, guitars, necessities. But live and studio versions of a few rigs may be a good idea. Just as versions for SCs versus humbuckers. Many of us are lazy tweakers. :)

    Never too old for rock'n'roll