[CiliLab] - 40% off. Use code:564SVR

  • I don't remember amp settings for those 26 profiles in the pack. But this next batch of 15 will be merged.It's very time consuming for me in this case to make merged profiles, just because I make a big number covering the whole amp + cabs + all kinds of mic combinations.
    But I see that the people are satisfaid with 15-20 merged profiles per pack, with mostly 1-2 cabs and 57 or 57/421 mic combo.

    I completely understand the profiling and mic setup is very time consuming. I just thought that with sellers making merged profiles, it would save time to make direct and studio profiles with the same settings. That way you wouldn't be making a third session to create new merged profiles.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • It probably depends on whether the profiler is positive every one they are making are "keepers". Some people probably make 100's and keep 25 of the best ones...so to do the 100's part as merged just for the 25 keepers than it's probably a lot of extra work.

  • I completely understand the profiling and mic setup is very time consuming. I just thought that with sellers making merged profiles, it would save time to make direct and studio profiles with the same settings. That way you wouldn't be making a third session to create new merged profiles.

    Don't get me wrong, I like your idea 100% but I'm also 100% sure that some folks simply wouldn't know how to merge them by themselves. So, when you have a product to sell it has to be prepared for the final user in total.
    Imagine buying drum samples but you have to cut them yourself for example :)

    Like I wrote, your idea is awesome but...

  • It probably depends on whether the profiler is positive every one they are making are "keepers". Some people probably make 100's and keep 25 of the best ones...so to do the 100's part as merged just for the 25 keepers than it's probably a lot of extra work.

    Very true! Atleast in my case. I simply need time to make a pack. Various mic combinations, amp settings etc etc is time consuming. Plus extra time for making great demos.

    I know I'm bad at marketing and advertasing my profiles. And after 2 and a half years of profiling, changing my store name from SoundLab to CiliLab, deleting ALL my previous threads and starting all over from scratch it's a pain in the ass TBH.

    I still don't have professional looking site...

    BUT, I simply ENJOY making profiles, end of story.

    Kemper is CRAZY good!

  • Well Frank and Lars told me about Ivan and to get his packs!! Now to me that says some thing as Frank and Lars do some killer tones too, Ivan has an underground following and has a special talent for metal, I am glad we are getting some metal in the next pack !!! :D what? what did i do... ^^ ...He does not need to advertise we will do it for him 8o:thumbup:

    Metaaaaaalll next pack!!! :P


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • Well Frank and Lars told me about Ivan and to get his packs!! Now to me that says some thing as Frank and Lars do some killer tones too, Ivan has an underground following and has a special talent for metal, I am glad we are getting some metal in the next pack !!! :D what? what did i do... ^^ ...He does not need to advertise we will do it for him 8o:thumbup:

    Metaaaaaalll next pack!!! :P


    Hey Ash, it's not gonna be only for metal, sorry. More 50/50. Think about modern Van Halen Sound.

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    Plus some heavy tones.

    Btw, still waiting my cabs to arrive from a music festival so I could make mooore profiles per cab. But this time not too much.

  • Here's a quick test with Marshall 1960AHW cabinet loaded with Celestion BlackBack's G12H miced with sm57/421 on a Blue channel. Crunchy and medium gain. No boost just pure amp sound.

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  • Here's a short test of EVH 5150 III Stealth EL34 on Red ch with Orange PPC412 cab loaded with V30 miced with pr20/e906 mics through Neve and UAD preamps.

    Free profile below. Say thanks if you don't want to blow your Kemper! :P

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  • I give Ivan extra 40 euros if he does :P:P
    come baby whats up (i will trust me)

    JOKES MAN, i would my brothers should we let the man do his thing he always produces nah? 8o
    We are always gonna hang out for these pack Ivan forgive us? 8o:thumbup:



    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • You know i always post this?

    Because i have been through every rig of Ivan's so far and i want to speak you guys :D
    They ALL have gems in them k ;) ,,dont miss out and PLEASE check them out whilst Ivan does his mOjo/ other packs and WORKS his magic <3

    Hugz to all and don't forget to stretch before you play NO matter how old K :P
    OOO ^^


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • Sorry for the delay guys! Had some private stuff I had to take care of, I hope you didn't get mad at me ||

    Anyway here it is, the brand new pack from me called Mr.VAN 53 [ EVH 5153 Stealth EL34 version ] This one is a pure Rock & Metal monster! Eddie finally nailed it to the bone IMHO!

    So, Same as with the Fred-Man BE 100 pack I included 2 folders.
    One folder is for the guitars with a humbuckers and the other folder is tweaked to fit the guitars with single coil pickups.

    I used 4 cabinets this time.

    01.Mesa/Boogie Rectifier OS
    02.Mesa/Boogie Stiletto
    03.Marshall 1960AHW
    04.Orange PPC412

    5 Mics:

    01.Neumann U87
    02.Shure SM57
    03.Sennheiser MD421
    04.Heil PR20
    05.Sennheiser E906

    And my 2 trusty mic preamps:

    01.Neve 1073
    02.UAD Solo 619

    Here are some audio demos until I make new ones! Expect Eddie Van Halen riffs and solos! :thumbup:

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    PLEASE DO NOT BUY IT IF YOU ARE NOT SURE YET! Wait for more audio demos!

    Have a nice day everyone!

  • And ordered it,waiting on the download link now...

    Got them! Test time :thumbup:

    Thanks guys!

    But I gotta admit something. Every single time I release a pack, I'm scared to death what you guys think about it.. Really, I feel nervous for the next 7 days or so :)

    But again I totally need your opinion, cause tbh you're the big part of my success in quality!

    So bare in mind that I tend to make balanced profiles that rock and metal guys could both like it.
    The hardest thing is to make a guitar sound to be liked by everyone.
    Because I don't know what type of drum sound you guys use/like, what type of bass guitar soumd you like etc etc...

    So, try to make it more natural and balanced is the way to go for me.

    Even I tweak my profiles everytime I use them for recording different bands. Everytime!!!
